Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

new sneakers...?

“Allison! Ally, Allison dear!!” I woke up to someone calling me from downstairs. I looked over and saw nick still sleeping, I got up and made my way out of the room and to the steps, “Yes?” I called down while making my way to where I could here people talking in the kitchen. I swung open the door and saw James talking with Mrs. Jonas. I stopped and stood there in the doorway and let the door hit me in the back. “Ally, James is here to see you” Mrs. Jonas said picking up her cup and leaving the room. “What?” I asked crossing my arms. I didn’t have any make up on…my hair isn’t groomed at all and I’m wearing sweat pants and a tank top. I look like a slob. “Listen I wanted to say I’m sorry…” James said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I just stared at him. “Okay” I said. “That’s it?” He asked standing up form his chair. “Well yea, what did you expect?” I said putting all my weight on my one hip. “Well I expected you to forgive me like your supposed to!” “I don’t have to forgive if I don’t want to, you hurt me James.” I said looking away. He walked over and was standing in front of me. I tried to back up but I hit the wall. “Ally I’m sorry” he said taking shoulders in his hands and giving them a squeeze. “And I said okay.” I said trying to shake him off. He pushed me against the wall and smashed his lips to mine. Normally I’d enjoy this but he was pushing me really hard against the wall and my head was killing me from hitting it so hard. He pulled away and stared at me I slapped him across the face and wiped my mouth off. He looked shocked….then pissed. All of a sudden I’m feeling scared. Come on Mrs. Jonas walk back in…someone, even Max. Please God, give me something!

God must not have been taking request because with in the moment James’s fist met my arm pretty hard. I had a dead arm. I brought my other hand to the spot he hit then he slapped me across the face and I looked away the sting was unbearable. “I said I was sorry” he said just as angry as he looked, “I forgive you” I said scared. “Good, I’ll see you later at my game” he said walking out threw the door. I stood there…cheek stinging and red, arm with no feeling in it, and my head was killing me. Not to mention my shoulders were a little sore from how tight he was holding them. Question: When did the perfect boyfriend turn into the messed up boyfriend that beats you?? I better get out of here before Mrs. Jonas comes in. I ran up the stairs and to the bathroom. My face was red and I had bruises from last night and now I was going to get some from today. I threw up and then brushed my teeth and got into the shower. I made my way to my room and put on a long sleeved t-shirt and some tight ripped Bermuda jean shorts. I blow dried my hair and straightened it and put on my make up. I avoided my self in the mirror and made my way down stairs. “Ally!!” “Hey frankster, how was your day yesterday!?” I asked him excitedly, I was going to try and stay in a good mood until the soccer game later. “It was awsome!! We swam and had lunch and then played game cube and then, then we swam some more and we played this game! It was called, called…oh I forget it but anyway you have to” He was going so fast and I was pretending to listen to the excited eight year old following me into the kitchen.

“No way!” I threw in there and he started to smile as he told me about how he won. I poured my self some cereal and sat on the counter as Frankie reacted how he won out for me. I was laughing at him flinging his arms around like he was swimming. “Woah tank calm down your going to punch some one in the face….again!” Joe said as he dodged his arms and poured himself some cereal. “He’s telling me all about how he beat Kerstin at a game in the pool” I said so Joe could tell I wanted him to talk to Frankie for a little so I could be by myself he chuckled and turned around, “Frank want to go to the mall with me? I have to get some new sneakers before we go on” He stopped and shoved a spoon in his mouth and mumbled something, “Go on what?” I asked him putting my bowl in the sink. “Tour but you can’t tell any one you two! I over heard dad talking about it on the phone with Avril Lavine’s people…it might be happening but were not to sure yet” He said freaking out that he just told us a huge secret that he wasn’t even supposed to know…..Joe isn’t the best at keeping secrets, about anything. “Our lips are sealed” Frankie said pretending to lock up his lips, I squealed and jumped up, “I LOVE TOUR!!” I said excitedly bouncing around, “Al I don’t know if were really going though!!! And keep quiet!!!” Joe said throwing his hand over my mouth. I calmed myself and he looked at me, “Are you going to scream again?” He asked with a smile I shook my head no and he slowly took his hand away. I screamed and went to run out of the kitchen. “Ally!!” Joe shouted laughing and started to chase me, I ran threw the door and right into someone and I went down. “Ouch” I said laughing and looking up to see Mr. Jonas standing there with a confused look on his face. “Sorry” I said laughing while he helped me up. “What are you so excited about?” He said chuckling I looked over to Joe and his eyes got nice and big. “Oh um I was telling her about how I was getting new sneakers, and she wanted new sneakers….so were going to the mall, because that’s where they sell sneakers…..and I need new sneakers, and Ally needs new sneakers, and Frankie said he would come to help pick out the new sneakers me and Ally are going to get, so were going to the mall.” he was looking back and forth and seeing if Mr. Jonas would buy our story, “To buy some new sneakers?” Mr. Jonas finished Joe’s sentence with a smile. “Yea!” I said grabbing Joe’s hand and running towards the front door. “Okay…be careful though!!” “Will do pops!” Frankie shouted as we ran out the door.

