Midnight Lovers

Chapter 9

!~ Aly's POV~!~

"KRISTEN!" I screamed.

That drew the line. The guy held onto me tighter. I jumped up and kicked him as hard as i could and kicked the guy getting close to Kristen.

I heard the guy behind me growled and I got my arms free and the guy beside me pulled my back up a row.

"No! No! No! Kristen!" I shouted but they took me closer to stage and I struggled. I had to get to her!

I finally saw guards running over. Where the hell where they 20 minutes ago?!

I was angry now.. I wasn't near Kristen at all anymore. and some random guy was holding me back so I didn't run back to get her.

and to top it off. My Chemical Romance just watched! They didn't help at all! I can kind of understand but I'm pissed!

I struggled against the guy. Everytime I did he just said," calm down." over and over.. I was just tiring myself out. I finally stoppped and leaned against him tiredly.. I saw the other guy pick up Kristen. Is she okay?!

This is my fault! I shouldn't have got the tickets this close! I should've thought it through..

~* Frank's POV~*

I saw someone holding the girl in the white vest. That's it. I took off my guitar and tossed it to a stage hand and jumped off stage and made my way to her.

She was hurt! No! I should've did this sooner! Gerard looked like he was in daze. I ran over to her.

"I'll take her." I said. they nodded and handed her over. I carried her backstage easily. She's really light.. Kinda like a feather.

I walked into the holding room and laid her on one of the couch and got her some ice. I heard someone come in the room but didn't look up from what I was doing.

I wrapped a small towel around the ice and gently pressed it to her head.

Please let her be okay!
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