Midnight Lovers

Chapter 59


I finally rolled out of bed and started directly on breakfast. I was starving. I guess the baby's hungry.

I fixed eggs and toast.

I finished that and put them on two plates and set the table. I fixed two cups of coffee to go along with the eggs.

I set them down by the plates. Frank walked in looking hungry but excited about something. Who knows with him.

He kissed me then sat down and started devoring his food. I sat down and ate as well.

"Krissy?" Frank asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes Franky?" I took a sip of my coffee.

"We still have to pick a location for the wedding." he said.

Oh that's right. We do.

"I actually already have a location for it." I said.


"Connecticut." I replied.

"Why there?" he asked.

"Because I want it there." I said.

" I rather it be in Jersey." he said.

"Why there?" I asked.

"Because I want it there." he smirked.

ugh! I can't believe him. I stood up and walked out of the kitchen. I don't believe him at times! i wiped under my eyes.
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