Status: finished, look for the sequel!

And I'm Reaching Out For You

Reunited and it feels so good.

“So this is it right?” Big Rob asked me pulling up my huge suit case. “Yep, that’s it!” I said happily reaching for it, “Nah I got it, you may break your back trying to carry it” he said laughing at his own joke. “Ha. Good joke Big Rob” I said with a serious face but soon started laughing along with Nick and Big Rob. We were about to walk out of the airport when Nick stopped causing me to stop because his arm was linked with mine. “Woah what are you doing?” I asked stumbling over my own feet but then regaining my balance. He laughed a little but then took out the scarf and glasses, “My disguise!” I laughed at him, “Nick I think people will recognize Big Rob….” “No they won’t” Big Rob said pulling on a hat, I just laughed some more, people will so recognize us. Well it’s not me they’d recognize it’d be Nick or Big Rob. “Hear let me help” I said taking the scarf from Nick, “Okay” he said as I started to wrap it around his face. I wrapped it around his mouth and nose and then tied it in the back behind his head. I took his glasses and shoved them on his face laughing while I pulled his hoodie over his eyes. “FAWY! I PANF FEE!” He mumbled threw the scarf which caused me to laugh along with an amused looking Big Rob, “I’m sorry Nick I can’t understand you” I said walking towards the door pulling on my glasses, even though it’s dark I like to pretend I need to hide my face like the boys do. Big Rob was behind me walking close by to Nick. I got threw the automatic revolving doors pretty easily, I stood outside them and watched with great amusement as Nick tried to get in them with Big Rob, it wasn’t working out so well. He walked into the door and bounced back and landed on Big Rob who just pushed him back again into the door with a loud thud. I was laughing so hard and everyone was looking at me. Finally both of them got out after Nick had gone around a good three times. He was now very dizzy and still blindfolded and wrapped up like a mummy. All the cameras came out and were snapping pictures of a confused Nick. Big Rob was guiding him and then a black SUV pulled up, “Go ahead Ally” he said to me I pulled open the door and hopped inside as the driver got out and handed the keys to Big Rob next to Nick. Soon Nick came tumbling in and I was laughing, he threw his hand up to my face and found my mouth and then with his other hand pulled his scarf away from his lips and crashed his into mine, my laughter was stopped by his lips, I was going along with it until I saw flashes coming from the direction of the door. I pushed Nick off and he fell off of me and landed on the floor of the SUV. I started to laugh again and Nick laughed to but then pulled away his scarf and noticed the door was wide open. “Oh my god” he said and we both reached for the door at the same time and smacked heads, “OW NICK!” I yelled and he slammed the door shut just as Big Rob was getting in the driver’s seat. “Sorry” he said rubbing his own head, “Do you realize that they just got pictures of us kissing!?” I said harshly to him like it was his fault. “I know….dad is going to kill us” “I know” I said rubbing my head where a bump was now forming from where our heads collided. “So much for keeping it from the press…” I said looking at him, “It’s not my fault!” he shouted at me, he knew I was accusing him, “It’s not mine!” “You tied the scarf around my face!” “You kissed me in front of them!!” “I COULDN’T SEE!!” I started laughing at our argument, soon he started to laugh to along with Big Rob, “Big Rob for now on if I’m blind folded and getting in the car with Al, please close the door behind us” Nick said laughing, “Ha no problem Nick” he said laughing, “Or maybe Mr. Jonas here just needs to learn to wait until the door is closed!” I said smacking Nick playfully he just rolled his eyes and smirked at me.

