Status: incomplete

Crashing down around me

the s word

He sheepishly nodded at me, his face tilted towards the floor where a yellow puddle still resided.
“Clean it up.” He ordered Zacky, who scowled but did as told.
“Oh and Vi, guess what?” Matt seemed to be dreading something and this worried me. The only things that worried Matt were things he knew I would not like.
“What?” I played along in a dull voice, knowing that what I was about to hear would not make my day very good.
“You’re going to school! We already got you in and bought your uniform and textbooks and everything you’ll need. The place is called Mayfield and apparently it’s very prestigious. They’re into the whole religion thing but its only three classes a week so I think you can survive. It really wont be that bad, yah know? You can make friends and meet people… but no boys. You wont be meeting any boys…” Matt carried on with his incessant chatter but I had long before tuned him out. Four of his words had taken me by surprise. “You’re going to school.”
I hadn’t even thought about that. I mean, I knew I’d have to start someday, I couldn’t just drop out at the end of my junior year, but the possibility hadn’t even flitted through my oh so vacant mind. I had thought Matt would tell me that Jimmy stole one of my bikinis again, or that Ry and Mish were taking me on a shopping trip. Again.
“Poo.” I said bluntly. But suddenly I had an idea. I slowly lowered my head, stuck out my lower lip, and crinkled my forehead as I looked up though my lashes at Matt.
“Matty? Why do I have to go? I don’t need to know that stuff! I’m going to be in a famous band! Just like you Daddy! You don’t need to know math or science! And even if I’m not a good enough bass or piano player, I can dance for a company! Or I can be an artist! I could act too! Daddy please!” I layered it on thick, pitching my voice higher then usual and giving it a damsel – in – distress vibe, never noticing that Matt’s outburst had also brought Val and Mish from their spot in the living room.
I looked at him, batting my lashes and giving a slightly tortured look to my eyes. Matt was caving, I could tell. I had really layered it on thick with the whole dad thing. I hadn’t called him dad before, ever. It astounded me how easily it rolled off my tongue. Matt had only been my dad for about two and a half months and already I was comfortable enough with him to call him the D Word.
Val could also see him breaking under my gaze of pure innocence. “Oh no big boy.” She scolded him, throwing me an apologetic look. “Violet is going to school. She has to. It’s against the law for her not to! Now Zacky can help her with her bass if she wants to continue with that and Brian can help her on the piano. She can take acting and drawing classes. And for sure she will join a dance company, just not instead of school.” Ry had a firm look on her face and I could tell this was no joke. As much as I would love to contradict, I knew there was no budging her on this.
In one short week, I would be a senior at Mayfield School. I would have to make friends, do homework and thrive in the environment I’d once loved. Boy was I in for a ride.
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ohhhmygiddygod. ok so i have school tomorrow. orientation. but still school. ew. actually im kinda excited. but i wish summer wouldnt end. i realllyyy love summer. anyways this is probably my last update until tomorrow when il try to write a bit after the get to know you pool party we have after orientation and il desperately try to post. butttt my minimum posting length so that my installments arnt too short is 2 pages. il try to get my 2 pages done if i have inspiration and whatnot. also I NEED CHARACTERSSSS. my loves. im giving you the task of sending me characters. i need girls and guys. so all i really need for a character is a name and description if you want to give me a personality then thats great too but its not needed!