Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

He couldn' he is that stupid.

You know when the sun forgets to shine I’ll be there to hold you threw the night we’ll be running so fast we could fly toni- “Hello?” I groggily answered my phone with my eyes still closed, “Hey Al,” “What time is it?” I asked trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness, “four” he answered like it was perfectly normal for him to be calling me right now, “Why am I on the phone with you right now!?” “Well you always call me and I was up” “you couldn’t wait about twenty minutes till I called you, I was in the middle of my nightmare” “Well hey now you don’t have to go through it” “true, thanks then” I say smiling even though he can’t see me. “Yep so how was your date with Matt?” “It wasn’t a date Nick, and it was fine” “Well that’s good what did you guys do?” “we went to apple bees to eat, then we went to the mall and I got your present and then bought some clothes and then I came home” “fun fun” “Yea, joe and Kevin called me during it, didn’t they tell you?” “I wasn’t with them tonight” “Oh that’s right how was your date with Selena?” “wasn’t a date but it was alright, we stayed here and watched a movie to avoid paparazzi” “Makes sense” I said yawning, “Yep” “anything exciting happen?” “Nope we watched High School Musical, she wanted to watch the Notebook, but I said no because that’s our movie” I smiled and blushed, the boy wasn’t here and I still blushed like an idiot. “Good well Nick I’m going to go because I have a plane ride tomorrow to get to you and I need all the beauty sleep I can get” “you don’t need any beauty sleep your already ridiculously beautiful” “Ha yea well then you should get your beauty rest, cause you need it” I said starting to laugh at my own joke, “Ha very funny Ally but yea I’ll SEE you tomorrow, or today actually, oh and leave your suitcase out on the porch so the driver can get it, love you!” “Love you to” then I hung up and rolled over and went back to bed. I woke up to the light pouring into the bedroom. I’m going to see the Jonases with in twenty four hours! I jumped up and got into the shower and got out quick and blow dried my hair and brushed my teeth, next I curled my hair and pulled on a pair of Hollister jeans and then pulled on a black tank top and buttoned up a thick grey sweater halfway up. I pulled on my UGGS and then threw everything else into my suitcase and then zipped it all up and dragged it out of the bedroom and tried to be as quiet as I could going down the steps with it. Now a heavy, big, fat suitcase and wood stairs do not go well together when you are trying to be quiet. So I got more then halfway down and decided that maybe, like a band-aid if I just did it really fast everything would be okay. I ran down the rest of the steps with the suitcase trailing loudly behind me. I was wrong, so very wrong. I heard my aunt throw her door open and come running to the top of the stairs, “Jesus I thought some one was being shot!!” “Nope just me, sorry” I whispered back up, “Have a safe trip” she said and then waved and headed back to bed, I opened the front door and dragged the bag out and placed it on the porch like Nick had told me to. Next I went back in and ate some breakfast.

“Red Red Wine!” I shouted “Yes!!” Matt shouted throwing his hands in the air, “No fair you always say Red Red Wine!!” Kelsey complained, “No I don’t!” He protested back, “Ha yea you do” Tom commented in, I just laughed, “Do I?” Matt asked me, I shook my head yes and he rolled his eyes, “Whatever I’m going to go sit with Landis because you guys suck!” he shot up and walked over to Landis, one of the nerds in our grade and sat down with him after glaring back at us. We all were just laughing at his over reaction, Matt is a very soar loser. We were all in seventh period study hall and I only had one last period until I would be on the way to the airport, the day has been going by SO slow. The bell finally rang, and I got up and walked towards the back steps, I don’t get why no body ever uses this stairwell, it was always empty and less hectic to get up, unlike the first staircase right outside the main cafeteria doors, everyone uses those. I walked up the stairs and cut threw the auditorium and then came out the other end where I met up with Matt, “I don’t understand why you don’t just take the back stairwell” “Because I have people I need to grace with my presence.” I scoffed and then he looked at me with narrowed eyes and then took my books that were in my arms and threw them out of my arms into the nearest classroom. “MATT!” I shouted after him he just waved back with a smile and ran so that he wouldn’t be late for chemistry. Great now I’m going to be late, and of course Miss. Kindle hates me, and she gets so pissed when people are late, I’m going to kill Matt. I ran into the classroom filled with freshman and picked up my few books and then ran out as the bell was ringing, I ran down the hall until I came to the lab, I walked past the first door to the back door. I sat at the back table next to Matt and luckily Miss. Kindle never walked further then the first two. I crept open the door and crawled in, I pulled out my stool quietly and then put my books up and slowly stood up and sat. My stool flew out from underneath me and landed in the middle of the aisle with a loud clamering, I shot up and ran over to the stool and picked it up, “Miss Windle, why are you interrupting my class?” “I fell, sorry” I answered as I reached my spot next to Matt, he was laughing silently to himself I sat down and avoided the death glare I was receiving from Miss. Kindle. As soon as she turned around I punched Matt as hard as I could, “Ouch!!” “That’s for making me late!!” “You didn’t get caught!” we were harshly whispering to each other. Yea he wasn’t mad at me, this morning when I came in he acted like nothing had ever happened, and thank god. I wonder if Nick will like his present, I had created a picture collage of me and him from those pictures I had found in the attic. The bell ringing brought me out of my thoughts, “Yes!” I shouted and then picked up all my books and started out the door.

I threw all my books into my locker and then shut it and made my way towards the middle staircase, then I was stopped. “Yo Ally!” I turned around and there was Matt at his locker, “Yea?” I called “I’m not getting a hug bye?” I smiled and walked over and he met me half way and then threw his arms around and me and I did the same, then he lifted me up and spun me around, “Okay Matt” I say laughing, “Ha alright I’ll talk to you later, bye Al” he said with a smile, “Bye Matt” I real quick hugged him and then spun around and made my way down the stairs and out the door. Once I looked up from putting my sunglasses on I noticed a huge crowd around a black SUV……the boys can’t be that dumb can they? I mean they them selves wouldn’t come….”Um exscuse me, what’s going on?” I asked the closest girl, “Someone said that Nick Jonas is here!!” “Oh” Wow, he is that stupid. I pushed my way threw the crowd and then saw Big Rob standing there, “Big Rob!” I shouted and ran towards him. “There you are Ally!” I gave him a hug and he lifted me up and put me back down, “Ready to go?” he asked me, “Yep” I smiled and he opened the door for me and I scooted in, I looked around and the smile on my face fell as I saw that Nick wasn’t here, no one was. I sighed and turned around as Big Rob got in, “Excited Ally?” “Yes I can’t wait to see everyone, I’m so hyped that you picked me up! I didn’t know that you were coming to get me” I trailed off, looking at him in the mirror, he smiled at me I was about to ask him why he was giving me that look, the one that meant he knew something that I didn’t when I heard, “Well they wouldn’t let me come alone” I shot around and screamed in excitement, Nick was sitting in the last row of seats, I jumped over the row I was sitting in and hugged him, “Why are you here?!” “Well after Selena left, I decided I wanted to come get you myself, though of course I wasn’t aloud to come, so after a lot of begging dad agreed but only if I brought Big Rob” I hugged him again and then he pulled me into a kiss, a very rough one might I add. Well I haven’t seen him in over a year! We kissed pretty much the whole way up to the air port. Big Rob had put on the radio and was pretending we weren’t in the car, and we didn’t mind at all.