Love Is On Its Way



Every part of my body hurt. I looked around Nick's room it looked so different. I tried to get up. Joe rushed to my side to help me. Joe held on to my waist to make sure I didn't fall.
"Ar- Are you alright?" Joe asked with concern in his voice. I didn't know if I was alright. I had to think of how to answer the question. I looked at my arms and saw blue and purple bruises. I still haven't answered the question. When I found the right words to answer. I said, "I I don't know." My voice sounded like I was at a concert screaming the whole time. I fell back down. I heard Nick laugh and say, "Your legs can't support your weight fatty?" He laughed again. Joe put me gently on the bed and walked over to Nick and held him up but the collar of his shirt. He looked him straight in the eyes and Nick lightly laughed and pushed his hand off of him. But Joe didn't move instead he punched Nick in the face. Nick got up and held his face.
"What the hell are you doing?! Your punching me because of this FREAK?!!" Joe looked at him and said, "Why are you talking to her like that?! She's the greatest thing that happened to you and your treating her like SHIT!!" Joe tried to punch Nick again but Nick held Joe's fist and pushed him backward. I screamed. They both looked at me. Nick went back to kicking Joe in the stomach. I kept screaming for Nick to stop. But he didn't he just kept hitting him. He kicked him the last time and whispered something at me. I couldn't understand, "What?" Nick looked at me and said, "I hope you DIE BITCH!!!" He walked out of the room leaving me with my heart pierced with 1 million hot needles. Tears started to well up in my eyes. Joe got up and held me.
"Shh shh its okay Nick's just an ass." He cooed into my ear. He started humming. I started to doze off and fell asleep in his arms.
The next morning I was in my room. I was confused. How the fuck did I get here? Joe must have carried me. I looked at my alarm clock it was only 6 am. Why did I wake up so early? I groaned and kicked the sheets off of me and stretched I heard every bone in my body crack. Ugh. I started to walk into the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked like hell. My hair was a mess I had bruises and cuts everywhere. I looked like a whole new person. Tears started to come into my eyes. My life was a living hell. My bestest friend is an ass, the town I grew in was so different. Every step I took was so wrong everything in my life is wrong! I saw a blade in the corner of my eye. I grabbed it. I couldn't take this anymore. I pressed the blade into my arm. At first I winced in pain but after a few cuts I felt a rush. God it felt good. I slowly took it out of my arm and let the scars bleed. I walked into the shower and turned on the water. I let
the water run down my body. I saw the water turn red. My blood. I didn't care I put soap on it stung but I didn't care. I walked out of the shower not looking at the mirror. I got dressed slowly after all woke up at 6. I took out a black jacket, skinny jeans, and black and white plaid converse. I slowly walked down stairs and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed Trix, milk, a bowl, and a spoon. I slowly poured in the cereal I did the same with the milk. I ate the cereal savoring each and every one of the fruity spheres. After I was done I heard the doorbell ring. I went to go open the door and was greeted by Joe.
"Hey I just wanted to walk to school with you. If that’s okay with you?" He asked. I just nodded my head sluggishly and went upstairs to get my backpack. Joe followed me into my room. He laughed and pointed up at the ceiling and said, "Haha remember those glow in the dark Barney stickies?" I looked up and giggled. Joe smiled and said, "I found em' in my pocket and we started to jump on your bed to get them on your ceiling. Then Nick saw and he started to jump too. He tried to impress you by throwing the sticky hard but ended up falling off and breaking his arm. Then when mommy asked him how he did that. He cried and said Barney stickies. And everyone except for you and him were laughing." I laughed and saw that times changed. We both walked out of the house and started to school.
"Sooo Joey did you break up with Nicole?" I asked to bring conversation. Joe nodded. "Why’d you break it off with her?" Joe sighed and said, "She was always so so pushy and whiny. And whenever I kissed her there was no sparks no pazzaz." I just nodded understandingly. The whole walk to school we caught up. But Joe didn't even know how Nick changed. So I just dropped the subject. We entered the doors of Dallas High. I walked to my locker. Joe was following me.
I kept following Ariana because I know Nick was going to pick on her and because my locker was near hers. And I just wanted to protect her because I'm her awesomest best buddie. Ariana turned around and said, "Joe you don't have to follow me. I'm a big girl." Nick walked by and said, "Yeah you are a fat girl." Why the fuck was Nick treating her like shit?! Ugh I don't know what the hell that kid’s problem is. I walked to my locker it was only 3 down from Ariana's. She unlocked her locker and started to put stuff into it.
Ariana POV
I started to put stuff in my locker. I ignored what Nick said to me back there. But then Nick walked to the locker to the right of mine. Oh please god don’t let him be the locker next to me please. Oh thanks a lot God. Nick put his stuff in the locker next to mine.
