Midnight Lovers

Chapter 42


I knew that both of our mothers had already begun planning, even before we got engaged! I guess it's funny, but now I'm kind of glad that they did.

First we drove to his mother's house, and told her and Frank's step-father the news. Both of them were very pleased, and when we drove to his biological father's house he was just as happy. Lastly we went to my parents house and they both were extremely happy too.

My mom already told me she had almost everything for the wedding planned, and that her and Frank's mom were finishing up. She already ordered the food, booked the church, sent out invitations, and had everything done except my dress. Frank had already bought a black suit for the occasion, and Aly and I planned on going dress shopping together.

"Hey Frankie?" I asked when we had gotten back in the car to head over to Aly and Gerard's.

"Yeah?" he asked, getting in and starting the engine.

"What do you want, a girl or a boy?" I asked. "Im hoping for a girl."


I smirked and drove off to Aly's parents house, while she rested.

We got there in about an hour, and headed inside. Her parents were so happy about it, and congratulated us. I smiled, and rubbed her stomach with one hand.

"You happy?" she giggled.

"Beyond," I beamed.
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