Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Best Friend isn't to happy...

So I’m standing here wearing my UGGs, leggings, and an oversized dark grey sweatshirt. My hair is curled but I pulled it into a loose side ponytail, I have a cute hat on with my over sized white glasses. I’m standing on my tippy toes trying to see over the huge man standing in front of me. “Ally chill out, she’s right there” Joe said grabbing my hand and pointing with his other one, There she was Nicole, looking as confused as ever trying to find us. The guys were all wearing sweat shirts and hats with there sunglasses. Selena had on sun glasses and a sweat shirt with the hood up. “NICOLE!!!” I shouted, she shot over towards me. “ALLY!!” we ran to each other and when we met she dropped her suitcase and we engulfed each other in a huge hug. “Ew why is she here?” Nicole said to me once we parted and she saw them walking over towards us “Be nice. Or at least try like I am” I said to her and she just laughed, “so have you hit her yet??” she asked crossing her arms and eyeing me, “No, not yet” I said laughing. “Nicole!!” Joe shouted picking her up. “Joseph!!” she said laughing. “Hey Kevin!” She said fist pounding him, she smiled at Nick…she says she still isn’t talking to him even if I am. “Hi I’m Nicole, your boyfriends ex’s best friend” She said shaking her hand with a smile plastered on her face. I snorted because I was trying not to laugh, Joe’s eyes widened along with Nick’s. Kevin was just shaking his head. “Oh um hi, I’m Selena” she said confused at first but then ended it with a smile. “Let’s go before paparazzi gets a picture of all of us.” Joe said picking up Nicole’s bag and pointing to the group of people running with cameras. “Let’s go” I said grabbing Nicole’s hand. We all ran towards the rest of the air port and threw the revolving doors. The paparazzi were taking pictures but we were now in the car laughing and driving away.

“Were home!!!” Joe and me both shouted as we ran threw the front door. “To soon” Mr. Jonas said laughing. “Oh come on Mr. Jonas you know you love our entrances!” I said throwing my arm around Joe’s shoulders. “Oh I know” he said smiling. “You must be Nicole!” Mrs. Jonas said from the stairs, “Hi, you must be Mrs. Jonas!” “You guys have met before” Joe said, “I know but- oh Joseph be quiet!” Mrs. Jonas said making us all laugh. Mr Jonas gave her a hug, “Nice to see you again Nicole” “You to Mr. Jonas” she said smiling. “Okay well kids we are going to Mr. and Mrs. Gomez’s little get together tonight” Mrs. Jonas said smiling at us, “Oh is it okay if I go out and show Nicole around?” I asked, “Of course, just be home by eleven okay?” “Of course!” I said smiling with Nicole, “Yea, is it alright if I go out with Lindsey tonight?” “Sure, what are you two doing?” Mr. Jonas said motioning towards Nick and Selena…since they weren’t alowed to be alone anymore “Um I don’t know, stay here?” Nick tried. Mr. Jonas just laughed. “They can come with us” I said, Nicole looked at me. “Are you sure?” Nick asked. “Yea it’ll be fine.” I said nodding my head. “Alright well Joe sorry but can you babysit the Frank?” “Yea sure” he said with a sigh. “Come on Nicole I want to show you my room!” I shouted randomly and grabbing her hand, she laughed, “Joe can you get her bag?” I asked running up the stairs, “I guess so” he said laughing a little. I threw open my door and yelled, “TA DAH!!” “Wow this is great! WHO IS THIS?!?!” Nicole shouted picking up the sleeping Max, well he wasn’t sleeping anymore. “This is Max, Nick gave him to me for Christmas” “Oh so he’s a love puppy” she said smiling while holding his nose to hers. “I guess so” I said laughing at her. “Here’s the bag” Joe said dropping it down. “Thanks Joe” I said smiling at him, I closed the door as he came in and sat down on the computer chair. “So why are they going with you?” Joe asked spinning around. “Because, since there not alowed to be alone anymore I figured, they can just come with us and then they’ll peace out and we’ll just meet up at the end of the night when we get home.” “Makes sence” Joe said nodding his head, “Whatever I’m still not talking to him” Nicole said playing with Max’s ears. “Nicole I told you were fine now!” “No he broke your heart! I should break his face!!” I just laughed along with Joe. “You know you used to love him” I said raising an eyebrow at her, “That was before he broke my best friends heart.” She said still looking at Max and playing with his ears. “Aw thanks Nicole that was cute!” “Oh so cute!” Joe said in a gay voice making us all laugh. That’s when my door was opened, “Yo, thanks Al for letting us come with you and Nicole tonight” It was Nick with Selena trailing behind him. “Yea well I figured we could do our own things and then meet back up somewhere.” I said to him, “Alright sounds good” Selena said smiling and entangling her hand with Nick’s. I almost threw up but Nicole was the one that made the gagging noises. How I love how mature me and my best friend are. I busted out laughing along with Joe while Nick rolled his eyes but had a smile on his face, Selena on the other hand….she just didn’t know what was going on.

“Nick what broke in your room the other day?” Joe asked changing the subject, “Oh…when I threw my shoe at the wall it knocked the frame ally gave me off my wall…” “It broke?” I asked looking at him, I thought he just had taken down. “Yea…that’s what I just said.” He said laughing a bit. I kind of feel bad now…. I trash talked him for that to Kevin the other night. My bad. “Al?” Joe said then I felt something smack me in the face. “OW!!!” I heard Nicole laughing. “My bad it slipped” she said smiling, “Oh shut up” I said throwing the pillow back at her. “So what time do you guys want to go?” Nick asked. “When ever you two do” I said back, “Um seven?” “That’s in like twenty minutes…” Nicole said to him while starring at him with a straight face. “Um seven thirty?” he said putting up his hand in defense. “That works” I said smacking Nicole. “Yea whatever.” She said sighing as I rolled my eyes at her.