Love Is On Its Way

She's Back


Ariana is now 16 and moving out of her grandparents' house. Her grandparents bought her a house in Dallas. Ariana is packing her belongings and getting dropped off at the airport. She said her goodbyes and cried. The only good thing about this move was she might get to see Nicky again. When the plane ride was over she called a cab. The cab dropped her off at her new house. The house seemed oddly familiar to her. She walked in and set her stuff in her room. She remembered now this was her old house the house next to the Jonas family's house.
Ariana ran out of the house and knocked on the door. The door opened slowly and Nick appeared in his boxers and had messy hair. He looked different now. He was taller, had curly hair, and was a little muscular. The only thing that stayed the same was his chocolate brown eyes that you can melt in. Ariana looked at him and said, "NICKY I MISSED YOU!!!!" Ariana jumped on him and hugged him tight and long. Nick didn't know who she was but hugged back. All he knew was she was hot!! Ariana let go of him and looked into his eyes and saw he was confused.
Ariana asked, "Nick don't you remember me?" Nick looked at and shook his head. Ariana had tears brimming in her eyes and said, "What you you have to remember me I'm your best buddie." Nick still looked confused. Ariana pointed at her bracelet and said, "Nick look at your bracelet." Nick looked at the bracelet and it all came back to him. "Ariana." he whispered. Ariana heard and saw his eyes and knew he remembered she smiled and tried to hug him again. But Nick pushed her off of him and yelled, "I DON'T KNOW YOU!!!! NOW GET OFF MY PROPERTY!!!!" Ariana shook her head she started, "Ni- Nick." She started to cry now. Nick pushed her to the ground and spit near her face and slammed the door.
Ariana got up and pulled her knees up to her chest and thought, "What how could he forget me I I didn't do anything to him." Ariana's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice shouting her name. She looked up and saw Joe more tears started. Joe looked at her and said, "Ar-Ariana is is that you." Ariana nodded her head. Joe hugged her and looked her up and down. Ariana changed she didn't wear glasses, her hair was out of her face, her face changed, and it was embarrassing for Joe to admit but she had a bigger chest. Ariana smiled threw her tears and looked at Joe. He also changed his face was different, his hair was straight, he was more muscular, tan, and he got a lot taller. Joe smiled at Ariana and let her inside the house.
Joe said, “Ariana I’m sorry but I have to go to my girlfriend’s house.” Ariana nodded. She looked around the house nothing changed at all. Everything was left where it was the last time she remembered. She walked up stairs into Joe’s room it changed. There was a bigger blue bed, had pictures of them when they were kids, had one picture of a girl who Ariana was guessing was his girlfriend, a computer, a TV, and had a lot of candy everywhere but that wasn’t really new. She walked out of the room and walked toward Kev’s room. His room looked like Joe’s but was green and didn’t have a picture of that girl in Joe’s room it had a picture of a different girl. When did the boys get girlfriends? She walked toward Frankie’s room and it had a lot of toys everywhere. She sat on his bed she remembered this was Nick’s bed. She smiled.
Then she walked to Nick’s room she knocked on the door and waited. When she didn’t hear anything she just opened the door. She saw Nick on top of a girl. Ariana screamed, “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!” She ran out the room and thought to herself, “What happened to the purity ring? They made the promise when they were 7. Well at least Ariana, Joe, and Kevin did. Maybe he wasn’t doing “that” hopefully he wasn’t.” She sat on the couch and tried to erase the memory.
Then Nick appeared in front of Ariana and said, “Look I know what you were thinking. I didn’t “do it” with her I just made out. And now since YOU killed the mood. I guess I’ll just make out with you.” Ariana’s eyes grew big and shook her head. Nick moved in closer Ariana could feel his breath on her face. It was minty. Nick leaned in closer and whispered, “You don’t actually think I would kiss someone like you. Do you?” Ariana was hypnotized and just stayed still. Nick got madder and yelled, “I would NEVER kiss someone as ugly as you!!!” Ariana was shocked and didn’t say anything back just sat there taking in what he said. When Nick said those words it stung coming from your bestest buddie. Nick was mad Ariana could tell from his eyes. She finally stood up and said, “Nick stop yelling and calm down.” Nick looked at her and snapped, “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO?!! I CAN CALM DOWN WHEN EVER THE HELL I WANT!!!” Ariana stood there when she finally had the courage to yell back, “WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU?!! HUH YOU GOT BUTT HURT BECAUSE I MOVED HUH!!” Nick thought, “God she looked hot yelling. I bet your wondering what happened right? Well I’ll tell you the story later.” Ariana breathed in heavily she was waiting for Nick to answer. Nick smirked and said, “Stop yelling babe.” He was playing with a strand of Ariana’s hair. She slapped his hand away and said, “I CAN YELL WHEN I WANT. ANYWAY YOU STARTED THIS YELLING THING SO DON’T TOUCH ME AND DON’T CALL ME BABE.” With that Ariana left the house furious and confused.
Nick watched her walk out and laughed.
Nick’s POV
I’m being an ass to her because she never told me why she left. And that hurt me I didn’t eat or socialize with anyone for a couple of years. And now I want her to suffer like how I did. Well when I turned 10 my grandma died and that hurt. Then two years after my grandma’s death I was walking down an alley one night after a baseball game. I heard some kids talking and laughing. That caught my attention so I walked toward them. There was a girl that was blond she looked about 16 she was wearing slutty clothes. There were two other guys. One had a hat that covered half of his face. The one on the other side had blond shaggy hair. I was guessing there were all 16. I saw the girl shoot something into her arm. The other guys were sniffing and smoking something. I asked, “What are you guys doing?” The girl walked up to me and said, “Hey kiddo what the are you doing here at night?” She looked high and I can smell the alcohol on her breath. I was a kid back then so I screamed, “STRANGER DANGER STRANGER DANGER!!!!” The guy with a hat covered my mouth and told me to shut up. I got it now they were drinking and doing drugs. I ripped his hand off my mouth. The girl said, “Kid why don’t you be like us and just sniff this it’ll make you feel a whole lot better.” I sniffed it and god it smelt good. I sniffed more and asked, “Do you guys got anymore umm what’s your name?” The girl said, “I’m Tiffany, the dude that’s blond is Brock, and the guy with a hat is Tim. And of course we got more stuff but we left it somewhere so if you want more just come here every Friday.” I nodded and said, “Cool, cool I’m Nick.” That’s when everything changed I started doing drugs when I was 12. It felt good since no one ever listened to my problems drugs calmed me down. Like how Ariana’s voice does. That’s the story. And if Ariana was there with me and didn’t move I wouldn’t be how I am today but she wasn’t there so now I have to make her suffer like how I did.
Normal POV
Ariana slammed her front door and walked up to her room. She got her pillow and screamed into it. Why did Nick have to be such a perverted asshole? Ariana lie in her bed thinking and wishing that the times when they were kids would come to life again. She walked to her balcony and remembered how Nick would always jump over to her balcony. She smiled and looked across to Nick’s room he was laying in bed sleeping. Ariana walked back inside and walked down stairs she had a lot of unpacking to do.
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I'm not going to update for 4 days and after the 4 days I go back to school so I won't post very often :( I'm really truly sorry.