Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

The flight back home.

“Alright ready?” Nick asked as he wrapped a scarf around half of his face and put on some sunglasses and a hat, I laughed at him and put on my glasses and opened the door and hopped out, followed by Nick. Big Rob walked around and handed us our suitcases. We walked in threw the revolving doors and then Big Rob got us our tickets and boarding passes. We checked my bag but Big Rob and Nick just brought there’s on with us, they only had little duffle bags, because well they got in late last night. Apparently when Nick called me it was when he had just gotten into his hotel room. “So wait, how did everyone know you were in the car?” I asked him, we were sitting at our gate just waiting to be called to get onto the plane. “Well I was waiting outside the car with Big Rob and we weren’t paying attention at the time and then we heard the bell and soon all these kids came out and saw me and I had to jump in the car after waving.” “Yea I had to protect him” Big Rob said flexing his arms causing both of us to laugh. “Nick I’m bored” I complained for the hundredth time. “Ally what do you want me to do?” “Let’s go for a walk!” We looked over towards to Big Rob, “Fine, but don’t go to far” “Thank you!” I said jumping up and giving him a kiss on the cheek, Nick laughed “I’m not giving you a kiss on the cheek but thanks” we all laughed and then me and Nick set off on our walk. We ended up walking to a tiny shop and looking at magazines, “Um Nick” I say nervously as I look at the cover of the magazine reading the words again, “What’s wrong Al?” he appeared next to me and then read the cover tag line to, “Miley Cyrus talks about what really happened with Nick Jonas” I quietly read out loud. “She wouldn’t” he said grabbing it from my hands and flipping threw the magazine until he found the article. I dragged him over to the stand, “Um excuse me just this” I said pointing to the Seventeen magazine in Nick’s hands, “Okay that will be 2.97” I handed over the money and then dragged Nick out with me. We sat down on a near by bench and I forced him to share the magazine with me. From what I read her and Nick broke up before a concert, and she was the one who had brought it up. Also she talked about how Nick made her get high lights and was controlling. “This is ridiculous, I broke up with her in New York City that night after dinner, I never made her get high lights, she asked me one day if I liked them and I said yea!” I could hear in Nick’s voice him getting angry, “Nick calm down” I said rubbing his knee while looking over his article again. He let out a sigh and stood up, I looked up at him, “Let’s go, we should be boarding soon” he said sadly, “Nick, come on don’t let this get you down okay? Everyone we know and that matters knows that you broke up with her, and everyone knows your not a controlling boyfriend like she said you were. I mean even her fans will connect the dots, why would she make the song seven things about you if she broke up with you…it just doesn’t make sense!” I was talking as we were walking back towards Big Rob, “you know what, you're right!” he said smiling down at me, “Of course I am, I’m always right” I said jokingly back and he lightly punched me in the arm, “Way to be modest Al” I just rolled my eyes as we sat down in our original seats.

“Blue” I said, “Red” he replied with “Pink” I said next, “Hot Pink” he finished, “you loose!” I shouted, “What no I don’t!!” we were playing concentration and he just repeated Hot Pink, that was the first color I had said, “I said that first!” “No you didn’t!” he shot back I looked over at Big Rob for some back up, “She said it first” he said looking up from the news paper he was reading, “HA!” I shouted and stuck my tongue out at him, “Oh whatever, this game is gay anyway!” he said back slouching down in his seat, “Nicholas you are such a soar loser” “Am not!” I just raised my eyebrows at him, “Oh whatever!” he huffed some more and I giggled at his two year old behavior. A girl around our age came up to us and I sucked in my breath hopping she wasn’t going to ask Nick for an autograph…..”Um, excuse me” she said I looked up with Nick and Big Rob. “Um aren’t you Nick Jonas?” I looked over at Nick and he smiled, “Yea that’s me” “Oh wow! Could you like sign this for me?!” She held out a napkin and a pen, Nick laughed a little and I smiled, “Sure” he real quick signed it and then handed it back to her, the grin on her face was gigantic, “Thank you so much, I love you guys! Where’s Kevin and Joe?” she asked looking around real quick, “Oh I just came to pick up Ally,” he said looking over at me, “Oh are you guys spending the holidays together” wow this girl was a little nosey. Nick laughed, “Yea we are” “Oh wow you are so lucky!” she said to me, “Yea I don’t know they get annoying sometimes” I said with a smirk looking at Nick and then started to laugh, “Nah just kidding” Nick rolled his eyes and laughed, Soon a few more girls came over. Next thing I knew there was a huge mob of girls around us. Big Rob was keeping them back best he could but soon Airport Security came up and forced the girls back and then me, Nick and Big Rob were waiting awkwardly for our plane to start to board. People were taking so many pictures of us, so we were just talking quietly between the three of us.

Finally we were called and after Nick put his duffle bag up in the over head apartment he sat down next to me. Big Rob was a few rows behind us. I got the window seat after a long debate I won, because well I always won. Ha. Though the middle armrest, that was a whole other story. We both had our arms glued to it, afraid to let the other person win it. The stewardess was giving us the instructions that you get in the beginning of every plane ride. The whole time Nick was nudging my arm trying to get the whole arm rest to himself. I was nudging him back then he pinched me, “Ouch!” I squealed, Nick started laughing and then I smacked him in the stomach, a few people gave us glares so we both mouthed some sorrys and sunk further into our seats. Once she was done talking we started to move down the runway I was looking out the window with a huge smile on my face, “Nick I’m so excited that I get to spend break with you guys!” He didn’t respond so I looked over at him he had his eyes tightly closed and was gripping the arm rests pretty tightly, I forgot that he’s afraid of flying, well just the taking off part and landing part. I smiled and grabbed his hand that was sharing the arm rest with mine and squeezed it and he squeezed it back even harder. Once we were fully into the air I squeezed his hand again, “Were in the air now” He opened his eyes and smiled down at me, “Thanks babe” I just smiled at him, I love it when he calls me babe. “So Nick do you remember our first sleep over?” I asked him, we had been playing thumb war, “Um no, I don’t think so” he answered still playing with my hand, “I found the cutest picture of us from it.” “What does it look like?!” Nick loves finding old pictures or home videos of us, “I’ll show you later” I said yawning a bit. “Tired?” he asked I nodded my head yes putting my head down on his arm, “get up” he said to me, I sat up, “Sorry?” I was a little confused, he laughed a little and then did something with the middle arm rest and then pushed it up. “Oh” I said laughing a little to myself, then he motioned for me to lay back down with his arms wide open, I scooted closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep to him playing with my hair.

“Babe, were getting ready to land” was whispered into my ear. I opened an eye and then realized where I was again and sat up straight in my own seat and stretched my arms a little. “Have a nice nap?” He asked laughing a little at me, “Yep, you are very comfy, did you sleep at all?” “Not really, I don’t like flying that much.” “I know you don’t” I said grabbing his hand as the fasten your seat belt sign came on. He started to draw circles on my palm with his thumb; I love it when he does that. “I love this part” I said to him as we started our dissent to the ground, he just closed his eyes tighter and squeezed my hand harder. “Sorry” I said realizing that I wasn’t helping at all, he smiled a mischievous smirk and peaked an eye open at me, “Nothing a kiss can’t fix” “You are ridiculous” I said shaking my head and laughing a little as I said the words. “I’m still waiting” was all he said, I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the cheek. “Hey that isn’t a kiss!” “You never specified what type” I said laughing at his now pouting face. “Oh whatever” “You know you love me” I said squeezing his hand playfully, “I know I do” he said leaning in and giving me a quick peck just as we landed.
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so yea i changed some stuff about the miley article obviously by putting a different truth behind it.