Status: incomplete

Crashing down around me

Home again home again jiggity jig

“Violet? Vi sweetie? We’re here.” I looked up at Val, sitting in the front seat as she pointed out of the tinted window of the huge black SUV. We had arrived at the airport about an hour ago. Matt and Brian had had to sign some autographs and take some pictures but I was left unnoticed. No one knew yet that Matt Sanders AKA M. Shadows had found his long lost daughter. No one knew that I was here with them, the lead singer and guitarist of Avenged Sevenfold. They probably pinned me as a desperate fan girl, following them around like a lost puppy.
Valary shielded me as best she could, distancing herself when fans spotted her so that they wouldn’t involve me in their obnoxious, never ending questions. I was jostled and shifted as people jockeyed for a place where they could see the famous band members but we had finally made it out. Throughout the whole event, I was emotionless, simply following the orders I was given.
“Violet. We’re home.” After an hour in the gigantic black Escalade we had reached Matt and Val’s home in Huntington Beach. Brian had left us at the airport, slipping into his own car and driving home to be with Michelle.
I looked up at the house, about as large as my old one but modern looking with a certain homey charm. Val helped me out of the car as Matt lead the way inside with Val’s and my bags. They lead me up the grand staircase, down a hall and around a corner to a black and purple door.
“Vi? This is your room. We hope you like it.” Val pushed open the door and my mouth dropped. ‘Violet’ was spelled out in wrought iron letters held to the bright purple wall by a hemp string. There was a huge black chandelier hanging from the center of the purple ceiling, which was decorated in a gothic design of black twirls. The huge bed was smack in the center of the room, covered by a metallic silver cover that was about as wide as the mattress, containing at least two down comforters. A sparkling silver, black, and purple vanity table occupied the space across from the bed. Large bean bag chairs were scattered randomly around the room along with circular black, silver, and purple shag rugs. Two doors stood opposite each other, both claiming a corner of the room. One was black, silver lettering spelling out ‘Violet’ in different fonts and sizes taking up as much room as possible. The second was purple with a crude inky painting of what lay inside. Large black strokes created a vision of racks of clothes and sets of drawers, each delicately inscribed with the contents. A black desk was set up by the window doors leading out to the balcony, complete with a computer, pens, notebooks and tacks for the cork board hanging above. A curved window bench was situated on the west wall, giving me a perfect view of the ocean. It was covered in a long black cushion. Sharpies were set on a small ledge by the bench where the only white paint was surrounding window and bench, just waiting for artistic inspiration to strike.
“Well? Do you like it Violet?” Matt broke my string of concentration as I tried to come up with every way I knew to say Thank You.
I nodded. “I love it. Thank you.” I ran to both of them, enveloping them both in a huge hug. It was more physical contact then I’d had in a long time but for some reason, it felt normal, like I’d done it hundreds of times before.
They smiled down at me when a loud knocking on the door interrupted our mushy moment. “I’ll get it.” Val smiled one more time and left me with my arms around Matt.
When she came back in, only her clothes were different. I guess she had changed before opening the door. I ran to Val, holding on for dear life as I looked into her eyes. “Val? Who was at the door?”
At that moment, two people entered the room and looked at me, astonished. Matt was suppressing laughter. It took me a second to realize that arms had not snaked around me, Val’s usual reaction. I looked up at her, confusion sweeping through my gaze as she looked at me in amusement.
“Vi?” I looked towards Brian, only to see that Val was standing next to him. My head tilted in confusion as I stepped back from the lady I was clinging to.
“Val is over here.” He laughed at me. “ But since you are already over there, I want you to meet Michelle. She’s my girlfriend and, as you just discovered, Val’s twin.” Comprehension dawned on me as I meekly smiled at her. “Hi, I’m Violet.” I told her as I backed my way towards the real Val.
“Hi Swee-“ She was cut off as we heard hoarse laughter and a couple pairs of footsteps pounding up the stairs.
“YOU’RE FINALLY HOME!!!” A guy who had to be at least 6’5 bounded into the room, skidding around like a car that had been going too fast when the breaks were pushed.
“Who’s the kid?” he wondered aloud. “And who’s Violet? I thought this was a guest bedroom. Why did you guys redecorate?” Three more guys and three girls followed him in and nodded, agreeing with his questions.
“Jimmy, this is Violet. Don’t you remember anything? I told you everything when we talked on the phone. You were supposed to tell everyone else!” Matt looked at him scoldingly, as if he was reprimanding a small child.
Jimmy bowed his head in shame. “I forgot.” He said quietly before looking up at me and sprinting across the room and picking me up in a huge hug.
“Hi! I’m Jimmy! That’s Zacky, Gena, Johnny, Lacey, and Leanna!” he twirled me around before setting me back on my feet and pointing everyone out as I quickly walked back to Val’s warm embrace.
“Hey.” They said in unison, some lifting a hand and others just looking at me confusedly.
“So I’m guessing Jimmy didn’t tell you guys anything?” Matt inquired of the group.
Heads were shaken and the three girls let out “Nope”, “Nothing” and “Nu Hu”.
“Well then, everyone, this is Violet, our daughter.” I heard gasps as I cowered into Val’s side, trying to hide from the unwanted attention.
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omgg i finally learned how to name the chapters! haha sorry for before! btw i love comments. just in case you were wondering. i also love you! my dedicated readers! you rock my world!!!
anywayss thanx for reading! hope you enjoy! xxx.c