Midnight Lovers

Chapter 30


I quickly showered, got dressed, and ran downstairs and pounced on the couch beside Frankie. He had showered in the bathroom downstairs, and was dressed in dry clothes.

“Frankie!” I squealed, wrapping my arms around him like I haven’t seen him in years. “I missed you!”

“Missed you too even though its only been 15 minutes,” Frank laughed, hugging me back. “What are you going to do when I have to go back to my apartment later?”

“Not let you leave!” I beamed, not wanting him to leave it all. “It’s lonely sleeping alone.”

“Awwww, poor Kris,” Frank cooed, kissing my cheek. “Luckily, I can stick around.”

“Good, because you are whether you want to or not!”

“And Im okay with that,” Frank giggled, pulling me onto his lap.

“Frankie guess what!” I squealed, cuddling into him.

“Oh my gosh, what?” he giggled.

“I love you.”


“So what do you wanna watch?” Aly asked me, pouring a bunch of DVD’s on the living room floor.

“Prom Night is pretty good,” I shrugged, seeing it amongst a ton of others.

“Yeah! Lets watch it!” she squealed, putting it in the DVD player before we both quickly showered and sat back down on the couch to watch it.

I grinned, and wrapped one of my arms around her shoulders, while she leaned her head against my chest contently as we watched all the previews and stuff. We skipped through a couple of stupid ones and finally got to the main menu.

“You gonna get scared?” I teased, kissing the top of her head.

“Maybe!” she giggled, poking me in the stomach.

“N’awwww,” I cooed, giggling.

“But I have you here to protect me so I’ll be safe.”

“True, very true,” I grinned, liking the thought of that.

Finally. The movie began.
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