Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

"I'll kill Joe and Kevin"

Wow I am so bored. I’ve already packed everything that I own in this room, I’m not planning on coming back, though I can’t help but feel a nagging in the back of my mind saying it’s not going to happen, I’ve been pushing it further and further away. I sigh and lay back on the bed…I should probably call Nick and talk to him about me going out with Matt, you know just so he knows we're going as friends…he is known for getting jealous, very easily. So I dial his number and it goes straight to voicemail, “Hey guys this is Nick, sorry I missed your call but leave a message and I’ll get back to you” I hung up, no point in leaving a message. I make my way down to the kitchen, I guess I’ll unload the dishwasher, nothing else to do. My aunt had left earlier to go out with friends and wasn’t going to be back until late tonight when I would be asleep, and well we all know I’ll be gone before she wakes up tomorrow morning and since I’m leaving straight from school I won’t see her after. I flip on the radio in the kitchen and turn it up and what I hear makes me feel so stupid. “Hey guys it’s us the Jonas Brothers” Joe’s voice rang through the speakers and bounced around the kitchen, I completely forgot Nick told me they had radio interviews today, I’m so stupid. That’s why his phone was off, there not aloud to keep them on during interviews anymore ever since I pulled that little stunt on TRL, but whatever it was so worth it. There were articles in all the papers about Nick’s love for Barbie, it was great. “And we are here waiting for you guys to call in!” Joe shouted, “That’s right, call in and ask us a question, the number is 1 800 1021” Nick said next. “Alright everyone, here is Forever by Chris Brown!” the DJ said and then Forever came on and I danced around a little, ha I guess I’ll call in to them, though I won’t get threw who cares, let’s see if they can recognize who I am. So I grab my phone and start dialing all I can get is busy signals, I just keep trying over and over again while I listen to the music and dance around the kitchen singing along and putting away the clean dishes, I’m a good multi-tasker. “Hey, your on the line with the Jonas Brothers!” was screamed into my ear, I scream because I forgot I was even on the phone and wasn’t expecting the voice in my ear, I dropped the plate I was holding and fell on the ground because I had slipped from jumping at the voice. So much for a good multi-tasker right? Ha.“Ouch” I say into the phone as I stand up and rub my now soar butt. “Um are you okay?” Kevin asks, I laugh a little, “Oh um yea I’m fine, so what’s up?!” “oh um we're good, you?” Joe answered confused, I laugh a little and I can hear Nick’s laugh in the background, “So what’s your name?” Joe continues, “Joseph do you really not know who I am!?” Kevin’s laughing now to, “Um,” “Joe I’ll give you a hint,” Kevin starts, “She would beat you up almost every day when we were little” “ALLY!!” he shouts and I laugh, “Yea thanks for noticing” “Hey you sound different on the radio, it’s not my fault!” “I knew who it was right away” Nick brags, “Me to” Kevin chimes in, “Shut up guys” Joe says in a harsh whisper, and I laugh. “So um I called you Nick, but your phone was off.” “that’s all your fault and you know it!” he shot back “it was so worth it though!” “Yea it really was” Kevin says laughing, “Alright well call me when you can popstar, I have to clean up the plate I just broke…” “Alright bye Ally!” “I hate you” I hear Joe say, “Bye Kevin and Nick, I hate you more Joe!” I shout back before I hang up laughing. “Well she seems nice” the DJ says, “She really is” Kevin says laughing “Yea, I love her I was just kidding, she’s the little sister I never had!” Joe says a little to excited. “Nick want to add to that?” The DJ asks laughing as well, “She’s my best friend, always has been and always will” “Aw that’s precious” I hear Joe say then you can hear a smack and some more laughing. “Alright well back to the music, here is the boy’s new song featuring Big Rob, Burnin Up!” After I hear the opening chords to Burnin Up I switch off the radio and clean up the plate. Then I go upstairs and change into a pair of jeans and a beater, I pull on a hot pink sweat shirt that says “Jersey Girl” in orange, a gift from the boys they said they saw it and had to get it for me. After I touched up my make up and hair I heard my phone going off, you know when the sun forgets to shi-“Yo Nick” “Hey al, what’s up?” “Um I was just calling to talk” “Oh well what’s new?” “Nothing, what are you doing tonight?” “Um” there was a pause, I was just about to say his name when he answered, “I’m hanging out with Selena I think were going to the movies” “Oh alright” I say in a happy voice, the jealousy of Selena being with Nick, maybe by themselves bubbled up but I refused to let it get to me, I mean I’m doing the same thing tonight, and I trust Nick. “Yea, what about you?” “Oh well I’m going out to do some last minute shopping, Matt’s coming along to” “Just you and him?” “Yeah, problem with that?” I ask knowing he’s getting jealous, “No, but I have to go get ready, I’ll talk to you tonight when you call okay?” “Alright, love you” “Love you to” then I hung up, Red Red Wineeeeeeeee- I started laughing at the ringtone that was coming from my phone as I flipped it open, “Hi Matthew” “Hey, I’m outside” “Alright I’ll be right out” then I hung up, the ringtone was Matt singing Red Red Wine, his favorite song.

