Midnight Lovers

Chapter 48


"Aly I'm bored," I pouted, laying on a couch. "And I am tired of health food!"

"Yeah, me too," she laughed, eating her chocolate. "Want some chocolate?"

"Nah, no thanks," I replied.

"Suit yourself," Aly shrugged, eating it.

I sighed, and stayed laying down. It was still pretty early and neither of us were really in the mood to do anything. We put on the TV and watched some shows, but were still bored as heck. It was too quiet around here, and boring to say the least.


Tonight's crowd was huge! There were so many people here tonight! I no longer scanned the crowd for a person I felt I could connect with, seeing as I already had the girl of my dreams waiting for me at home.

"How're you all doin' tonight?" I asked into the microphone.

The answer I received was a huge yes from everyone in the crowd. I smiled, and began singing the words to 'To The End.'

The concert was over before we knew it, and we were back on the road once more.
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