“Were home!!” Nick shouted through out the house. “Nick!! It’s almost one in the morning!” I scolded him, he just shrugged. “ALLY!!” Kevin and Joe both shouted at the same time and came running over and tackled me with hugs to the ground I started laughing uncontrollably as they started to tickle me, “GUYS I’M GOING TO PEE!” they just looked at each other and then started tickling me even harder causing me to laugh louder, if that’s possible. “Boys get off of her!!” Mrs. Jonas shouted down the hallway. They got up off of me and helped me up. I was breathing heavily, I ran over to Mrs. Jonas and gave her a big hug. “I miss having another girl around!!” I just laughed at her remark, “Well it’s nice to be back!” then Mr. Jonas came into view, I ran over and threw my arms around him and almost made him fall. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” I shouted and he laughed at me, “It was nothing Ally” he said rubbing my back as I pulled away, soon something clung to my leg, “Ally!!” “Frankie!!” I kneel down so I’m close to his height, “I missed you!” he said flinging his arms around me for another hug almost knocking me off balance. “Buddy trust me, I missed you way more!” again, I’m being completely honest when I say this. “Nah uh! Not possible!” he said shaking his head no with a smile, “I can accomplish the impossible bud remember!?” I said jokingly to him, “I forgot!!” he said throwing his hand over his mouth like he was shocked. I just laughed some more and ruffled his hair and stood up. “Alright Frankie you have to go to bed” Mr. Jonas said, “But Ally just got here!” he whined, “Come on Frank that was the deal, you could stay up until Ally and Nick got home” Mrs. Jonas said to him, “Fine” he huffed and started up the stairs but then ran back down and hugged all the guys one by one and then me, “Night Frankie” I said giving him a hair ruffle, “Night Ally, I’m glad your back!” “Me to bud” I said smiling after him running up the steps, “Alright I’m going to put him to bed, and then go to bed myself, I have to get up early tomorrow for work” Mr. Jonas said starting up the stairs, we all called up to him saying goodnight. The rest of us made our way to the kitchen, “Hungry you two?” Mrs. Jonas asked, “Yea, but I can get myself something” I said to her, “Nah I’ll make you guys something, what do you want?” she said with a yawn. I laughed “Mrs. Jonas please, I’ll make me and Nick something it’s no problem you should go to bed” She just smiled at me, “Okay I’m not going to say no twice, Night boys,” she said hugging them all and then hugging me and kissing me on the check. “Oh ally, I hope you like your room” she said with a wink and then walked out threw the swinging kitchen door, I twisted around to face the guys, “What does that mean?” “You like Hot Pink and orange right?” Joe asked laughing. “Duh” I said, “Well then you’ll be very happy with your room” Kevin said, “Mom re did it for you, you’ll like it trust me” Nick said I just laughed at them. “So Nick…” “So what?” he said as I sat down at the table next to Kevin. “Want to be the best boy friend in the world and make me some mac and cheese!?” Kevin laughed, “OH ME TO!” shouted Joe, “Fine” Nick said smiling and walking over towards the cabinet. “Oh so um guys guess what” Nick said, “What?” we all asked, “Not you Ally, but um the paparazzi may have gotten a shot of us” “So?” Joe asked, “May?” I said with a snort he also forgot the small detail that we were kissing, “Well okay they definitely did, and we were kissing” “Seriously?” Kevin asked looking away from Nick to me, “Don’t look at me! He kissed me!!” “I couldn’t see anything!” he said stirring the mac and cheese, “why couldn’t you see?” Joe asked “She mummified me!” “still, you shouldn’t kiss me even when were near the cameras!!” “she’s right Nick” Kevin said and I smiled at him, “But you shouldn’t have blindfolded him...” he said to me making me drop my smile and glare at him, “Oh whatever” me and Nick said at the same time and then looked at each other, “Okay that was weird” we both said, “STOP!” we both shouted then started to laugh “You guys are so weird” “And your not Joseph?” I said to him, “Not at all” we all laughed him “I’m not!” “Yea okay Mr. I release my inner nerd every day at three, yea I saw that Joe” I said laughing at the dork himself he just laughed, “At least he knows he’s a nerd” Nick commented from the stove. “Done yet?” I whined my stomach is basically eating itself. “Almost” Nick yawns. “Guys I’m going to bed, I’ll see you in the morning” Kev says getting up, “Aw you don’t want to talk with us?!” I ask sounding offended, “No” he answers laughing and I playfully flip him off with Joe, and we laugh together as he returns the gesture and walks out threw the swinging door yelling “Night!” “Night!” we all shout back. Finally Nick brings over three bowls of Mac and cheese. “Yum” I comment as I start to eat mine.