Midnight Lovers

Chapter 12

~! Kristen's POV !~

I gasped in horror when I saw the man standing in front of the couch smash the guy who had hurt me earlier with a guitar. Then it hit me; that was Frank Iero! Frank Iero was trying to protect me!

"Im okay," I whispered to him, looking up at his face. It looked like that guy gave him a shiner on his right eye. "Im so sorry!"

I felt so guilty because I knew he was only hurt because of me. It was all my fault.

I got up off the couch and walked over to the mini-fridge in search of some ice for his now-bruised eye. Opening the door, I grabbed a chunk and wrapped it in a towel before handing it to him. It was the least I could do.

~! Gerard's POV !~

I was pleased when I found no sign of fracture on either of the girl's arms. I did want to know her name though.

"Whats your name?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of her.

"Alison. Aly for short," Aly answered him, smiling a little.

"Well I'm sure you already know my name," I chuckled. "Its Gerard if you don't."

"I knew it," Aly giggled quietly, playing with a strand of her hair.

Huh, her name was Aly. What a gorgeous name! I'm beginning to like this girl more and more...
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