Midnight Lovers

Chapter 4

~! Kristen’s Point of view !~

I sat there and waited for Aly to come back with our drinks, seeing the arena begin to fill. People were cheering and screaming, or squealing like mad! I just sat there and stared at the stage, waiting for the band to walk out and begin the show!

It was actually quite lonely sitting alone without talking to anyone, but at least I wasn’t bored out of my mind. Sighing, I crossed my left leg over my right and sat with my face on top of my fist, still staring at the stage as if it would somehow do something.

A few minutes passed and Aly came back with sodas, placing them in the cup holders as she sat down in her seat beside me. I grinned, and both of us began to join in the chants that were being yelled throughout the crowd. Everybody was growing impatient and restless, just wanting the concert to start.

I was one of them, and couldn’t wait much longer to see the performance. Even more cheers erupted when we saw the band walk out on stage. For a brief second, Frank locked eyes with me. I shouldn’t feel to special, he had to have his eyes open so he wouldn’t fall over a guitar amp or some other stuff that was on the stage. It was only a second anyway.

~! Gerard’s Point of view !~

The crowd was deafening. I looked out at all the people cheering and hollering, and all the smiles on their faces. This was part of the reason I enjoyed performing. The fans. They made it all worth while.

I looked over at Frank, wondering what he was looking at as he put his guitar strap over his shoulder. He had an almost hypnotized look on his face. I shrugged it off, and grabbed the microphone.

Frank was still looking pretty lost as he took his spot on the stage, still looking out at some spot in the crowd. I’ve never in my life seen him like this.

Bob started playing the beginning to ’The End,’ while Ray, Mikey, and Frank all joined in with their parts.
I raised the microphone to my lips, and began to sing when it was my turn to join in.

Frank was playing very well, but was still staring transfixed at something. What was up with him?
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