Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

A little insight on the school day.

“Dreams can’t take the place of loving you, there’s gotta be a million reasons why it’s true” That was the last thing I heard Nick sing before I was asleep again, I had called him after I woke up from that awful nightmare I have every night. You know when the sun forgets to shine I’ll be there to hold you threw the night, we’ll be running so fast we could fl- and now I’m being woken up by him, “Hello?” I say groggily into the phone, “Morning sunshine” I yawn and stretch in my bed, “What time is it?” “Six thirty” “Great” I say with a sigh, “Come on Ally, you can’t be late today or tomorrow!” “Why not?” I say with another yawn and touch my feet to the cold floor again, “Because your aunt said that if you get in trouble then you can’t come” “Oh because I’m such a trouble maker” I say sarcastically now that I’m more awake, I look at my self in the mirror, yikes. I let my hair out of the pony tail and turn on my curling iron, “I know but still” “Why are you up?” He sounded so awake right now, “Oh we have a radio interview today in New York somewhere, we're just going to drive but it’s a five hour drive. Smart idea mom right?” I just giggle “Well at least you don’t have to go to school” he just scoffs on the other end, Nick always says he’s jealous that I get to go to high school, he never got to and apparently it’s something he wants to do. I pull out the outfit I had set out for today, I packed yesterday. I packed everything I have. This plan better work. I change into the purple long sleeved, v neck, dress and pull on my leggings. Next I add a thick black belt for something extra. “So are you on the way now?” “No were leaving in like twenty minutes” “Oh” I say as I put him on speaker so I can curl my hair. “Yep now I’m just waiting for everyone, actually just Kevin.” “Kevin? Are you sure you don’t mean Joe?” I say laughing a little and he laughs to, “Hey I heard that!” Joe took the phone from Nick , “Hi Joe!” “Hi Ally!” “So Joe what’s new?” “Nothing really, just been doing the usual” “and what’s that?” “you know….stuff” “Awkward” I say in the voice Joe always says it in, “Hey that’s my line!!” I laugh and so does he, then I realize how much I have to pee. “Joe tell me about how you beat Kev in Guitar hero again!” I say excitedly so he’ll get all hyped up about it and go on long enough for me to pee and brush my teeth. “Oh my god okay ready so were sitting there and the song starts, When you were young, I love tha-“ I press the mute button so he can’t hear me as I pee and brush my teeth. Just as I’m rinsing out my mouth I hear him calling my name from the phone. “Ally!?! OH MY GOD YOU PUT ME ON MUTE AGAIN DIDN’T YOU!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!?” I laugh a little and then take it off mute, “Joe calm down I’ve been here the whole time!” “Oh really then how did I bea-“ “You were tied towards the end but Kevin was ahead by the slightest bit but then you had star power so you used it and won” Joe has told me this story about twenty times, he was so happy he had beaten Kevin. “Oh, well yea it was AWESOME!” I laugh “I wish I could have seen it” “Oh I’ll do it again when you’re here!” “Okay Joe” I was putting on my make up now, “Oh here’s Frankie” “Ally!!” “My man!!” “I miss you!” “I bet I miss you more!” and I’m being completely honest when I say that. “Psh, yea right!” I just laugh and I can hear Nick in the background telling Frankie to give him the phone, “Chill man, not my fault chicks dig me!” he yells back and I burst out laughing, good thing I’m done my make up or else that could have been bad, I could have had a black streak across my face from my eye liner. “Okay Ally here’s Nick, I’ll see you soon!!” “Alright bye bud!!” “Kevin says hi Al” “Hey Kev!” “She says Hi,” “Okay well looks like I have to go, but I’ll talk to you later okay?” “Alright” I sigh, “Come on have a good day at school, and DON’T be late al!” “I won’t!” “Okay good love you” “Love you to!” then I hang up and gather up my books and head down stairs to grab an apple to eat for breakfast.

“Miss Windle what’s the answer?” I shot my head up, I had been texting Nicole and Mr. Kirk was asking me to answer the math problem he had up on the board, “um” I croaked out looking at the long equation….okay lets see if x is equal to m which is pie over two then….ha yea right I can’t figure this out in my head in twenty seconds, “X equals 45 over 67” was whispered into my ear, “um I got X equals 45 over 67?” “Correct.” I sigh and turn around to face that Brian kid, “Thanks” “No problem” he smiles at me and I twist back around just as the bell rings. “Alright no work tonight guys” there’s a few cheers from the guys in our class and I scoop up my books and drop my phone into my bag and start out the door. Soon I’m joined by Tom, “Oh hey Ally” I laugh, “Hey Tom, how was Chem?” “Hell, math?” “hell” I say back and laugh, people say hi to me here and there, I answer with a smile or a hi. “So you have lunch next?” “Tom. I sit across from you, at the same table” “I know, just making sure” I just laugh and return hi’s and smiles at the people greeting me as I make my way to my locker.

After Chem, my last class of the day I take my time getting to my locker, unlike all the freshman and sophomores who have to rush to catch the busses. Thank God for Matthew and his car. Speaking of the devil, “YO ALLY!” I whip around and step aside and wait for Matt to catch up, a lot of passing people say hi and try to talk to him but he just smiles and high fives some kids and then throws his arm around my shoulder once he reaches me, “Geez Mr. Popular I’m so glad I get to be seen with you” he smiles smugly “I know you're really lucky” and he winks at me causing me to laugh more. Matt always reminds me of Joe, though he is never nearly as hyper as Joe is. As were walking towards our lockers upstairs I hear the usual, “Hey Ally” or “Ally!” or the smiles and the light shoves or punches from people I know, I just smile or say hi back, “Looks like I’m not the popular one” Matt comments and I just role my eyes, everyone only says hi to me because I know the Jonas Brothers. I respond by rolling my eyes and shoving him into a locker and then walking ahead to my own. After a few attempts of trying to open my locker I give up, “Mattttttt” I yell down the hall, we're basically the only ones left in it, “What?” he shouts back popping up from his own locker, “It’s stuck again!” He started walking over towards me, his locker was in the next set up from mine, I turned towards the locker and in frustration punched it. “No, you gotta kick it right” then he kicked the bottom really hard and it popped open, “here” I laughed a little, “Thanks” then I throw in some books and take out a few pictures I had hanging up inside and put them in my bag, “What are you doing?” Matt asked cocking his eyebrow in curiosity, “Just taking them home” I say not really looking at him. Then I stand up and slam the locker shut. “Ready? “ He asks, “Yep let’s go” I run and jump on his back and he gives me a piggy back ride down the stairs, I know I’m getting stares from people we pass. I mean who wouldn’t stare, I am getting a piggy back ride from probably the hottest boy in the school who just happens to be like my best guy friend, well in Michigan anyway. Soon we're in the car and on the way to my house. “So what are you doing tonight?” he asks me, “Um I have to finish up Christmas shopping since I’m leaving tomorrow from school, so yea I won’t need a ride home tomorrow” “Alright but your not going to Aaron’s tonight?” Aaron was having a party tonight but I really had to pack and finish shopping for everyone. “Nope, just shopping and packing are you going?” “I don’t want to, Karen’s going to be there” “Oh?” “Yea, she’s getting SO annoying.” See Matt never had girl friends, just girls. He doesn’t like the feeling of being tied down to just one girl though he basically was. “Well you can chill with me tonight if you want” I offer, “Could I?” “Yea, we can do dinner to before hand” “Alright nice, how about Applebees?” “Okay, 7?” “I’ll be here” “Alright I’ll see you then” I say getting out of the car he honks the horn and I wave and walk into the house.