Midnight Lovers

Chapter 2

~! Kristen’s Point of view !~

I heard the doorbell ringing like heck, and knew that it could only be one person. Aly. Groaning, I rolled off the couch and thudded down the stairs to the front door. I unlocked the heavy door, and stepped aside to let her in.

The look on her face automatically gave away that she was excited about something. I raised an eyebrow and gave her a quizzical look, waiting for an explanation.

“Yes?” I asked her, closing the door and locking it again.

“Guess what!” Aly squealed, bouncing up and down on the spot.

“What?” I sighed, waiting for her to just tell me already!

“Guess who just scored front row tickets to a My Chemical Romance concert tonight?” she grinned.

My jaw dropped a mile. “No Way!” I squealed, knowing how much she loved to mess with me.

“Yes way!” Aly squealed back, still bouncing.

Shock washed over me; she wasn’t kidding. In a few hours, we’d be front row at one of the hottest concerts of the year; My Chemical Romance. I couldn’t believe it!

Still squealing, both of us ran up the stairs as fast as possible, nearly tripping over each other. We went to my closet, and started pulling out clothes to wear to the concert. I decided on an extremely tight pair of purple skinnies with a black shirt and a white vest, topped off with a pair of black converse.

Aly chose a pair of black skinnies with a red shirt and white converse. We did our makeup in fast strokes, and ran downstairs to head out to the car. We were beyond ready to go!

~! Gerard’s point of view ~!

Frank was completely insane. Jeez, and people think I drink too much coffee.

Taking a swig of water, I started grabbing my stage clothes for the night. I rolled my eyes at Frank, who could barely even sit still he was so high on caffeine. It was actually quite scary.

Laughing quietly to myself, I went into the dressing room with my clothing flung over my shoulder and a bottle of water in my hand. Back here, I was sweating like a pig! Hasn’t anyone heard of air conditioning? Groaning to myself, I went behind a curtain and quickly changed, putting my regular clothing on the counter as the makeup artist started to work her magic. Tonight was going to be great, I just knew it.
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