Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

"I'm your bestfriend, I have the right"

“No way!” I laughed while whispering. “No I swear to god it happened. My little sister in the middle of church just screamed SEX!” I was laughing so hard now because of the way James was mimicking his three year old sister. We were both shushed by not only Joe and Nicole, the couple behind us. “Whoops” we both said while sinking further into our seats with laughter. After the movie finished we all went for ice cream. “So you're James” Joe said shaking his hand. They didn’t get to really introduce themselves before the movie. “Yea, and you must be one of Ally’s brothers” James said smiling. “Yea I’m Joe.” Joe said, “Nice to meet you, though I have a question” James said, “Okay shoot” Joe said, “why the hell are you wearing sunglasses and a sweatshirt with the hood up inside the mall?” I laughed along with Nicole while James just looked lost and Joe smiled. He took off his glasses and pulled down his hood. “I’m Joe Jonas, and well fans can get a little crazy” he said while putting the hood back up and glasses back on. “OH! Your from the Jonas Brothers right??” James asked confused. “Yep” I said taking a sip of my milkshake. “My sister, Kerstin is obsessed with you guys.” “Isn’t she only three?” I asked. “No that’s Amanda, Kerstin is nine. Then there’s Sarah she is thirteen. Oh and Rachel she’s five.” “Damn four girls?!” Joe said shocked, “yea, I’m the only guy, lucky me” James said causing us all to laugh, “No but I love them there all great.” He said. “Aw that’s so cute! I just have Kevin, Joe, Nick, and Frankie” I said with a sigh. “HEY!” Joe shouted and I laughed, “Kidding!!” I said patting him on the leg. He smiled and went back to his ice cream causing me to roll my eyes and laugh. “Well that’s four boys, must be rough” “Not really, I grew up with them my whole life….so I’m used to there idiotic way of thinking and retarded pranks.” The heartbreak though…..that I just got used to. “Well that’s like the same for me and my sisters” I smiled at him and then the four of us got into a conversation about the two guys working at the Verizon phone booth across the way. They looked completely clueless to what they were doing.

So twenty minutes later Joe announced we had to get back to the house….fast. some girls had spotted him when Nicole stole his glasses. “James want to come back to the house for a little?” I asked while running, “Yea sure!” he said grabbing my hand as Joe took Nicole’s. We ran to James’s car. Kevin and Lindsey had dropped us off on their way out for the night. Once we got in me and Nicole sat in the back while Joe took the passenger seat next to James. “Do you do that a lot?” James asked breathing heavily as he pulled out of the parking space. “Yea” Joe said out threw breaths. “Every time we go out” I said fine, I had caught my breath by now. “Man if I did that every time I went out…I would be in such good shape for soccer” James said, we all laughed and Joe directed him on how to get home.

“WE'RE HOME!!” Joe bellowed threw the door followed by a giggling Nicole, me rolling my eyes but laughing at my retarded brother and James walking in with his hands in his pocket all smiles. “JOSEPH!! I TALKED TO YOU ABOUT THAT!!” Mr. Jonas said from walking down the steps, “Sorry dad, I just get really excited about being home” He said taking off his shoes, “Joe we were gone for about four hours” I said laughing and kicking off my flip flops, “Oh whatever, home sweet home” he said running down the hall with Nicole following him I just laughed at them and turned around to James, “Mr. Jonas this is James, James this is Mr. Jonas” I said pointing back and forth, “It’s really nice to meet you sir” James said shaking his hand, “Oh like wise, Ally says your on the soccer team at the high school?” He asked, where was he going with this? “Yes sir, I am” James said smiling, “Oh well don’t you have a curfew on weekends, ten isn’t it?” My eyes widened. “Oh um it’s ten fifteen” “Oh well that’s in fifteen mintues, just so you know” He said before turning around and walking up the steps, “Thank you sir” As soon as Mr. Jonas was out of sight and ear shot I swung around to face James, he made a scared face. “Oh my god I am so sorry!! He is never like that, he’s probably just tired and Joe shouting didn’t get him in the best mood, sorry” I said offering a small smile. “It’s no problem, I just hope he doesn’t hate me” “He better not” I said laughing and then starting my way down the hall, “Nick I’m serious don’t be rude to him” I heard Joe say sounding very serious indeed. “Hey guys, oh hey Nick this is James, James this is Nick” I said pointing, Nick looked up and nodded and James said “Sup”. “Alright well, I have to go, I was just reminded of my ten fifteen curfew for soccer” James said laughing and I laughed along, no one else got it though because none of them were there for the grumpy Mr. Jonas we encountered. “I’ll be back I’m going to walk him to the door” I said to everyone else in the room, “That’s so he can kiss her!” Nicole squealed and Joe laughed along with her. I slapped her upside the head and led the way to the door, “Sorry about them” I said laughing “No problem but want to know a secret?” He asked leaning closer, “Sure, I like secrets” I said smiling, “I’m going to kiss you” he whispered in my ear, I let out a small giggle and stood up on my tippy toes and beat him to the deed. I kissed him, not fully or anything I mean my family is in the next room…not to mention my ex. He pulled away looking sad, “Oh am I not a good kisser? Sorry” I said with a tiny smirk. “No you’re a good kisser, but I was supposed to kiss you” he said still looking sad, “oh fine you can kiss me now” I said putting my hand on my hip and sighing, he leaned in and kissed me and we pulled away and laughed together, “Better?” I asked him, “Much” he said smiling, I shook my head and he stepped threw the doorway and onto the porch, “I’ll talk to you later, night Ally” he waved and I waved back and then watched him get in his car and pull out, I waved to him and turned around and shut the door. I let out a little squeal of excitement and bit my lip as I walked back to the room with everyone. When I walked in and sat down they all stared at me, “What?” I asked them, Nicole and Joe just laughed and I threw a pillow that I ripped out of Nick’s arms at them.

