Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Dramatic ending.

“Allison I’m serious you are to stay here.” Mr. Jonas said pointing at me in speaking to me in a harsh tone. I just didn’t respond and kept my eyes on the television. “Allison do you understand me!?” He said more sternly, I looked at him and nodded and my eyes teared up again as I looked back at the TV. I couldn’t see anything because my eye vision was blurred from the tears but I didn’t want them to fall but they wouldn’t stop coming. I’ve decided not to talk to Nick or Mr. Jonas. Mature I know. “Okay, guys we’ll be back later, probably around eleven” Mrs. Jonas said breaking the silence of the room. “Where are you going?” Joe asked, “We have an interview with a parenting magazine, then were going to dinner with your uncle to finalize all the plans for tour” She answered. My phone beeped and I felt everyone’s eyes on me as I reached for it on the coffee table and open it. It was from James. Yo when are you coming? I sighed and typed back I can’t make it tonight….I have to watch Frankie. It wasn’t the absolute non truth…. “We left money on the counter for dinner. Be safe” Mr. Jonas said walking out of the room everyone said bye while I just stared at the TV. We all sat there in silence watching Wizards of Waverly Place because that’s what Frankie wanted to watch. I just found myself death glaring her every time she was on screen. My phone beeped and I looked at it, Okay I’ll be over later after he’s asleep then. I closed my eyes and sighed then opened them and typed back, No Mr. and Mrs. Jonas made it clear that I was to stay home tonight James. It beeped again, And you will be, I’m coming there…brothers aren’t home are they? I sighed in frustration. James please don’t. We’ll hang out tomorrow or something. My phone beeped a few minutes later and Nick said something, “Can you put that on silent or something?” he spat out, I just ignored him as I read the message. Yea okay. Thank god. I didn’t respond I just started to leave the room, “Where are you going?” Kevin asked. “My room” I said simply while making my way down the hall and up the stairs.

I just decided to watch the Titanic. I heard the doorbell ring and my heart stopped. “He didn’t” I said shooting up and rushing out of my door and to the railing to watch Joe answer the door, It was just the pizza guy. Joe paid and turned around and saw me starring at him, “Dinners here.” He said smiling, “Not hungry” I said back and turned around to walk back to my room when the bell rang again, I whipped around and Joe yelled for Nick to get it since he was already halfway to the kitchen, I bounced on my toes. I couldn’t take the chance of that being James for some insane reason and Nick answering it. I ran down the steps and practically ran over Nick. “Jesus Ally expecting someone?” He shouted as I opened the door. “Hey Ally” I slowly turned around to Nick who pushed me out of the way, “Hey Selena come on in, pizza just got here” What the hell is going on? What happened to not liking her because she didn’t like me? Does he know she’s the reason we broke up? Is he retarded? “Oh sure I’m starving” she said laughing as they walked to the kitchen and left me there speechless in the open doorway. I hate her. “Al, come eat dinner” Kevin’s voice called to me, “I’m not hungry” I said quietly back while shutting the door, I’m pretty sure he didn’t hear me but I went up stairs any way.

A few hours passed and I could hear everyone laughing down stairs. It was nine thirty, Frankie’s bed time when Kevin walked in my room. “Ally?” He asked, I was under the covers trying to just sleep in the dark. Though all I could hear was the laughter coming from down stairs. “You awake?” He called in quietly, I didn’t move. He shut the door and that’s when it hit me. Why am I sulking up here, I could easily sneak out to James’s. And well that’s when I decided to do it. I changed into some jeans and a long sleeved dark purple v-neck shirt and put my hair half up half down and touched up my make up. I grabbed my phone and shoved some pillows under my blanket before slipping on some flip flops. I open and closed my door quietly then crept down the stairs, everyone was in the family room. I quietly opened the front door and slipped out while closing it just as quite. Then I ran a few streets towards James’s. A few minutes and street intersections later, I was at his house. I knocked on the front door then fixed my hair quickly. Mrs. Fox answered, “Oh hi Ally, I didn’t know you were coming over” She said welcoming me in. “Oh yea” I smiled. “James is in his room, I have to go to work though. Be good okay?” She said pulling on a light sweater, she was dressed in her scrubs. She’s a night nurse at the hospital. “Of course” I said smiling as she walked out. I took a deep breath before walking up the steps and to his room. I was about to knock on the door when it opened, “Ally? I thought you had to babysit” He said walking pass me to the bathroom. “Um Joe is covering for me.” I said rolling my eyes, No hi, or glad you could make it. “Good thing he doesn’t have a social life right?” James said laughing and walking back into his room. I didn’t respond and just stood there, “Come in Al” he said from his room.