"Great TUBA-LARD is right next to MY locker." He scoffed in disgust. I ignored it. Then a girl walked next to the locker on the left of mine. Joe looked at her. I instantly knew that Joe liked her.
That's when I saw her. She was walking to the left locker of Ariana's. She flipped her beautiful long, wavy dark brown hair showing off her breath taking greenish brown eyes. I NEED to know her name. I started to walk over to her but then the bell rang. Damn it. I walked to math and saw her. YES!!! I walked over to her nervous and probably sweating. Why was I acting like this?
"Can I *breathe* sit *breathe* here?" I said sounded and looking like I ran 90 laps. She giggled and said, "Sure. Are you okay?" Her giggle sounded like music to my ears. God she was perfect. "Oh um uh yeah." I sat down next to her. She flashed her pearly whites at me I smiled back. "So pretty lady mind to tell me your name?" She giggled again and said, "Well handsome I'm Sarah. You?" I was memorized she just called me handsome. I snapped out of it and said, "Sarah that's a beautiful name that fits a beautiful girl like you. Well I'm Joe, Joe Jonas." I winked at her. She blushed a light pink and said, "Smooth Joe." The teacher walked in and started teaching. I was bored out of my mind. Then I came up with an idea. I got out a pen and paper and wrote, "I'm about to fall asleep. Zzzzzz." I passed it to Sarah. She smiled and passed it back to me putting, "Ha I fell asleep right when he walked through the door." Her hand writing was amazing. I smiled a
girl with a sense of humor. I put, "I'd rather be watching paint dry right now." I gave it to her. She smiled again and passed it back, "I'd join you any day ; )" I was about to write but the bell rang. Shit! I forgot to get her number. She was about to walk out but then I grabbed her wrist.
"Hey Sarah um you don't mind if I uh you uh give me your number?" I sounded like an idiot. Why Joe? Why? She smiled and got out a pen. She got my hand and started to put her number. With that she walked out. I looked at my hand and sighed dreamily. I walked out but ran into the wall. Stupid wall.
Ariana POV (This POV is while Joe and Sarah were in class.)
Ugh I hate biology. I walked in and heard whispering and people pointing and snickering. I sighed and walked over to a seat. I put my head down on my desk to maybe drown out the snickers. But they just got louder. I heard footsteps slowly approach my desk. I looked up and saw a boy wearing glasses, with short brown hair, and hazel eyes. I saw the muscles threw his shirt.
"Hiya your Ariana. Right?" the boy’s voice was deep. "Yeah what are you here to make fun of me?" I said with a hint of annoyance and anger in my voice. "Oh no no no. I just heard that you had a ruff start and plus I'm not that type of guy. I'm Rick by the way." he put out his hand. I shook it and smiled. He took a seat next to me. Maybe this guy wasn't so bad. Then Nick walked in the room with his group. He sat a couple of seats to the back of me. The teacher walked in and started to well teach. I started to doze off until I felt a ball of wet paper fit my head. NICK!!! Ugh I ignored it he kept hitting me with them until he ran out. But then he started to throw PEBBLES at me. PEBBLES!!! Who in the right mind brings pebbles to school? I sighed and ignored it. I guess Nick got mad because he started to throw rocks at me. That hurt. I turned around and glared at him. All he and his friends did was laugh. I found a note on my desk, "Want me to rip their heads
off?- Rick" I laughed and shook my head. But he got up out of his seat and held Nick by the collar and punched him in the face. I stood there in shock. Then Nick's group got up and started to jump Rick. When I regained consciousness I yelled for the teacher. I looked around but didn't see a sign of him. I saw Nick just laugh at Rick from the sidelines. I looked at him in disgust. This was his fight but he's not fighting. Loser. When they were done I saw Rick have bruises, cuts, and a bleeding lip. I knelt down to him and asked, "Rick are you alright?" He slightly smiled and nodded. I couldn't see anyone like this so I got his arms and swung them over my shoulder. I started to walk over to the nurses office. When we got there I had to make up a lie. I couldn't see Nick in trouble. He treated me like shit but something in my mind said he was still my bestest friend.
"Oh my! What happened?!" the nurse exclaimed. Rick groaned in pain. Now it was rime how me to lie I hated lying but I had to. "Oh um uh he fell off his uh um uh bike and I uh um uh I ran him over with uh um my bike." Yeah yeah that works. Good job Ariana. Oh thanks Ariana. You get a cookie when you get home. YAY!!! The nurse nodded her head. Whoa she believed me! Well okay then. I left Rick and the nurse. Then the bell rang.