Midnight Lovers

Chapter 44


"Because they called this morning and said they had something to tell us," I shrugged, stroking his hand.

"I see," he giggled, continuing to drive in the direction of the house.

"Well, they can tell us whatever it is and we can tell them our news," I giggled.

"True, very true," Frank smirked.

"How long are you going to be away Frankie?"


I smirked, and carried her inside after unlocking the front door. I didn't even care what the fans would think when they find out that I'm getting married and am going to be a father. It doesn't phase me in the least. I'm going to live my life the way I want to live it.

Frank and Kristen were supposed to be over soon, and were probably already on their way here. Inside my head I was squealing, and couldn't wait to tell them our news. I'm sure they'd be happy about it.

Right now Aly was in the kitchen making lunch for everyone.
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