Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Meeting James.

“Meet back here at ten forty-five?” Nick said to me as we were walking into the mall. “Alright” I said to him, “Have fun with your whore” Nicole said before grabbing my hand and pulling me in the separate direction of Selena and Nick. “Nicole chill with the comments okay?” I said laughing a little. “Oh whatever, he’s a big boy he can handle a little name calling” she said rolling her eyes. “Come on let’s go, I want to meet some Jersey boys!” She said causing me to just laugh at her. I was wearing dark washed out jeans with a few rips here and there with a pair of reef flip flops and a black sweat shirt. My hair was in it’s natural brown wavy state. Nicole was wearing some jeans and a blue sweat shirt that said Weston High. The high school she goes to. We were walking but not long before we were stopped by some guys. That’s how the whole night was. We’d walk for like ten minutes then be stopped. The first few were just creepy or complete goofs. But then we met James and TJ. They were soccer players at the high school. They were both tall, and buff. James had long black hair that was slightly in his eyes but not nearly as long as Joe’s. TJ was a dirty blonde, his hair was short and they both were wearing there soccer warm ups, “We just came from game” James said to me after I cracked a joke about how they both were matching. “Oh I’m sure” Nicole said laughing, “No really we did, I promise!” TJ said nodding his head yes. “So where do you guys go to school?” James asked looking at me, “Oh I’m home schooled.” I said, “And I got to Weston High, in Pennsylvania.” “Well that’s a long commute.” TJ said causing us to laugh, “No retard she doesn’t live here. Right?”James said looking between me and Nicole, “Right” we both said at once. “I’m out here visiting Ally” Nicole said pointing towards me. “Oh did you like move here from Philly or something?” James asked as he walked into the Cold Stone that was in the mall, “Um actually I grew up here, then moved to Philly but my mom died so I moved to Michigan to live with my aunt, and now I’m back here staying with really good family friends, there practically my own family.” I said, “Oh can I have a like it with cake batter and rain bow sprinkles please?” I said standing on my tippy toes so I could seem taller, I don’t know why but I always do this when I order from any place over the counter, “Sure” the girl said from the other side. “That’s cool, do they go to the high school, maybe I know them?” He asked while grabbing my ice cream and handing it to me, then he ordered his own chocolate shake, “No two of them are out of school, then Nick, he’s my age is homeschooled, oh and Frankie but he’s only eight” I said before taking a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. “Oh that’s cool, why are you guys homeschooled if you live here?” “Were on the road a lot” I said as the four of us sat down at a table in the middle of the mall. “Oh that’s cool” “Sometimes” I said with a smile and he laughed. After about a half hour of us sitting there eating our ice cream and laughing and talking my phone beeped. I took it out and it said 1 New Message. “Sorry” I said flipping it open, it was from Nick. Where are you!? Uh oh. I looked at the time…only ten thirty? Out side of cold stone….why? I sent back, “Sorry it’s Nick.” I said leaving my phone on the table, “Why is he texting you?” Nicole asked me, “I don’t know” I said with a shrug. “Boyfriend?” TJ asked with raised eyebrows, “No ex boyfriend.” I said with a smile. “Oh” James and TJ said at the same time making me laugh. Then we all heard a beep and looked at my phone, I grabbed it before Nicole could. We have to get out of here. Me and Selena were spotted. I groaned. “What?” James said, “We have to go.” I said while