Midnight Lovers

Chapter 35


"Now open you're eyes." I smiled.

He opened them and looked around. He wore a shocked look on his face. I smiled at his expression and stood there innocently.

"How the hell... Did you move ALL this furniture up here and paint things?! You're such a little woman but do these great projects! How did you do it this time, Aly?" he asked.

"Well. It took alot of paint. Various months of going to the gym every day to lift weight. a really tall ladder. Nad the monet to hire people to do it for me." I grinned.

He busted out laughing.

"I thought so. There's no weight such a tiny girl can do ALL that in a short time." he smiled.

"I may surprise you later on and I'll just giggle." I teased.

"I'm looking forward to that day." he smiled.

We walked in and laid down on the bed that was in there. I made an extra room into a guest bedroom. I just got around to it a week ago. But thoughts clouded my mind that always distracted me from working on the room. So I hired a team to do exactly what I wanted. It worked out pretty good.

I looked at Gerard, studying his features. He turned and looked at me. Instantly, I noticed, Concern and confusion flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong Aly?"

"I have been thinking alot over the last few weeks. It's nothing bad. So don't worry about that but.. It's kind of serious because I've never put it up to myself to think about things too deeply. However, there's a first time for everything I guess.."

I looked at him.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen. If we ever went further than dating? What might happen if we broke up?" I asked..

And for the first time since I met him, he didn't have an answer waiting for me.


I helped Kris clean up, even though she said for me not to. It was both our faults that her house is in a mess. Well. Kinda, Sorta a mess but oh well.

Kris yawned. I smiled.

"Someone needs to sleep more at night." I teased.

"Frank. You're the one that keeps me up at night!" she giggled.

"oh.. my bad." I smiled.

We both fell out laughing and put everything away then walked upstairs.. I'm really not sure why but oh well.
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