Midnight Lovers

Chapter 46


"Well, same for us!" I laughed, finding it odd how we both had the same exact thing to share.

"You're joking," Aly pouted, giving me the disapproving look.

"No, I wasn't kidding," I giggled, poking her cheek across the table.

"Are too!" she laughed, poking me back.

"No, I'm 110% serious," I stated, folding my arms while laughing. No wonder I wasn't taken seriously! EVen when I wasn't joking!


I still couldn't believe I was going to be a dad, but was seriously excited about it. I loved kids! What did dishearten me was the fact that I'd be away on tour a lot, and couldn't always be there for them. I would feel incredibly guilty.

We had already started planning the room upstairs, and painted it too. It was green, because we had no idea if it was a boy or a girl. I secretly wanted a boy, though. I'd be happy with either though, it doesn't matter to me.

After 3-4 months of touring I'd be back here, right before Aly started t show. I find it weird how it takes so long for that to happen! I mean, how can it be so unnoticeable for a little less than half of the entire time? It didn't make much sense to me.

I was already aware that I would be learning a lot, and I was going to embrace that.
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