typing back, I hate you. “What why? It’s only ten thirty!” Nicole said checking her phone, “I know but afro boy and whore were seen. We should really go Nicole I could get in trouble by papa J.” I know I’m talking in code but I don’t want these guys I just met to know who I’m living with or who I am. “Fine” she groaned. “Wait Ally, we should hang out sometime” James said, “Yea here put your number in” I said smiling and handing him my phone. He handed me his phone in return. I heard some screams, fan girl screams. “Oh god.” I said while I got my phone back. “Wow who knew the whore could run so fast!!” Nicole shouted causing me and the guys to laugh, “Do you know them?” James asked, “Um yea that’s Nick, but we really have to go” I said, he stood up and hugged me and then I grabbed Nicole and we ran towards our meeting spot….the car. “Where the hell are they!?” Nicole yelled from the drivers seat. “Chill it takes time to loose them.” I said looking threw the darkness trying to make out the figures coming towards us, “Ah here they are” I said un locking the car, they got in the back seat. “Thanks for leaving early” “Yea whatever” I said pulling my hood up. I heard him sigh from behind me. My phone beeped. I opened it and read the message. Why are you mad at me? I thought you would understand… Why does he do this. He is right behind me…why can’t he talk out loud? Oh because his girl friends here. That’s right. Because I was with my best friend who I don’t get to see every day. I sent it. I wasn’t going to say anything about the guys because I didn’t want it to seem like I was shoving it in his face or anything. Well you can hang out with her tonight at home….watch movies, stay up late… “Who are you texting? Is that James already!?” Nicole said excitedly over the music. “What? Oh um yea” I lied. “Who’s James?” Nick asked, I turned around. “No one” I tried to say, “This really hot guy who was hitting on Ally all night, they really hit it off…” then she busted out laughing, “Sorry I thought hitting, and hit it off was funny!!” She said in her defense. I laughed along with her because of her craziness. “Oh that’s cool.” Nick said in a monotone voice. “Yea and you ruined it” Nicole said, “Nicole I think he gets it.” Selena said….that was the first time she had talked all night. “Exscuse me?” Nicole said looking at her in the rear view mirror. “Oh god” I mumbled “I said I think he gets that he ruined your night. Sorry were famous, un like you.” “Listen I have the right to be the biggest bitch to him if I want to. He broke my best frien-“ “NICOLE!!” I shouted,“My best friend's hea-.” "NICOLE!!when i shouted Nicole the first time that meant stop talking!!!"I shouted, she shut her mouth and sent me another eye roll while mumbling a "whatever" I saw Selena in the back seat starring daggers at the back of Nicole’s head. “Where’s your house?” I asked, “What?” she asked back, “So we can drop you off?” I said back like she was retarded. Not so polite I know but I wasn’t in such a hot mood right now. She told us how to get there then once we did get there Nick got out of the car and walked her to the door. I twisted in my seat and stared at Nicole. “Okay I’ll chill with the rude comments” she said sighing. “Good, because I’m trying to be friends with him Nicole, he was my best friend….do you know how hard it is to loose not only your boyfriend but your best friend to?” I asked her, “Sorry” she said patting me on the knee. “It’s fine….but it was kind of great how you flipped out on her” I said laughing a bit from remembering her face. “Yea it was wasn’t it?” she said laughing, “Yea but Nick is going to be pissed.” I said sighing, “Sorry” she said again, I just shrugged. I twisted back around and saw him walking towards the car. He hopped in but didn’t say a word. The car ride home was silent.