We got into the car and I started to laugh hysterically along with Joe and Frank. “If you said new sneakers one more time I was going to pee my pants laughing.” I said. “Well hey he bought it!” Joe said pulling out of the driveway. “Good thing” Frankie said smiling..”Remember though this is a secret between the three of us!” I said and Frankie zipped up his lips and smiled.

We pulled up to the mall and we were getting out of the car when I saw James walking in with his friend TJ, the one I met back the first time I met James when I thought he was sweet and caring, little did I know he’s bipolar like legit. “Um hey guys I’m just going to wait here okay?” “No come on Al you need to come shopping okay?” Joe said lowering his glasses so I could see his eyebrows raising, I laughed a little and then looked back to where I saw James. Him and TJ were sitting there talking and laughing at something. “Um I just have to text James first hold on” I said and they leaned up against the door I texted him saying hey I’m going to get some new sneakers with Joe and Frankie at the mall, just letting you know. “Why do you have to tell that boy every little thing you do?” Joe asked while sighing loudly. “Because he just likes to know” I said waiting for my text message that would say okay I could go. I watched him from across the parking lot pick up his phone and read the message then moving his thumbs replying. Then my phone beeped I glanced down and read the message. Why your sneakers are fine. I sighed and rolled my eyes while typing No there to small for me. a few seconds later I got another message, No they're not. “Ugh” I said out loud, “What?” Joe asked looking up from his own phone, “He’s being annoying” I said while typing back How would you know? You don’t have my feet James… It sent and Joe said, “Wow, I think that’s the first thing you’ve ever said negative about your perfect boy” He said with a smirk. “Whatever” I said reading the new message I just received, Fine. Just be sure to be at my game on time, if you show up late it makes not only you look bad but me to. Wow he’s so sweet to me. Not. I texted back Okay, I’ll get there at six fifteen. Oh is it okay if Joe comes? He wants to hang with you. So I made up the last part but I don’t want to be alone with James after last night. Yea sounds good. Don’t be late. “Alright lets go!” I said opening the door and slamming it shut causing TJ’s head to snap up and see me. He smiled and waved to me, I returned the gesture as we walked towards them. “Oh look it’s lover boy!” Joe said waving to him. “Joe just so you know your coming to his soccer game with me at 6:15 tonight” “I’m what?” He asked dropping his hand down to his sides. “Yea. Please?” I whispered because we were getting closer, “Fine” “Love you!” I said hugging him when James wasn’t looking he just laughed.

“Hey I didn’t know you were already here” I said mainly talking to TJ. “Yea, we came cause I needed new socks before the game.” James said while kissing me on the lips. I pulled away and answered with an “Oh, well we have to get going, Frankie has a piano lesson soon, Good luck tonight boys” I said before Frankie started to open his mouth, “I don’t tak-“ I put my hand over his mouth and started walking backwards towards the entrance. “See ya later dude” Joe said to them and then joined us walking back to the mall. “Okay what’s up with Frankie’s piano lessons? Cause I wasn’t aware that he even took any” Joe said pulling up his hood. “I just didn’t want to talk to….TJ. Yeah he’s been annoying lately” I lied. I felt bad because I actually liked TJ he was nice, then again that’s how James seemed at first. “Oh, I’ve never really talked to him” Joe said as we walked into the store for shoes. An hour later we walked out with bags. Joe got a few pairs, I got some really cute shoes, a few different color converses and some chucks. Frankie just helped pick out the colors.

“Oh Joe look at those!! I want them!” I said pulling him into the sunglasses store. They had a whole section of Ray Bans. “Oh these are cute” I said picking up some electric blue ones. “I like these ones!” Frankie said picking up a pair of Hot pink ones with zebra stripes on the sides. “Oh me to” I said pulling them on. “Very cute” Joe said looking in the mirror with me, he had the same pair on and I laughed as I took out my cell phone and took a picture of us in the mirror with the glasses on. After a few minutes we bought our glasses and we made it to the car.