Status: incomplete

Crashing down around me

and all i could do was run

It was about two hours after I had left Brian in the kitchen, standing there with his mouth open as if he couldn’t quite believe that little Violet Sanders had stood up to big bad Synyster Fucking Gates. I was lounging on my bed, stomach down as my feet jiggled to the pulsing music around me.
“Violet.” My dad came in smiling in a way that was really starting to scare me. He turned off the music and came to sit on my bed. “Vi, what happened with Brian? Usually he can’t shut up about you but now he won’t even talk. Spill. Now.” Dad was upset about this; you could see it on his face. Brian was always angry or happy go lucky. He was never sad. That was just how he was. Brian not talking was a big deal and I knew it better then anyone.
“Sit.” I commanded, preparing to tell the story of what happened and knowing that Dad wouldn’t like it, not one bit. “Brian and I got into a fight.” I told him, looking down in shame. “He doesn’t want me to go on tour. He didn’t even give me a reason! He just said,” I screwed up my face and lowered my voice in a bad imitation, “‘You. Will. Not. Go!’ So after trying to console him and negotiate with nothing working, I told him to Watch Me. Then I left.” I let out a sigh of frustration mixed with sadness. I hate being in fights with Brian.
Dad looked at me, measuring my reaction to the news he was about to give. “But Violet, you Can’t go. Brian was telling the truth. Warped is no place for a seventeen year old. I’m sorry Vi.” He looked sincere, like he really was trying to look out for me. But he didn’t understand. His band had already made it, they were big. He didn’t get the desperation we felt to become popular. After all, bands are nothing without concerts.
I stared at him, comprehension dawning on my stunned features as tears made their way down my flushed cheeks.
“Mom!” I screamed to the silent house. It was as if they were waiting for this. My family was down stairs, listening quietly, waiting for me to blow a fuse. After calling for my mother, I turned to dad. “No.” I told him. “You don’t get to decide this. This is my future, it’s my passion, it’s my place and you have nothing to do with it. You have no say. We made it! We made it big. We’re signed with a label! They want us. And there is no Us without Me. I’m the lead singer! I’m the bassist! I’m going. I didn’t rub my fingers raw on my bass strings and sing my voice hoarse to make it here and then quit. You may think that this is not what’s best for me, but what you don’t realize is that it Is what’s best for me! It’s exactly it! This tour will make us! It will expand out fan base and get us out there! Daddy, please. I know that this is what I need.” I finished my speech and looked at him pleadingly.
“Vi, I know what happens on tour. I know people do. I’ve been there and I’ve done it all. Warped is not a place for seventeen-year-old girls. Especially you. Wait a year then go.” My father had spoken and you could see his deliberation in his rigid stance as he tried to look stern and warning.
But there was no way I wasn’t going on this tour. There was no way I was letting this chance go. There was no way I was letting my band members slash best friends down. There was no way I letting this slip through my fingers. No way.
It was then that I formed a plan. Mom, Mish and all my aunts had to be in on it. They had to help. But at that point, all I was really focused on was packing. I was going to Warped tour whether my father liked it or not. Nothing could stop me and that should have been the very thing that frightened me the most.
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helloooo lovers! ok so this story has been REPORTED. yes dear. reported. for spelling and stuff like that. and Because i love you, my sweet reporting readers, i went through and checked all my spelling and changed all my fragmented sentences. except for the ones that are supposed to be that way. i kinda like writing staccato. so anyways. this is short. but i wanted to post so here it is. thanks for reading! btw next chapter is not really a chapter. its the new revised Whole story. 27 pages on word baby. so feel free to skip it. LOVE YOU. xxx.c