Midnight Lovers

Chapter 22


Frank’s eggs were pretty good, actually. And he made them with love. Oh stop being so gushy Kristen. I finished them, washed all the dishes in the sink, and went upstairs to get everything we’d need to bring with us. I giggled all the way up the stairs for no reason whatsoever, but ran when Frank started chasing me.

“Stop it!” I squealed, running into my room to grab some things.

“Don’t wanna,” Frank shrugged, running in behind me.

“Go get ready,” I giggled, going into my closet and picking out a simple green bikini before putting it on and throwing the clothes I was previously wearing into the tote bag I had on the floor. I rummaged through a bunch of clothes, and threw on a pair of salmon colored shorts with a white tank top and black flip-flops.

I came out of my closet, and saw Frankie shirtless wearing a pair of blue swim trunks with white flowers on them. Smirking, I told him to put his clothes in the bags while I grabbed towels, sunscreen, my sunglasses, and anything else we might need to bring.

“Ready?” I asked him, putting my sunglasses on top of my head as I walked down the stairs.

“Yep,” he giggled, close behind me as we walked out to his car.

Frank got in and drove off to the beach which wasn’t too far away from my house, and drove along until he spotted Gerard’s car and saw both Gerard and Aly laid out on beach towels not too far away from the car they took here.

I quietly ran up behind them, before tackling Aly. I giggled so hard, and refused to get off of her. Frank started tickling me and a fell off of her and into the sand. Pouting, I stood up and took my towel, walking far away from everybody else’s.

“Im being the outcasted kid that nobody loves,” I giggled, spreading my towel out about 200 feet away from everyone else’s. “Boo, now Im unloved,” I fake cried, burying my head in my arms.


Hmm, I sure haven’t been to a beach in a while, and this one seemed pretty deserted. I took that as a blessing, maybe no one would recognize us and maybe there wouldn’t be any screaming fans here. So far, I didn’t see anyone else around.

While we’re on tour we don’t really have any time to look around the cities we stopped in, and certainly had no time to just go relax on a beach. We were always extremely busy, and usually too tired after performing to even want to do anything.
I decided to get revenge on Aly for putting flour in my hair, and took a handful of sand and put it in her hair, smirking and giggling.

“Hey!” Aly squealed, trying to brush it all out.

“That was payback!” I giggled, smirking.

“You suck,” Aly pouted, giggling.

“I know I do,” I grinned, very pleased with myself.

Hey, what goes around comes around.
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