Status: incomplete

Crashing down around me

Crashing down around me

“I’m sorry. But I’m done with this. I have a calculus test tomorrow and Scar and I need to study. You can let yourselves out.” I turned to go when one of the guys stopped me.
“Look kid,” he spat, “you have no idea what hell Matt and Val went through! You have no idea why they gave you away. You have no idea why they even wanted to find you in the first place! And now, neither do I. You’re nothing but a spoiled brat, not worth their time or mine.” His voice held venom, like he truly believed I was the bad guy here. That totally was not working for me. If you thought I was mad before, now I was furious, my emotions a wild inferno of hatred towards the people in front of me.
“They went through hell? They went through hell? Are you kidding me? Have you been here for the past ten minutes? I just learned that my parents are dead! Dead! And on top of that, they weren’t even my parents! Now the people who gave me up for their own selfish reasons want me back. They want me to act like they’ve been there for it all, through it all. When in reality, they know nothing about me, or my life. Have you ever thought one thing for so long, believed it to be the truth, only to discover that you’ve been living a lie? Have you ever realized that the people you have called parents your whole life are nothing but infertile baby takers? And you can’t even yell or scream at them, asking them why on earth they lied because they’re DEAD? I thought you were supposed to feel something when the people you love are in danger, when something bad is happening to them. But I felt nothing. They’re gone and I’m supposed to live on without them. Now Mr. and Mrs. Sanders think they can come take me away from everything I know and everything I am to go live with them! A perfect, happy family! Well that’s not happening. Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not going anywhere.” My guard was finally down, letting these strangers see what only my parents and Scarlett have ever seen.
“Scarlett! Scarlett.” Tears rushed down my face as I started shaking uncontrollably.
Scarlett ran down the steps, coming behind me. Her arms circled my waist as I slumped forward.
“They’re dead Scar. Dead. My parents are dead.” I was blubbering uncontrollably, not really caring that there were still people in the room.
“What did you do to her? What happened? Violet never cries in front of anyone but Kimmy, Patty or me! What did you say?” Scarlett screamed at the people in my living room.
“Get out! GET OUT! Get away from her! I wont let you hurt her any more then you already have.” Her face was red as she yelled at my biological parents and their bad tempered friend.
The police officers and lawyer looked shocked and hurried to comply with her orders, almost running out the front door. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders along with Mr. Haner however, stayed where they were.
“I. Said. GET. OUT. NOW!” Scarlett was beyond mad. She would probably punch one of them if they didn’t do as she asked.
“Look kid, we’re not going anywhere. We are staying here until Violet talks to us and we fix this mess. She is my daughter and I want her. I know I haven’t acted like much of a father but that’s going to change. Now.” Matt looked at Scarlett, anger burning through his eyes.
“Scar? Can we please go upstairs? Please? Please, Scarlett?” I was almost beyond caring what happened to me. My small yet perfect world was crashing down on me in the worst possible way. But everyone knows perfect things don’t last, and I never should have expected them to.
“Okay. Let’s go.” She looked at me expectantly but I couldn’t move.
“Vi? Come on baby. Come on.” She helped me stand up, taking my weight as we walked up the stairs.
“Leave.” She commanded the three remaining guests even though we both knew they weren’t going anywhere.
I looked at them, taking in the features we had in common with a bleary stare.
“Come on, Violet.” Scar tugged on my hand gently, reminding me that we were on our way upstairs.
“Violet. Please come back down when you are ready to talk to us. We’ll wait in here.” My biological father spoke earnestly, like I should really care about what he wanted.
I just blinked in response as Scarlett lead me up the stairs and to my bathroom where a vent lead to the living room, letting us hear everything they said.
“Matt, she hates us.” Val was crying, I could tell by her voice.
“No she doesn’t babe. She just doesn’t understand why we had to give her up. I would tell her everything, but she seems so headstrong. She’s like you like that. She wouldn’t care. I wish we could just talk to her. Explain about us and her but I doubt she would listen.” Matt sounded sad, like he was loosing hope that I would ever come around.
“Why did you give her up? I never got the full story.” This was a perfect opportunity for me to hear and digest their side of the story without them knowing I was listening.
“Brian, you know we had her when Val was 18 and I was 19, right?” I didn’t hear a response but I think Brian must have nodded because Matt continued in his sordid story.
“That was right when our band got signed. We were both young, not ready for the responsibility. I wanted to tour with Avenged, Val didn’t want to be tied down by a baby. Her parents said they would disown her if she kept Violet. Mine couldn’t care less and I didn’t want a baby to grow up in the environment that I did. It was too soon in our relationship, we didn’t know where our lives were headed or even if it was to the same place. We were high school sweet hearts; it wasn’t love yet. We knew the baby wouldn’t get the love and care it needed and deserved.
So we started looking for couples looking for a baby to adopt. It took us a while but finally we found the Mathews. I liked them from the start. They were amazing people, great with kids. They had financial stability and were old enough to take on the responsibility of a child. I also liked them because I felt like I was giving Violet a part of me. Her last name was my first. It made me feel closer, like we could keep a connection even though she would never know us.
About eleven years later, we were ready. We wanted to know our little girl. She never left our mind, not even for a minute. We hired a detective to find her through her blood. We still had it on file because the first lawyer we had thought we might need it. He looked through everything, school records, hospital bills, everything.