Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Two Months Later...

So it’s been about two months since the night I told Nick I forgave him and he cried. Yea, I still haven’t forgotten he cried…I’m telling you I never will, that was monumental huge. But anyway, Nicole left about two weeks ago from another visit, her and Joe though are together now so she visits a lot more. They talk every night on the phone, they video chat, im, e-mail, they do it all. Even when I’m on the phone with her she talks about how Joe said the cutest thing, or how much she misses him. Then when I’m with Joe…it’s just as bad. I’m telling you these two have been bit by the love bug, and they’ve been bit bad. Kevin and Lindsey are still as cute as can be…something is telling me there’s going to be a proposal coming up….okay so that’s what me and Mrs. Jonas think…Kevs been acting a little weird lately so I think were actually right. I know I’m shocked to, Kevin Jonas, the kid who used to rip me off his kid brother when I would beat him up, the boy who taught me how to play guitar, the boy who got me out of the tree I climbed up when I was four and then couldn’t get back down. The guy who gives excellent advice about everything from boys to cars and he always tells me the honest truth. My big brother is growing up….scary I know.

Nick? Well he’s still here. It’s safe to say were officialy best friends again. We fight over stupid stuff like we used to, were just as stubborn with each other as we ever were. He’s been here for me threw my nightmares, which by the way the part of nick has disappeared, weird I know…..But anyway me and James, oh man where do I begin….Well he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes. We are totally head over heels for each other, which is funny cause I swore to myself I’d never get that far again after Nick, things have changed I guess….but I’m still keeping one foot on the ground…just incase. But he’s really a great guy. He has the cutest little sisters to, and I think Frankie has a crush on Kerstin, okay I know he does. The whole family does. He so cute about it to, and she likes him back. Apparently he is all she talks about anymore. James says it used to be cute, now it’s just annoying. I know everyone is wondering how is Nick with the whole me and James situation? Well he still thinks James is bad news, which I honestly don’t understand. James is the sweetest person I’ve ever met, he’s such a great guy and Mrs. Jonas loves him! Mr. Jonas on the other hand, it’s like him and Nick both convinced each other that James is bad news. The night James asked me to be his girl friend, Nick blew up on me. He legit freaked out. I’ve never seen him so, I wouldn’t say pissed or shocked, I don’t know but he wasn’t happy with me. I got the silent treatment for awhile from him AND Mr. Jonas! I know!! Mr. Jonas?! I mean come on, you’re like my dad! And this guy is the perfect guy for your daughter, he should have been happy for us!! Mrs. Jonas took care of both of them though. But when James is over, Mr. Jonas mysteriously disappears, and Nick just mumbles little comments here and there. Oh man how things have changed, I mean I used to be the one making little comments about Nick and Selena, and well now look…Nick is making rude remarks about me and James….oh how the tables have turned.

“No way I totally won!!” I shouted, “PAH LEESE! Everyone knows I did!!” Frankie said back with his sly Jonas grin. “Frankster you are almost as bad as Nick” I said laughing while ruffling his hair and putting down the guitar hero controller. “No Nicky is WAY worse then me” Frankie said laughing, “That is probably true” I agreed with the giggling eight year old. “So bud, you excited to go over Kerstin’s soon?” I asked him while flipping off the TV. “Yepp, were going to go swimming!!” He said all smiles making me laugh. “Well that’s cool, let’s go get some lunch!” He jumped off the couch and onto my back and we ran down the steps singing the batman theme song. I pushed open the kitchen door and we spun around a few times while Frankie had his arms spread out like he was flying. Though when the door swung back open Frankie’s hand collided with Joe’s face. “OW!!” Joe shouted rubbing his face. I started laughing with Frankie. He hopped off my back and took a breath, “Sorry Joey, I didn’t see you there” “It’s fine, you better hope my beautiful face isn’t damaged though” he said while poking Frankie in the sides of his stomach causing him to laugh fits of laughter and me to smile. “Woah what’s going on in here!?” Mrs. Jonas said while walking in with some groceries, “Nothing” Joe and Frankie said swatting each other away. “Well you two go grab some bags for me then?” She said letting out a sigh, “Alright” They said and then Joe chased Frankie out the door. “Here let me help” I said starting to unpack the groceries with Mrs. Jonas, “Thanks honey, so figure out what you are doing tonight?” She asked putting away the diet coke. “Um I was actually going to go to James’s to help babysit his little sisters….if that’s okay?” I asked spinning around, “Why are you asking me?” Nick asked me with a look of disinterest on his face, “She was talking to me Nicholas, no need to be rude. And yes Allison that is perfectly fine tonight” She said stern at first and then ending with a smile towards my direction. I smiled at her and then turned around stuck my tongue out at Nick causing him to role his eyes. I started making Frankie a sandwich when Nick took half of it and started to put it in his mouth, “Nick drop it! This is for Frankie!” “Fine, can you make me one then?” He asked smiling at me and pulling the puppy dog eyes, “No way” I said rolling my eyes, “FRANKIE LUNCH IS READY!” I shouted. I heard his foot steps running down the steps, “Alright well I’m going to go talk to your father before I drive Frankie over to Kerstin’s.” Mrs. Jonas said putting all the now empty bags away. We nodded as she left the room and Frankie came in. “Aw your looking good little man!” I said motioning for him to give a twirl. “Very Stylin” Nick said with a thumbs up, he reminded me of the Fonz from Happy Days.

Frankie was just in his bathing suit and white t-shirt but he was really excited for this. He grabbed his plate and sat at the table. “So back to that sandwich?” Nick said twisting back around, I just finished making myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich. “You can make it” I said taking a bite of my own. He chuckled a little as I put the sandwich down. “What?” “You have peanut butter right there” He said motioning to the corner of my lip I licked it off as I turned around to get myself a water out of the fridge. I turned back around to Nick who had a gigantic smile on his face, you know the kind Sponge Bob got when he found out Squidward liked Krabby Patties? Yea it was like that. “What are yo-“ I stopped talking when I noticed that my sandwich was gone and then slowly looked up and saw some peanut butter on Nicks mouth. “Nick!!!” “What?” he said mouth full with a smile still. “You ate my sandwich!!” I said whining a little. “No I didn’t” he said trying to swallow while smirking at the same time and shaking his head no. “I’m not retarded Nick. Now make me a new one” I whined while laughing a little at his smile on his face. “I don’t know what your talking about!” He said turning around to leave the kitchen, “You suck Jonas!” I shouted after him and he just blew me a kiss as he walked backwards out the swinging door. I rolled my eyes as I started to make myself a new sandwich since Nick stole my other one.