Midnight Lovers

Chapter 28


Just as soon as I opened my phone, I saw that Steven texted me again. Why doesn’t he understand that I don’t want anything to do with him? I’m not changing my mind about breaking up with him, and I most certainly will not give Frank up for someone who doesn’t even treat me with respect.

‘Kristen I can see you. Who’s that guy touching you right now, huh?’

I was furious! Now he’s stalking me?! I stood up and spotted him a few hundred feet away holding his phone. Well, I’m just going to just go right out and tell him that I’ve moved on and that he needs to back off! He better understand that I’m Frank’s girl now, and damn proud of it.

“Listen Steven, just leave me alone!” I yelled. “I will not ever date you again and you can’t change my mind! I’ve moved on to someone who’s more of a man than you are, or ever will be. Unlike you, he actually cares about what I have to say and doesn’t change the subject when I ask him a question! He’s a true boyfriend because he doesn’t just rant on and on about his day at work or any of that and actually has the courtesy to ask if I’m doing okay, and how my day was. Did you ever do that? No! One time I was really sick and you didn’t even call me at all just to say hi or anything! That’s not the kind of relationship I want to have with someone! Relationships don’t work out unless BOTH people are trying! So just leave me alone and move on!”

“Don’t you mouth off at me!” Steven yelled back. “You’re right; relationships don’t work unless both people are trying. And guess what, you gave no ounce of effort. Anytime I wanted to have a good time you’d never do it because you were always too busy with work! Do you think I’m intimidated that you’re dating this Frank guy? Not a chance. We both know that you’ll never do better than me, and you can die trying! But rest assured that I’m not giving up. Ever.”

With that, Steven turned and walked over to his car before he drove away. Good riddance.

I laid back down beside Frankie, and curled up against his chest that was practically dry. Besides, doing better than Steven wasn’t very hard. A plant would be better than him. Well, I shouldn’t really care. I have Frank now.


I quietly laid there next to Aly, doing my best to stay calm and not go punch that Steven guy. I’d probably get arrested and I kindda wanted to avoid doing that, if you know what I mean.

“That guy was weird,” I whispered in Aly’s ear, trying to keep my cool.

“He’s terrible,” Aly shrugged. “A sad excuse for a human being.”

“I agree,” I nodded, pulling her into a tight hug.

“As you just heard, he’s so full of himself its pathetic,” Aly snorted.

“I know,” I whispered.

Well, now I understood what Aly told me about him. He truly is someone you couldn’t have a good relationship with. And I know for a fact Frank is a hundred times better.
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