I walked in and sat down on his bed. His room had soccer trophies every where and was painted green. I don’t like green to much. “I have to be back by ten thirty though okay James?” I said to him he was sitting at his computer desk on the computer looking at some sports page. “Okay” I sat there for a good ten minutes while he was on the computer, “James you realize ten thirty is in like twenty minutes?” I asked, he turned around and smirked. “What?” I asked then he jumped on me. He started to make out with me. His kisses are nothing like Nick’s. there always so rough, I mean Nick can have some rough kissing moments to but I like the light sweet ones he has. Some how my shirt was on his floor, and he was unbuttoning my pants, that’s when I snapped out of it. “Woah James, what are you doing?” I asked catching my breath. “What do you mean?” He asked, “I mean why are you unbuttoning my pants?” I said inching away from him. He stood up, “I thought we could, you know” He said pulling out a condom out of his drawr. I was shocked. “Uh James remember this?” I said pointing to my ring, it wasn’t a purity ring at all but I needed an exscuse to not have sex with him right now. “No?” “Well it means I can’t have sex.” I said while buttoning up my pants and grabbing my shirt from the ground. “You can’t be serious” James said laughing. “Yea, I am.” I said putting on my shirt. “that’s so retarded, ally we’ve been together for like ever come on” “Four months James.” I said checking my phone, “And no, I will not have sex with you.” It was ten twenty seven. “Ally come on” he said walking over to me and kissing me again, I could feel his hands rubbing my sides. His hormones are out of control tonight. I tried to pull away but he backed me up against the wall and kept kissing me. He went to my neck and found my spot. He hadn’t kissed me there yet and only Nick knew what that spot could do. I bit my lip and tried to resist, and all I could think about was Nick. I miss his kisses, but yet right now I hate him for freaking out on me today and calling me out on James hitting me.

My phone started to ring and it ripped me from my thoughts. I grabbed it and James was still attached to my neck. It said Nick. “Shit” I said. “What?” James asked, “It’s Nick. James I gotta go now” I said, “Let me answer it” He said grabbing the phone, “No James please Don’t!!!!” I screamed while he answered the phone. “What do you want fro boy?” “She’s fine” I started to tear up, I could hear nick yelling on the other side and James was getting pissed. “James please” I pleaded for the phone. He cursed into it and then threw it at me pretty hard, it hit me in the arm, “Shit, that hurt James” I said picking up the phone, “Oh did it? I don’t give a shit” he said throwing the computer chair down, I flinched at the sound. “Hello?” I said into the phone shakey. “ALLY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING!?!?!” “calm down” I said quietly to both James and Nick. “NO I’M COMING TO GET YOU NOW. YOU ARE SO DEAD.” Nick shouted into the phone. Then the line went dead. I teared up and put the phone in my pocket. “why the hell are you crying!?” James shouted angrily, “I’m not” I said back standing up. Nick wouldn’t tell on me right? Would he? What if him and James get into another fight? I started to cry a little harder, “SHUT UP!” James said covering his ears and kicking the wall. At least he’s kicking the wall and not me. “STOP CRYING!!!” He shouted throwing his chair towards me, it didn’t hit me but came pretty close, close enough to make me flinch. “James please calm down!!! Your sisters will wake up!!” I pleaded, “I don’t fucking care. Is he picking you up?!” I nodded my head yes. “Ally I am going to hit him again.” He said clenching his fist and ripping open his door. I sat there against his wall for a second. What the hell was I thinking. He’s going to hurt Nick again, Mr. Jonas is going to be SO upset with me. Why can I never make the right decisions.

