Midnight Lovers

Chapter 8

~! Kristen’s Point of view !~

I was being dragged farther backwards, and my efforts to get away were useless. I wasn’t strong enough to get out of his arms, and he just held on even tighter.

“Let me go!” I demanded, a lot of venom in my voice.

“I don’t feel like it gorgeous,” the guy holding me purred down my ear, rubbing his hands up and down my chest.

I tried to elbow him but failed. I started pulling myself forward, grabbing onto some guys outstretched hand. I motioned for Aly to grab onto the guy next to him, and she did.

“Let them go,” he hissed, him and his friend trying to get us out of their grip.

“I don’t think so,” Aly’s capturer spat, holding onto her even tighter.

People were starting to gather around us in a circle, completely taking their eyes off of the concert. I felt so embarrassed, but was still trying desperately to break away! They weren’t letting us go.

“Okay honey, I’m not going to let go so why don’t you just give up?” the guy holding me said down my ear, pushing my body up against his chest.

“Never!” I screamed, pulling away again. Out of nowhere the guy holding Aly punched me in the face, and I fell to the ground with a thud.

Everything went black………………

~! Gerard’s POV !~

The girls were getting pulled back farther and farther, and one girl disappeared. The whole entire crowd screamed at once when the girl had vanished.

We had just finished Famous Last Words and were in a panic. What was going on?!

I was ready to just jump into the crowd to get over to where everyone was standing around something in a circle. I couldn’t see what they were looking at, and that worried me even more.

I was truly helpless, and security was nowhere in sight. Are they all in the bathroom?! Where are they when you need them?!
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