“What about this one?” I made a face, Matt was holding up a hideous sweater, “Wow, so sorry. I don’t have good taste in girls clothes” “You should be” I said laughing, “Alright, I’m getting a little beat and I have to finish packing up odds and ends” “Alright let’s go” he says linking arms with me. Soon we were in the car, “So you're going back to Jersey for break?” “Yep, I am so excited!” “I can tell” he said laughing, I just smiled at him and he turned up the radio, All Summer Long filled the car and I started to belt out the song with Matt, we love this song. You know when the sun forge- “I should take this” I yell over the music and Matt turns it down, “Go ahead” he says as we slow to a red light, “Hey Nick” “ALLLLLLLLYYSON!” “Joe? Why do you have Nick’s phone?” I ask laughing, “I stole it from him” he answeres in a matter-of-fact tone, “You stole it from him? but I thought he was at the movies?” “No him and Selena are watching a movie downstairs, so I told him I was stealing his phone and calling you!” “Oh” I say bluntly. Watching a movie in the basement? That’s the same as going to the movies right? Yea of course it is. “Yep what are you doing?” “I’m out with a friend,” I hear Matt scoff next to me and I look over, “I apparently don’t have a name” he says out loud, “Okay I’m out with Matt” “That’s a boy name” “Very good Joe!” “Does Nick know?” he just changed to complete seriousness, “Yea” “Can I talk to that guy?” “Why?” “Just because” “fine” I push the phone towards Matt, “He wants to talk to you, it’s Joe” “Oh” if Joe says anything to Matt about me and Nick I’ll kill him, we're keeping it to ourselves…right? I mean I know were keeping it from the tabloids and stuff, but what about our close friends? Oh god. I should have told Matt. “Um yea,” Matt said looking over towards me I mouth what and he just smiles, “Yea she does” “alright, here she is, bye” I look at him weird, “Don’t worry about it” I roll my eyes at him, he knows I hate it when people say that. “Joseph” “Ally, you didn’t tell him you and Nick are together did you?” “Well no, I mean I didn’t think we were tel-“ “Do it right now!” he somewhat shouted at me, “What? Why?” “Because he just told me he liked you!” “Yea okay Joe,” I said laughing, he’s talking about Matt here, the guy who I met because he was rapping about Julius Caesar with Tom outside of the lunch room the first day of school, I stopped and just laughed and that was it. We’ve been tight ever since. This is the guy who belts out Pocket Full Of Sunshine with me in the car, and the guy who pisses me off on purpose all the time just because it’s ‘funny’, the guy who I can make jokes with and laugh so hard that our drink shoots our of our noses…in public.

“Ally I’m dead serious, do it right now” “Yea, okay well I’m sure Nick told Selena” I blurted out letting my jealousy slip, “Um yea he did. Ally he’s told everyone but the press” Wow way to make me feel like the bad guy here Joe….”I gotta go Joe bye” then I just hung up. “You okay?”Matt looked at me like I was crazy, probably because I just freaked. “Yep, now back to Kid Rock” I turned up the volume and we started singing again. I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cher- “What Kevin?” “Hi to you to Ally” I sighed, “Sorry, what’s up?” “Nothing, who are you with?” “Kevin, you and Joe stop calling me. I know Joe made you call me and he’s probably standing there right across from you am I right?” “What?” “You are horrible at lying” “Ha wow you and Joe both just said that at the same time!” I shook my head. “Bye Kevin” “WAIT! Ally?” “What!?” I was getting a little frustrated now, “Tell him ally” “Leave me alone!!” then I shut my phone, “Woah” Matt said, “No there getting all annoying because I’m out with a boy even though I’m dating their brother! WHO CARES!? He’s with another girl right now and I’m not freaking out!! They need to chill and turn off the big brother mode!” I shouted in a huff and then starred out the window, yea I just told Matt I was dating Nick, for the first time for the year I’ve known him. And I did it because I was flipping out about Joe and Kevin caring to much. Nick knows I’m with Matt! Who cares if he doesn’t know we're dating! “Your dating Nick Jonas?” he quietly asked, I sighed and looked over at him, “Yea, I have been for almost a year and a half” “and you never told me Ally? I thought we were best friends?” he seemed hurt? Upset? Disappointed? I couldn’t tell…”I didn’t think we were telling anyone, I mean I knew we weren’t telling the press and I didn’t want anyone here to slip up you know?” “I wouldn’t have” he mumbled, he seemed like mad at me that I didn’t tell him, “Sorry” I muttered out not knowing what else to say, “It’s fine” he responded a few moments later that felt like hours. It was awkward for once between me and Matt, that’s never happened and I didn’t know what to do…I felt like a socially challenged nerd in a room filled with prom queens. We pulled up to my aunts house and I real quick opened the car door and hopped out, “I’ll see you tomorrow, remember I don’t need a ride” “Alright, Night Al” “Night Matt” I smiled weakly at him and he returned the smile just as weak. If Matt is mad at me when I leave school tomorrow, I’ll kill Joe and Kevin.