“Why do you even care so much?!” I harshly whispered. “Because I’m your best friend so I’m just looking out for you!!!” He shouted back as quietly as he could. “No, do NOT pull the friendship card out on me Nick!!” I said pointing my finger at him. “Why, we are friends again. I have the right to warn you when I sense trouble!!” I just rolled my eyes and sat down in a huff on his bed. He just stared at me. “What!?”I said annoyed that he was staring at me. He just smirked, he knows he got to me. “Nicholas Jerry Jonas wipe that smart ass smirk off your face right now before I rip it off myself. And get out of here!!” I said threatening him by narrowing my eyes. “Um Al” He said after ten minutes of silence. “What?!” “Your in my bedroom." I looked around, Damn. He was right. See the reason why I’m in here, is because well, I had the nightmare again. Nicole was in Joe’s room with Joe. I don’t want to know what there doing. But anyway I came in here and woke up Nick…next thing I know were fighting over James. I asked him what he thought about him and he told me he thought he was just trying to get in my pants. Yea reason to freak? I think so. Nick doesn’t even know James. He’s never even talked to him! “Well fine I’ll leave then.” I said standing up but not wanting to leave at all. I walked past him in a huff and when I reached the doorway I waited for him to grab my arm. I realized he wasn’t going to reach for my arm. I shut the door behind me and I made it all the way to my door before he opened it back up and walked over to me. He opened my door and pushed me threw. What is he doing? He was just being so mean about the James thing and kicked me out of his room!! He shut the door behind him and we were standing here in my room in the dark. “Um okay your creepin me out Jonas” I said putting my hand on my hip and leaning into it. “Nightmare?” He asked in a sigh. This boy knows me so well. I nodded my head and he got in my bed. I stared at him, should I?? Yea why not. We did this when we were friends. I walked over and laid down next to him. “So is it still the same one Al?” “Um yea, but you're in it now” I whispered very quietly. “What?” He asked just as quite. “I mean it’s like you and then you break up with me.” It was silent. “But I mean it’s fine” I said feeling awkward. “Al. I am SO sorry. I mean I don’t know what else to do. I can’t think of anything else I could do or say for you to forgive me.” Was he crying!? Oh my god I can’t take it when guys cry....i usually laugh when they do.Oh my god he’s crying. Oh my god. “Nick” I whispered while leaning up on an elbow. “Yea?” he said with a sniff. Oh my god he for sure is crying. At least he isn’t balling. Wow this is the first time I have ever seen him cry! and i'm not laughing!! This is going down in the books, Nick Jonas crying on what is today’s date? Shit I forget. Whatever I’ll just have to remember it’s getting warmer out…. March 18th!! I mentally smacked myself for getting so distracted.

“Nick I forgive you. I completely and honestly forgive you. For everything. Were back to where we were when we were like two. Okay? So don’t keep thinking you have to apologize…though you should but I’m such a great friend I got over it….but there are going to be times when we fight I’ll probably bring it back up that you shattered my heart, but that’s expected right? I mean we're both stubborn. And we know it. So you’ll bring up something dumb then I’ll say at least I didn’t cheat on you and then you’ll get pissed and then I’ll get pissed. But that doesn’t matter because no matter what were best friends forever and ever right?” I asked I just rambled on for about five minutes and he probably thinks I’m crazy. I mean seriously mentally crazy. Honestly wouldn’t surprise me if I was told I was and put in a home.My thoughts were interupted when heleaned up and kissed me. I was shocked. I totally wasn’t ready for that at all. It was a full on kiss. It was sweet and I was totally loving it. He pulled away and put his far head to mine. “Al, thanks. I know how much I hurt you and it means the world to me that you can forgive me. I love you” He said squeezing my shoulders. I’m still shocked here. “Anything” I managed to get out he laid down and I laid down with him and he wrapped his arms around me and I put my head on his shoulder. Soon all I could hear was Nick’s and Max’s steady breathing. I smiled….things are finally getting better. That only means it’s a matter of time before something gets screwed up agian.....right?