Midnight Lovers

Chapter 43


"I'm glad." I smiled.

We both walked outside and got in the car. Something was tugging at my mind. It had been since I found out I was pregnant. Now I can't go on tour. Gerard doesn't want me getting stressed out over small things. But I'll be stressed at home all the same..


"Yes, Baby?" he smiled at me.

His larger hand held my smaller on in his palm while his thumb gently carressed my knuckles. It was a cute gesture.

"Are you going to be home soon? you know.. After tour?" I bit my lip gently.

He frowned. He only frowned when he was thinking. I was worried. I didn't want him to be gone for 10 months and miss the baby being born. I needed some help with the baby and I wanted him to be there. After all, it was our baby. Not just mine or just his. Ours.

What seemed like an eternity, only was about 5 minutes, his frown disappeared.

"I will be home before you start showing. I'm going to be home when you need me the most. I swear to you I will. Even if I'm threatened with being fired. I'm going to be there for my love and my baby." he smiled.

I giggled. relief washed over me like a tidal wave. The car stopped and he parked. We got out and I walked up the pathway. Or should I say tried?

Before I knew it, I was being picked up.

"Gee! I can walk." I giggled.

"No. The mother of my children is not going to be tired out so easily." he smiled, innocent.

I giggled and let him carry me.


I smiled, driving to Gee's and Aly's.

"I don't care. I'm just happy that I'm going to be a dad."

Kris smiled at me. I set my hand on her thigh, gently. She set her hand ontop of mine.

"So why are we heading over to GA's house?" I asked, turning down the road.
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