I heard a car pull up and a door slam. I jumped up and darted down stairs. James was opening the front door. “GET THE HELL OFF MY PROPERTY JONAS.” He shouted pointing to off the property. “Where is she?!” He shouted ignoring him and walking closer to the house. He whipped around and saw me standing at the bottom of the stairs. He ran over to me and grabbed my arm harshly, “DO NOT COME OUT HERE” he harshly whispered into my ear as he dug his nails into my arm, “shit James that hurts” I said trying to rip my arm away from the grip. “If you come out here it’ll be worse” he whispered and then gave one last squeeze before he walked out of the house closing the door behind him. I could hear yelling and I stood there. I don’t understand how he can have this affect on me. I mean my best friend is getting beat up out there because I’m retarded and let a boy control me. I was gripping the nail marks in my arm and crying lightly while rocking on my feet. I let go of my arm and opened the door. Nick was punching James and he didn’t look like he had been hit. I opened the door and Nick looked up and that’s when James took his swing. “JAMES STOP PLEASE!!” I shouted running towards them, “WHAT DID I SAY ALLY?!?!” He shouted. Nick turned to him, “Don’t fucking boss her around, she is not your bitch” and then he punched him square in the nose. I closed my eyes and flinched for the pain James just felt. I heard them struggling. Then I heard someone running towards me and I looked up, it was James. No matter how much I wished it was Nick, it was James. Looking pissed as hell and coming at me with clenched fist. I backed up as he got with in two feet of me. “What did I say ally!?” He shouted, I flinched and turned my face. I waited for the hit, it came and hit the side of my face, but when I looked up, James was on the ground moaning.

Nick grabbed my wrist probably the tightest he ever has which felt like nothing compared to James’s grip. “Come on Al were going home.” I stumbled behind him and he opened my door for me and somewhat shoved me in and I saw James starting to get up. He was shouting something but I couldn’t understand, Nick stopped dead in his tracks though and walked over to him I rolled down the window so I could yell to Nick. But I stopped, James was shouting the usual things he says about me, how I’m not pretty, how I’m fat, how I’m lazy, and how I’ll never find anyone else who will take me. Nick punched him in the stomach making him fall to his knees, then what he said made me cry all over again, “Don’t you ever say that to her. She is the most beautiful girl you will ever see in your life. Nothing is wrong with her! She is perfect!! And you, you just fucking lost her. I don’t understand what the hell she ever saw in you, your pathetic.” He turned to walk away and looked over to me and I was crying, he turned back around and punched him in the face again. “That is for ever laying a hand on her, and this” he hit him again, “Is for just being a fucking asshole and ever making her cry” then he walked back to the car and got in and we pulled out leaving James laying there on his lawn clutching his stomach.

The car ride was silent for a good twenty seconds. I looked over to Nick and then down at myself, the side of my face was throbbing and though I couldn’t feel them, I knew the other bruises were still there. My head hurt and I felt a little light headed but I just brought my hands to my face and started to cry. Hysterically. He put his hand to my knee and rubbed it, only making me cry harder. How could he still care? After how I’ve been so bitter towards him these past months. He was right all along. I cried for the whole car ride. The car came to a stop and I heard Nick’s door open. But when I looked up we weren’t home….I didn’t know where we were. My door opened and Nick stood there. I looked at him and just started crying all over again. He pulled me into his arms and walked with me. We walked just out of the street and threw the grove, and I knew instantly where we were going….the big hill. The hill we used to sled down when we were younger. The four of us, Joe, Nick, Kevin, and me would spend all day walking here on snow days to sled. No one else knew it was here because it’s hidden by the willow trees at the end of the grove. Once we made it to the top of the hill I collapsed. I just let everything out. This was my crying time, I cried for everything, for ever falling for James, ever meeting him that night in the mall, believing that he was the perfect guy, for distancing myself from the family, being so inconfidnt in myself, and ever letting him get inside my head, and I even cried because of Selena. If he had never fallen for her then we would have never broken up, I would have never even met James, and I wouldn’t be so fragile. I miss laughing, and smiling. I don’t know when the last time I laughed or smiled was. Nick had been holding me tightly the whole time, his body was shaking from how much I was shaking from crying. He was soothing me the whole time, and well I cried because of that to.

