Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You


“Shit!” I harshly whisper just as my suit case knocks over a cardboard box that was unmarked, I stiffened as the box fell and tightly closed my eyes waiting for a loud smash of expensive china breaking.I heard the thump and things sprawling out. I peaked open an eye and saw pictures all over the place on the dusty attic floor. I left my suitcase standing by it’s self and bent down to pick up one of the pictures, It’s of me my dad and my mom, were all smiling at the camera, I’m probably three years old. I flip it over and read Easter, ally age three. I smile at the picture again, we looked so happy then. “Allison what are you doing up there?” I froze. “Oh I um” I babbled “I’m just getting my suitcase, you know to start packing.” I say as I appear at the top of the attic stairs and see my aunt standing at the bottom looking at me with disapproval, “Don’t go up there with out asking me.” “Okay.” I say bluntly as I drag the suitcase down the stairs behind me making sure it slams hard once I reach the bottom step, just because I am that mature. My aunt glares at me and I smile sweetly, “I didn’t mean to” lie. I wheel it into the room and shut the door behind me. I sigh at the sight of all the trash that I had created about an hour ago, there is wrapping paper all over the place and tags here and there and messed up tape balls because I’m to retarded to get the tape out of the tape dispenser on the first try, and ribbon all over. Yep I was wrapping all the presents, only one left was Nick’s, I even got my aunt one. It’s a picture of her and my mom when they were little probably about twelve and there on the beach, all smiles. I made it in black and white and put it into a frame with seashells around it. They both always loved the beach. It was wrapped and sitting on the desk. I gathered up all the trash and threw it into a bag and then walked it outside to the trashcan and then came back up to the room, only to be called back downstairs by my aunt for dinner. We had spaghetti and barley talked like always. I cleaned up afterwards and then went back up stairs and showered and got ready for bed, it’s early I know but I had something planed. Once my head hit the pillow and I had listened to a few songs on my ipod I was asleep.

And we were trying different things, and we were smoking funny things. Makin love out by the lake to our favorite song, sipping whiskey out the bottle not think- I turned off my alarm, three thirty in the morning, right on time. I threw my feet over the side of the bed and shivered once they hit the cold linoleum floor. I picked up my red fuzzy blanket and a few fat, thick, vanilla scented candles along with some matches and my cell phone and slowly made my way across the room. I crept the door open and looked down the hall, I could hear my aunt’s TV on from here, even if she is up there’s no way she’ll hear me. I tip toe down the hall until I come to the middle door and I gently twist the handle and open the door. I step up on the first step and close it quietly behind me, holding my breath the whole time.

A smile creeps on my face as I stare at the picture I’m holding. It’s of me, Joe, Kevin, and Nick were all outside in the Jonas backyard sitting on a blanket starring down a baby Frankie, were all smiling down at him. I flip it over and read Frankie’s fan club, Frankie two weeks old, Ally&Nick age seven; Joe age ten; Kevin age twelve. I set it aside and pick up the next one. It’s of me and Nick, were both sitting on the back steps of the beach house we used to rent every year, I’m wearing a little red sun dress with white polka dots, I remember my dad used to call it my Minie Mouse dress, my curly brown hair is in pig tails and I have blue ribbons in each, Nick’s wearing a white t-shirt and dark blue shorts. I have blue popsicle juice all over my face and a little on my lap, Nick had a red stain on his white shirt, I’m licking his popsicle and he’s licking mine, though were laughing and missing each others mouths because of us laughing so hard. I smile and shake my head at the picture and flip it over, 4th of July at the beach, Ally&Nick age four. I set it aside in the pile I have going and pick up a new one. It’s me and my mom on Christmas I remember this, we were waiting at the top of the stairs getting so cranky and mad because my dad was taking forever to take the stupid picture. Were wearing matching night gowns and my hair is a mess, you can tell I just woke up.Christmas morning, Ally age five, Mom age not needed to know I laugh quietly out loud, my mom never liked to share her age. Next was a picture of me and Nick again, were in my backyard and were soaking wet, the sprinkler is going on in the background. I’m wearing a cheetah print bakini and Nick is wearing a green one with surf boards all over it, were both smiling at the camera and have our arms around eachother's shoulders, were a little older in this one, Ally&Nick age nine. Next picture I picked up I remember. It was the last Christmas before I moved, it’s of me and the boys. Were all out side in front of the tree that was in between our two houses, I’m wearing a red dress and leggings with black flats, my hair is down and lightly curled and I have on a jacket on top, Nick is in tight black pants with a red button up shirt and a black tie and a black coat on top, Joe’s wearing tight white pants and a purple dress shirt with a black tie and his black jacket, Kevin’s in black pants with a button up brownish shirt and a vest on top with his black winter coat on top, Frankie is wearing grey dress pants with a red sweater and his black coat on top. We're all standing with our hands around each other, Kevin on the outside then Joe next was me and then Nick, Frankie was in between me and Joe but in front of us and I had my hands on his shoulders. All of us smiling at the camera, Christmas, Frankie age six, Ally&Nick age thirteen, Joe age sixteen, Kevin age eighteen. There were a few pictures of us from that Christmas, one were all making faces, another were laughing at Nick who has snow all over his face, I shoved it in his face right before the picture was taken. Then there were a few of us all throwing snow at each other. Though the one that I liked most was of me on Nick’s back and I’m giving him a kiss on the check and hes just smiling at the camera. I move that to the pile I have.

I pick another picture, It’s from Halloween when I was little, I was dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, I had one of those yellow costume dresses that you can buy from the Disney Store in the mall. My hair is curly and half up half down and I have a little tiara on top of my head and white gloves on. I remember I wanted to be the yellow power ranger, my mom said no. But anyway I’m with my dad and he has on a tuxedo coat and a little flower in the pocket and some black pants on, he was my “Beast” but in prince form. Daddy’s beauty, Ally’s Prince. Ally age six. Dad age thirty six. The last picture I picked up was of me and the boys at our first sleep over, we're all sleeping Kevin has no shirt on but some sweat pants and is asleep in his bed, then Joe was asleep on his bed with no shirt on and some shorts and the covers around his upper body. Then in the center on the floor in between the beds was me and Nick, asleep. I’m in some green shorts with a black t-shirt that says something about football, Nick’s in a pair of shorts and a white beater. I’m facing away from Nick towards Kevin’s bed with the blankets half on my body, Then Nick is facing Joe’s bed with the same covers half on his body, his head is under his pillow though. First sleep over-night…Ally&Nick age four, Joe age seven, Kevin age nine. Night? What? I look around and finally see one that looks the same though Kevin has no covers on him at all, Joe with the comforter now wrapped around his one leg and half of his body, with a nice drool spot on his pillow I may add. Then there was me and Nick, my head was on his chest and my one leg was wrapped around one of his, his arm was around me and my one arm was wrapped around his stomach, his head resting on mine. I laughed a little, that’s how we sleep now, First sleep over-morning….Ally and Nick will be married one day. I laughed at what I read and then decided it was time to get to bed again, I do have school tomorrow. I gathered up the pictures I was taking with me and blew out the candles and then gathered them up and made my way back to the bedroom. As soon as I was on the bedI fell asleep thinking back to what I read on the picture, Ally and Nick will be married one day....