Midnight Lovers

Chapter 23


"Aww." I cooed.

I ran over and tackled her.

"Frankie." she giggled.

"Mhm?" I smiled.

"Let's go swim."

I stood up and helped her up. once she was standing, I picked her up and walked to the ocean. She giggled and held on. I walked in. It was nice and warm. i walked out a little and set her down.

"Thanks." she smiled.

"Anytime." I smiled.

Maybe I should ask her right now. I really want her to be mine. Why couldn't I have been like Gerard? He asked Aly with no problem and I'm scared Kristen will reject me. I mean come on, Frank!

Yeah. I'll do that. Just got to wait for the perfect moment.


I finally got all the sand out of my hair. But I had to take my hair down from the neat ponytail, it was in. Now it was down around my shoulders. I growled playfully at Gerard.

"This is war buddy." I smirked

"Bring it." he smirked.

Oh no he didn't! He accepted the challenge. It's war!
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