“Ally, just breath. In and out” I did as I was instructed and I finally calmed down. “There we go” he said rubbing my back and pulling away to look at me, “Nick, I’m so sorry. Like you don’t understand how sorry I am. I can’t believe I ever thought he was everything I needed. Nick I’m sorry, you were right the whole time.” I spit out while crying. “Ally it’s okay, I’m just glad your okay.” “How can you be so nice to me?” I whispered. “What do you mean?” he asked, “ Nick I’ve been pushing everyone away for the past four months. We’ve had stupid fights and they’ve always been my fault. You were just trying to protect me and I thought you were wrong but you were right…..about everything.” “Ally I’m always going to be here, and I knew it wasn’t really you freaking out, I knew he was behind it. But honestly Ally you are beautiful.” “Thanks Nick. You’re the best” I said punching his arm. He laughed and pulled me into a hug and we laid down and looked at the stars. “We haven’t done this since that one night,” I started. “On top of the tour bus with the ice cream” He finished. It made a smile come to my face that he remembered that. But then again, this is Nick here. We laid there for about ten minutes in silence. “Hey Nick?” I asked quietly, “Yea?” he looked down at me, “can we pretend that none of this ever happened?” I asked, “Exactly what I was thinking” He said squeezing me tighter. “Thanks” I said letting out a breath. “We should probably get back, Mom and Dad are probably home by now” “Okay” I said not moving. About twenty minutes later we got up and started back towards the car. “Shit Al, your cheek is bruising” I brought my hand to my face, “We’ll say car door shut on it, when I bent down to pick up my phone on the ground.” “Alright, is mine okay?” He asked I stepped back to look him over and he gave me the famous Jonas smirk as he pretended to model. I rolled my eyes and cracked a smile, a true smile, one that hadn’t been seen in so long. “Just the bruises from the other night are there, but they make you look like a rebel” I said running towards him and jumping on his back, he caught me and laughed a bit. “Is that a good thing?” “Well your fans might get a little upset that someone touched your cute face, but I think I can fix it” “What do you mean?” He asked laughing a bit, “Make up duh” I said. “I think I’ll just stay in the house until there gone.” He said laughing. “I think I’ll stay with you” I said “Okay sounds good” He said putting me down in front of the car.

We got in and the ride home we talked about the up coming tour and how excited we were. When we got to the house the car was here along with Lindsey’s. “Ready?” Nick asked taking the key out of the ignition. “Yea” I whispered. “Al, don’t worry I won’t let you go down alone okay?” I smiled at him and then he turned to get out the door and I followed suit. He reached for my hand and I grabbed it, we walked up to the door. And I took a deep breath, he gave me a reassuring squeeze and smiled at me. I smiled back, though mine was not as believing as his was. Nick opened the door and I followed in behind him. “Nicholas??!? Allison!??” Mrs. Jonas called before she came into view, “Oh thank God. Paul their home!!” She shouted down the basement stairs before meeting us for a hug. Mr. Jonas came upstairs, along with Joe coming down from upstairs. “Where were you??” Mrs. Jonas asked walking into the kitchen motioning for us to follow her. “We just went for a drive, to the big hill. We lost track of time, sorry” Nick said acting like it was no big deal. Joe didn’t say anything and just sat down at the table, what time was it? Twelve. Wow. “Ally what happened to your cheek???” Mrs. Jonas asked while her eyes bugged out. She shot up and ran to get some ice. “Oh ha, well getting out of the car my phone fell off my lap to the ground, I bent down to pick it up and the door hit me. It hurt so bad.” I said laughing a little to seem that I was laughing at my own stupidity. “It was kind of funny to watch though” Nick said laughing….he’s a horrible fake laugher. I shook my head and Mr. Jonas narrowed his eyes at us. I took the ice and brought it to my face. “Well how was the interview thing?” Nick asked, I feel like Mr. Jonas is staring at me waiting for me to crack, but little does he know I’m really good at hiding what I’m feeling lately. “don’t think you two are off the hook.” Mrs. Jonas said, we both looked at each other. “Ally I told you not to leave this house, Nicholas you are an hour pass curfew” Mr. Jonas said. “Sorry, it’s my fault” I said and Nick looked at me. “I kind of had a break down and Nick was just helping me.” I said quietly. “Honey are you okay?” Mrs. Jonas asked walking over to me, “Um mom let’s not talk about it okay?” Nick said shaking his head. “Oh alright, I’m sorry honey. But just so you all know, were going shopping tomorrow for tour,” “When do we leave?” Joe spoke up for the first time. “This coming Friday.” “But that’s in like a week.” He said, “Very like good Joe!” I said clapping him on the shoulder, everyone laughed and I smiled and Joe looked at me shocked and then laughed, the hardest out of everyone.

