Midnight Lovers

Chapter 49


"Let's go for a walk. I mean. It's not like we're gonna get mobbed or anything." I sugguested.

"Good idea. We need out of the house." Kristen stood up.

I pulled on my shoes and grabbed my purse. We walked outside. We deicded to walk around instead of driving. Town wasn't that far from the house anyway.

We chatted a little about the guys. okay. alot. but more on the babies. What we wanted and what to name them. It was so much fun! Then the wedding's beening so close! I'm so excited but nervous..

I mean.. What if he changed his mind at the last second? That would be so humilating! No, no, Aly. He loves you and you're pregnant with his child. He wouldn't do that.. Would he? No. I know him and he's not that type of guy. Neither is Frank.

I've seen the way he looks at Kristen. It's so cute! Gerard has the same look with me. and I remember when one evening where we had a few guys that wouldn't leave us alone while Gerard and Frank went to get drinks.

~ Flashback!~

"Hey baby." this really tall guy smirked at me.

"Umm. goodbye?"

I tried to walk off but he grabbed me. I fought against him. The other grabbed Kristen and we both fought hard. It was like the concert all over again.

"Un hand those girls now." I heard Gee's voice snarl.

I looked over quickly. Frank looked ready to kill! and Gerard looked like he was ready go to jail if the guy hurt me!

"What are you? They're brothers?" he sneered.

"Try their boyfriends." Frank snapped and hit Kristen's guy hard.

He fell on the floor out cold. Gerard started towards us. The guy let me go and ran off. I ran over and clung ontop Gerard. He held my small frame against his larger one. I breathed in his scent relaxing.

~End of flash back~

"Aly. Did you hear what I said?" Kristen asked.

"Umm. No. what did you say?"


I laid on my bed on the tour bus. The nights were the hardest. To me anyway. I'm use to having Kristen snuggled into my side and having my arms around her little body.

I sighed. I hated the nights. Too damn quiet. And you start thinking about things you don't want to think about.

For instance, Kris getting hurt while I'm gone.

My worse nightmare ever! and I've been having dreams that something's gonna happen. I'm just being paraniod, I think. I mean. My future wife and son or daughter are at home over 700 miles away without me there to protect them. I mean sure. Aly's with her. But they're just two helpless girls.

Frank stop it! You're stressing yourself out. I picked up my digital camera and turned it on. I looke dthrough the pictures of Kris and me. I mainly had them of her. I couldn't help it. She's so photogenic.

I smiled and continued looking through them.
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