Midnight Lovers

Chapter 24


“Am I really this stupid? I went in the water with my clothes on!” I yelled to Aly.

“Yeah!” she yelled back, laughing.

“Thanks, love you too.”

“Aww, poor Kris is unloved,” Aly cooed, making funny faces.

“You better love me!” I squealed, running out of the water and tackling her while I was dripping wet.

“I think Frankie does,” Aly giggled, tauntingly.

“Oh shut up,” I giggled, getting off of her and practically dragging her into the water.

“Frank loves Kristen, Frank loves Kristen!” she sang, while I tried to drown her.

“Oh yeah? Gerard loves Alison, Gerard loves Alison!” I sang, giggling like mad.

“I wasn’t joking,” Aly laughed, trying to drown me too.

“Neither was I,” I grinned, dunking her head under water. “Oops, but you had sand in your hair.”

“I know,” she groaned, pointing at Gerard and sticking out her tongue. “Blame him!”

I giggled and went deeper in the water, pulling Aly along behind me. The waves were pretty high and they nearly knocked both of us down! I didn’t really care though, and didn’t even bother to take my clothes off seeing as I was already drenched anyway.

Aly probably wanted revenge when she dunked my head underwater too! I didn’t really care because my hair was already soaked and I’d have to shower again anyway to get the saltwater off my skin!

I did wonder where Frank went though, and why he looked like he was searching for something to say. Truthfully, I had no idea.


Today was a good day so far, and I just sprawled out and soaked up as much sun as I could. I had a ton of sunscreen on so that I wouldn’t tan. I loved being pale. And my paleness was part of my image anyway.

After a while, I decided to go into the water too, just to cool off. It was a pretty hot day, even though it wasn’t even noon yet.

“Whatcha doin Frankie?” I asked him, tackling him in the water for the hell of it.

“Standing here?” he squealed, wriggling out from underneath me and jumping ontop.

“Dude, you’ve gotta make your move soon,” I whispered to him.

“I know,” he whispered back. “I know.”

Yeah, better now then never.
♠ ♠ ♠
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