Status: incomplete

Crashing down around me

this was only just beginning.

The first half of the day passed quickly, full of new teachers and embarrassing introductions. I was grateful when it was time for lunch and I got to meet up with Ferrah, Vana, and Jarred. Maybe I would even get to meet some of their friends.
“Violet!” Ferrah sang as she waltzed down the hallway with an imaginary partner, quickly making her way to her locker and twisting the dial.
“Yes?” I looked at her in curiosity, unveiled nerves in my eyes.
“Are you ready to meet the rest of our friends? I assure you they’re not as amazing as Van, Jarred and I but they’re pretty cool.” She looked at me, snickering as if she knew something I didn’t. She probably did.
“Oh. Um, sure. Okay.” I laughed nervously as she led me through the winding school hallways and towards what I guessed was the cafeteria.
As we pushed open the mundane tan doors, a wave of noise reached my ears, increasing in volume as we walked farther into the crowded room. We wound through a maze of tables in a seemingly untraceable pattern with no viewable goal. When ferrah stopped suddenly, I almost knocked into her, sending her into the lap of a guy with sandy brown hair.
“Hel-ooh!” Ferrah sang at the same time as I was greeted with “Violet!”’s from Vana and Jarred, who both got up and rushed to hug me.
“Guys! This is Violet.” Ferrah tugged me away from Vana and Jarred as they tried to pull me out of her grasp.
“Vi, this is Lucyenna, Cory, Hayden and Ken.” Vana pointed everyone out to me. “Lucyenna and Cory are going out, and our very own Ferrah over here is with Ken.” Vana informed me, pointing out the couples.
Lucyenna was beautiful, dark flowing hair, tall and thin. Her eyes were a magnificent shade of blue that put most others to shame. They were the color of blue Gatorade Rain, crisp and pure.
Cory was a blonde, his hair the color of corn silk. He was, by normal standards, gorgeous. His muscular chest showed through his semi tight black short-sleeved uniform shirt. Ken was also blonde. Amazingly ironic, he was the typical preppy jock. His parents named him well. However, it was Hayden who caught my eye. He wasn’t the typical hot type that I usually go for. He was cute, a bit shy but utterly attractive.
As I was looking him over in his school khakis and black polo, his eyes found mine and we simply stared, suspended in time. Something about this guy seemed so pure, innocent, honest. He wasn’t trying to be anything other then himself and for that I was grateful.
“Umhm” Vana cleared her throat and I noticed that I was the only one still standing up. Vana had retaken her seat next to Jarred and Ferrah had made herself comfortable on Ken.
“Oh. Um. Hi. I’m Violet.” I told them, reinforcing what they already knew before heading over to the only open seat, right next to Hayden.


A year has passed since I first moved to HB. After about three months I grew comfortable here. Sure, I still missed my parents, but they were dead and I’d miss them forever so I pushed that to the back of my mind.
Ferrah and Vana were my best friends along with Jared who turned out to be like an older brother, protecting me as a sibling should. Lucy and I were close but not as close as Farr and Van and I. Oh. And I got together with Hayden. Our group was perfectly sectioned off. Vana had Jared. Ferrah had Ken. Lucyenna had Cory. And I had everything I’d ever need in Hayden. Scarlett and I were still on amazingly close terms, sisters still. I emailed her almost everyday with details of my ever-changing fast track life.
Mish and Brian had gotten married. Jimmy and Leana were expecting. Zacky had yet to propose to Gena, even though we all knew he was planning it. He even had a ring that he thought nobody knew he had bought. Johnny had broken up with Lacy but, after much urging, come to his senses and gotten down on one knee. The wedding was set for May.
And Mom and Dad? Well I still visited them every chance I got. The KP Adoption Center was doing amazing. Now kids who were unwanted, much as I had been, could find nice caring homes. The one rule of the house was that all the adoptive parents Had to tell their kids that they were adopted. I didn’t want anyone to be caught so off guard as I was.
My life was great. Amazing. More then anyone should ask for. But something was about to kick off. Something that would make my life turn topsy turvy in a way I never expected. But it was the best way it could have done.

“Mom! I’m home!” I screamed to the entry hall, slinging down my large slouchy purse and making my way to the kitchen for a snack. Today I turned 18.
It had been a very busy day. I woke up to Farrah, Vana and Jarred spraying whipped cream in my face and presenting me with a large chocolate cake, which they promptly smashed my face into as well. From there they had given me presents and shoved me in the shower, ranting on about how Hayden would be here in an hour and I needed to get ready for his surprise.
And surprised I was. Hayden had taken me to the County Fair, where we had met up with my Avenged family and watched them play a set before going off on our own. We had seen a movie and he dropped me off, kissing me goodbye with the promise of seeing me tomorrow.
“VIOLET!” Vana screeched, rushing into the room like a professional baseball player sliding into home base for the winning run.
I cocked my head to the side in confusion. Vana wasn’t supposed to be here. Not until later when Lucy and Ferrah and her were supposed to come for my sleepover.
“VIOLET!” I heard two more voices serenade. I looked over my shoulder and there stood Ferrah and Lucy.
“Okay, what are you guys doing here?” I demanded, pointing them into the living room where they jumped onto the couch, sitting close to the edge, hyper as anything.
“Violet, we have something amaz-“ Lucyenna was cut off as Vana seemingly could not control herself for a single second longer.

At the beginning of the year, Vana, Ferrah and I had created a band. Cory was our manager and Jarred was our drummer. I played bass and sang while Ferrah was rhythm guitar and Vana was lead. Lucyenna played piano. We called ourselves Grace Period. And since I didn’t want to be known on stage as M. Shadow’s daughter, I was known as Daphne Mathews, my middle and first last name. Lucy was known as Enna. Ferrah was Morgan, using her middle name just as I was, and Vana was Celeste. She had no connection to the name but loved the lunar connotation, saying she wanted to be as big as the moon someday.
“VDK! Violet Daphne Katerina Mathews Sanders!” Vana screamed at me, using the quick nick (as she called it) that consisted of my first three initials.
I screamed and ran full tilt at Jarred, jumping into his arms and laughing hysterically as he spun me around.
This was the best birthday ever. And this was only just beginning.
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I LOVE YOU my devoted readers! thanks for reading! personally, i dont reallly like this. its very filler-ey. and it bugs me. but its to get you caught up on what happened during the year long time lapse. in case you didnt know, i Love comments. like love love them. just in case you didnt know.
Loveee youuu!