Status: incomplete

Crashing down around me

an odd encounter

When the day that we were set to leave dawned in a pearly sky, everything was ready. Our bags were packed, our instruments loaded into the bus so that my father wouldn’t see us leaving with them. My bass case was set up on its stand in my room, filled with one of my dad’s old guitars that I found in the back of a closet one day. I knew he wouldn’t miss it and it would make it seem as if I had left Mindy at home.
I yawned, stretching my arms up over my head and pointing my toes. Quickly I brushed my teeth and put on my slippers before heading down stairs.
“Violet!” Vana greeted me, already sitting in my kitchen with a bowl of cereal.
“You push the snooze button too many times. I’ve been here for about forty five minutes.” She informed me, stuffing a bite of soggy Frosted Flakes into her mouth.
“Jared, Lucy and Ferrah will be here in ten minutes so get going!” she urged me, bits of spit soaked cereal flying out with every word.
I did as told and walked up stairs, shedding my pajamas and dawning my favorite pair of faded super skinny jeans and a white flowy top. My make up was simple strokes of dark eyeliner, mascara and light pink lip gloss. After slipping on a pair of navy blue flip flops I was done. Picking up my suitcases and purse, I waddled down the stairs, trying to hold the weight of everything and failing.
“Mommy! Dad! Vana’s here! Lucy, Ferr and Jared will be here in about five minutes! Get down here so I can say goodbye!” I yelled to the empty staircase as I gave up and pushed my bags down the stairs, keeping only my purse and toiletries in my arms for fear of things breaking.
Over the heavy clunking of my clothes, shoes, and hair necessities, I heard my parents respond appropriately and the beeping that let me know that a door leading to the outside was opened.
They were here. This was happening. And I could barley wait.
“Vi! Baby, come here.” My father pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight, kissing my forehead and rubbing my back.
“Daddy, stop! I’ll be home before you know it! I’m not leaving forever. Just a couple months, maybe a year. But you bet your butt that I’ll be home on every single holiday.” I assured him, backing away and giving him my innocent smile as a promise.
“Even small ones like Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day?” He asked, a tinge of worry still visible on his features.
“Maybe. I’m not sure what will be going on, Daddy. But I promise that even if I can’t make it home I will video chat. I’ll call as often as I can. I love you Daddy.” I tried to comfort him while covering the pain coming from my stomach. Guilt always made my tummy hurt, along with the nervousness that my dad would figure out that I was lying to him.
“My turn!” I heard from behind me, along with multiple pairs of feet making their way towards me.
“Jimmy!” I turned and ran at him full tilt, jumping into his arms.
“I’m guna miss you kid.” He told me, smiling and giving me an extra squeeze before passing me to Zacky.
“Be good, okay? Don’t get into any trouble. But if you do, I’ll come get you. No matter what.” I knew there was a reason I loved Zacky. He was like another father to me, one that I could count on no matter what.
I was passed to Johnny next. He was so short though that he had to set me on my feet. “You rock, Vi. Go have fun. Play your music, drink and be happy. There’s nothing more to ask for in life.” I nodded and kissed his cheek before turning to the last member of the band.
“Brian?” I tilted my head and gave him a funny look when he didn’t run up to me. Sure, since his outburst our relationship hadn’t been the same. But it hadn’t been bad! There was no reason for him to be acting strangely. Unless he knew. But there was absolutely no possibility of that. He couldn’t know.
When he just stood there, looking at me, I walked over and gave him a light hug. “I’ll miss you Bri. I’ll miss you a lot.” I told him honestly before turning and running to my aunts and mom who stood in a group by the door.
“Mommy! Aunty Mish!” I squealed loudly, being enveloped by my aunts, all talking at the same time, trying to be heard over the din.
“I’m going to miss you so much!”
“You have to promise to call every chance you get!”
“Take care of Puddles! He may not like the bus very much”
“You Better be home before the baby gets here. I know you may have to miss a few things but you Will be here. No Buts young lady!”
I listened to them all and responded appropriately, saying that I would miss them too, call and come home soon. There really was no need to worry about Pudz, I had him taken care of.
“I love you guys!” I told them, backing away and grabbing my suitcases as a horn beeped in the driveway. “I’ll call when we get there! Bye!” I turned and, along with Vana, grabbed our luggage and walked out the door into the cool morning air.
“Violet! Wait!” I heard a loud voice behind me command.
I stopped and turned, expecting to see my dad but coming face to face with Brian.
“Let me help you with those.” He told me, grabbing the heaviest one from my hands and walking slowly, expecting me to follow.
“Bria-“ I was cut off by his quiet, earnest voice.
“Violet, look. I’m really going to miss you. you’ve become more then just a niece to me. I love you like a daughter. We all do. Just… don’t do anything stupid okay? I know how it is. I’ve been there and done it all. Just be careful Vi.” He set my bags in the open trunk of Ferrah’s car and gave me a quick hug before turning tail and jogging into the house, closing the door behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
feel free to skip first paragraph but BOTTOM PART IS IMPORTANT

IM SOOO SORRY!!! omg this is soooo late. you guys have no idea how busy i've been lately. soccer two hours every day after school, homework, volunteering, formal is coming up this weekend And i get my braces off on thursday not to mention a hair cut and dinner with the family on friday and a nail appointment on saturday, getting my makeup done with one group of friends and going to someones house to get ready with another group oof friends And planning all this shit out cuz mydate might not be able to come so i asked my best friend and im still not sure about that not to mention getting info on this summer program that i want to do and trying to convince my mom.
so ya, its been kinda hard lol
but i really want to thank you guys for staying with me. i promise updates will come more quickly from now on.
a special thank you too:
Sydz Snickers

you are the best! my only commenters and i love you dearly.
though because of lack of comments i Am implementing a new rule.

i want three comments to write and 5 to post.

thank you sooooo much you guys!!! you really make my day! im open to any suggestions and ideas and
in the up and coming chapters there will be ALOT of new people so
if you want a character,
i want the
favorite hobby
and status (in a band, band members bf/gf, roadie etc)
Thank youuu!!!!!