Once we pulled up to the house he got out and walked into the house. He didn’t seem pissed or else he would have slammed the car door or the front door or something. I had no idea what was going threw his head….and that was scarring me. “Want to watch a movie with us Joe?” I asked him, “Yea sure” he said plopping down next to Nicole. “Want to ask Nick?” I asked Joe, “NICKKKKKYPPOOOO. WE'RE WATCHING A MOVIE GET DOWN HERE!!” Joe shouted, “Joe!!! Everyone is sleeping!!!” I said serisouly but then started to laugh at the fact that he just called him Nickypoo. “Only Frankie, and he can sleep threw a bombing.” “Where’s your parents?” I asked him “Still at the Gomez’s. Oh how was tonight!?” He asked leaning forward as we heard Nick coming down stairs, “Good I met a boy” I said smiling, “Who is he?” Joe asked. “James….I don’t know his last name.” I said laughing at myself. “but she got his number!” Nicole squealed from next to Joe and he laughed. “Well good for you Al” he said smiling. “Yea good for you” Nick said coming into view and then sitting down on the other couch. “Thanks” I mumbled out. “What movie?” I asked, “Scary!” Nicole and Joe shouted at the same time, “Alright so what scary movie??” “Um I don’t know….When a stranger calls?” Nicole said “Psh that’s not scary” I said “Oh yea right, put it in and we’ll see how non scary it is” Joe said laughing. “Fine” I said and put the DVD in. I took my seat on the opposite end of the couch that Nick was sitting on. “Lights?” Joe asked, “Get them yourself, I’m already sitting down” I said, “Um I kind of can’t” he said and I looked over, Nicole had situated herself next to Joe and they both were laying down with eachother. I honestly didn’t see that coming at all, I looked over towards Nick and he had the same look on his face and we both laughed. “Please get the lights!” Nicole said pouting, “Fine, Nick get the lights” I said throwing a pillow at him, “Fine” he said laughing a little and running over towards the light switch he hit it and ran and jumped and belly flopped on the couch. His face was in my stomach, I let out a loud “UMPH” making Nick laugh, “Get off of me!” I said laughing while I pushed him off. He rolled off and sat up I swung my legs over and had my feet in his lap he was slouching in the corner of the couch.

“Don’t, Don’t, NO SHES ALL MANGLED UNDER THE BRIDGE!!!” Nicole shouted as I threw my head under the blanket so I wouldn’t see the movie. I heard Joe lightly laughing. “Joe it’s not funny!” Nicole said while starting to laugh herself. Then they started whispering. I peaked my head out, it was still freaky though….this movie wasn’t that scary but the fact that this could really happen is scary. “Why is she going out side? Is she retarded?” I whispered to Nick, he was sitting next to me and we were sharing the blanket. “It’s a movie Al, they always do stuff that no one in real life would ever do” “But still, like come on. some common sense! I mean no one in there rig-OH MY GOD” I squealed as I threw my head behind his shoulder, “What? What happened?!” He asked pulling me out from behind me, “There was some one behind her in the window!!!” I said squeezing my eyes tight, he laughed slightly and pulled me into his arms. I know this may not be friendly, but for me and Nick it is, we were always like this when we were best friends. I looked over and Nicole was wrapped up in Joe’s arms, “I never would have ever seen that coming” I whispered up to Nick, he looked over and smiled, “Me either”. A few minutes went by and I was hiding my face in Nick’s hands, “Take them away when it’s over” I said to him and he smiled and nodded while intently watching the screen. See last week this time if someone told me I’d be snuggled up with Nick under the same blanket and he was shielding my eyes from a movie I would have laughed. I don’t know what happened…maybe I just need someone to get threw this movie with, or maybe seeing Nicole and Joe made me lonely. I don’t know what it is but I miss this, I miss cuddling with him. “It’s over” he said pulling his hands away. “Thanks” I smiled up at him, “anything for yo-my best friend” he said. “So how was your night with Selena?” I asked while twisting his purity ring around on his finger. “It was alright” “Just alright?” I asked. “Yea, she’s kind of getting annoying” he said sighing. “Really?” I asked looking up at him, “Yea, I mean she is way to clingy…and she didn’t like you and would just talk about you every time she caught me talking to you or something.” “Oh” I said looking back down at his ring, I slipped it off and looked at it, “Ally put that ring back on his finger!” Joe harshly whispered over to me. I rolled my eyes, and slipped it back on his finger, “He can be so annoying” Nick said drawing circles on my arm, “So what’s new?” I asked not knowing what else to say. “Ally, I broke up with her” he said looking at me. “What?” I asked dumb founded. Did I just hear that right? “Yea, she didn’t like you and I can’t have a girl friend that doesn’t like my best friend….and like I said she was so clingy.” “Oh, well thanks I guess?” I said laughing a little, “Anything for my best friend” he said rubbing my hair.