He got up from the table and ran into I’m guessing Kevin and Lindsey. We could still hear him laughing from the kitchen, I just had a smile on my face while everyone looked at each other trying to figure out why Joe thought my joke was so funny. I knew the real reason though, he knew I was back to my usual self, well on the way anyway. “ALLY!!!” he busted through the door with his arms open I shot up, “JOEY!!” he ran to me and I ran and jumped up and he gave me a huge hug while spinning around. “What is going on??” Mr. Jonas asked while smirking at us. “SHE’S BACK!!!” he shouted jumping up and down. “Joseph she’s been here the whole time.” Kevin said walking in with Lindsey’s hand in his. “Right Kev, and you’ve straightened your hair since the ninth grade” I said back, Joe erupted with laughter along with Nick. “That doesn’t make any sense…” He said confused. Lindsey just laughed at his face. “Because it’s true!” I shouted laughing, “OH MY GOD SHE’S BACK!!!” Kevin and Joe both shouted at the same time. I started to laugh. Everyone in the room was laughing while the boys tackled me to the floor. I caught something shinning in my eye and I looked around to try and find the source. That’s when I saw it. “OH MY GOD!!!!” I shouted jumping up. “What?!” Everyone asked looking at me, I punched Kevin in the side of the arm. “YOU DIDN’T TELL ME!??!?!” I shouted then ran over to Lindsey and lifted up her hand to get a good look at her ring. “OH MY GOD!!!” Mrs. Jonas screamed jumping up and rushing over to Lindsey. She was smiling like crazy, “Congrats bro” I heard the boys say from behind me. The ring was gorgeous. It was cushion cut, silver band with three diamonds on either side of the center diamond. Mrs. Jonas was all teary eyed. “When did this happen?!” I asked Lindsey, “earlier tonight on our date.” I squealed and hugged her with Mrs. Jonas.

After we all had calmed down we decided to break out the ice cream and all have some while we heard the story of how he asked though I didn’t have any. Nick looked at me and pushed what was left of his towards me while Kevin was talking about how he thought he had forgotten the ring but it was just in the wrong pocket the whole time. I shook my head no with a smile. He raised his eyebrows and just kept pushing it towards me. I just ignored him. I don’t want any ice cream…and that’s it. I guess he didn’t want to ruin the good moment so he just gave it to Joe. “Nick why aren’t you eating this?” He asked eating the ice cream. “If I eat anymore Joe, I’ll die” He said and I started laughing. Nick and Joe laughed along with Kevin and Lindsey….Mr. and Mrs. Jonas don’t like it that much when we joke around with Nick’s diabetes, but hey, at least he can poke fun at it rather then be all depressed about it.
I mean the best thing to do is laugh. Laughter helps to heal everything. Though the hard part is, you can never exactly tell when someone is truely laughing or just pretending. Because the pretenders tend to get the standing ovation through out life, and that is just how things are. And sadly, no one can ever change that.