Midnight Lovers

Chapter 5

~!~ Aly's POV~!~

"Oh! I saw that! Frank looked at you!" i grinned. she shrugged. We jumped and danced.

I love this band. I felt someone watching us. ehh on well. I looked at the band. We were so close. I looked at Gerard. He looked back at me and I jumped.

"What's wrong?" Kristen asked.


She nodded and we danced again. I felt a little special. I know I shouldn't have because it could be anyone he was looking at. But I tried not to kill my dream so I took it as him looking at just me.

I wonder where we go the inspiration to write the songs. Some where really dark and others were just freaking awesome!

That's a question I can ask if I ever get a chance.

~!~ Frank's POV !~!

I strummed the guitar and looked around. I saw many girls but one caught my eye. I looked at her for a second then looked away. But my eyes somehow went directly back to her. Black shirt and white vest. She's dancing with her friend.

I snapped out of my trance and finished the song. Then started up the beat for Famous Last Words.

Gerard starting singing and i watched that one girl. Now I can't stop watching her.. What's wrong with me?!
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