Love Is On Its Way



4 months passed and nothing really changed. Nick didn't pay much attention to me because he would always have a slut around his arms. Joe had a girlfriend named Sarah. She's awesome Sarah and I are friends now. Nick and I have been doing really good in school. Well I do Nick's homework so that's why he's doing good. Nick and I are going to graduate this year! Joe is going to graduate next year with Sarah. That's pretty much it nothing really changed.
I was sitting on the couch watching TV. Joe was at Sarah's I heard the door unlock and Nick came in while sucking a girls face off. Ugh. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. They both went upstairs and I continued to watch television. I watched for about 30 minutes until the phone rang. I got up and sprinted over to pick up the phone, "Hello?" No one answered I waited. "Is this Nicholas Jonas?" He had a deep voice and it was just weird. "Um no this is Ariana. Who's this?" Why does this dude wanna talk to Nick? "You don't have to know!!! Just get Nick!!" Dude was this guy on his period or something? "Um okay....I'll get him." The person kept breathing really hard on the other line. I walked upstairs and knocked on his door I knocked again and again and again. I just opened the door covered my eyes and said, "Nick phone." I dropped my hand because they were done. He looked past the slut's shoulder and said, "Does it look like I wanna talk?" I rolled my eyes and went back to the phone the voice on the other line said, "Tell him it's Carl." I looked at Nick and said, "Its Carl." Nick pushed the slut off of him and threw her clothes out of his room. He took the phone out of my hand and pushed both of us out of his room and slammed the door in our faces.
I guess it's an important call. I looked at the slut and she was dressed she was just fixing her hair. "Ugh Nick is like no fun anymore. All he does is like say how much he likes you and like stuff. He like said that he's only doing this to like make you jealous or something." I lightly blushed and showed her to the door. She kept complaining so I slammed the door in her face and walked back in the house. I walked up to Nick's room and lightly knocked on his door. He didn't answer I knocked again and again. Nothing. I opened the door and looked inside. I saw his window open letting in fresh air and sunshine. He left. Where did he go? I walked back downstairs and looked down. I wasn't really wearing anything crazy or slutty. I was just wearing aqua shorts and a baseball shirt. I started to walk toward the front door while putting on my white converse. I started to walk across the street. I felt a hand cover my mouth. I started to scream and squirm. My screams were muffled by the person's hand. WHAT WAS GOING ON?! He threw me in the back of his car and I smelt something strange. I started to drift off and black out.

Nick POV
I saw Ariana get thrown in by Eric. Carl was just a codename for the boss. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!! "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I checked her pulse. Okay she’s alive. Eric looked at me and said, "Just made her sleep." He walked around the car and into the drivers seat. Why couldn't I have paid? I'm such a fucktard!!! Not only is this bad for me but now I dragged Ariana into this. I'm such a fuckin' fucktard. Eric stopped driving and pulled into an abandoned warehouse. He got out and pulled me out of the car. "Wait your just gonna leave her?!" What is she gonna think when she wakes up? "Chill she'll be fine." He threw me in a dark room and left. I started to get scared. They said to never get in trouble with the boss. Someone grabbed my shoulder and said, "You may go see the boss now." I turned around and saw a dude that looked like a gorilla, "What if I DON'T want to see the boss?" He held my shoulder tighter and glared at me. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He started to walk to a different room he threw me on a chair and left. I looked around everything looked blurry. I started to shake probably because I didn't smoke or sniff anything today. I waited for probably 30 minutes. I started to shake uncontrollably but my eye sight got a little better. The door suddenly opened letting in sunlight. I squinted to bright. Stupid sun. I saw a very pale Ariana stumble in. Her eyes had bags under them but she had no cuts or bruises. "Ni- Nick?" her voice was weak. I ran toward her and kissed her forehead.

Ariana POV
I opened my eyes and saw Nick. I wrapped my arms his neck and pulled him closer to me. I hugged him long the best thing was he was hugging back. I pulled away Nick looked horrible. He had red eyes and looked totally destroyed. His eyes were filled with regret and sorrow. "What’s going on?" my voice cracked on the last word.
Nick's eyes were tense again and his muscles flexed. He fell to the ground and his eyes rolled back in his head. He started to spazzing out below me. I tried to hold his arms and legs down but he kept shaking. The door flew open and a man came in, "Nicholas." He sounded satisfied. What the hell is going on? He walked to the seat in the corner of the room and watched us as if we were a TV sitcom. "Why are you just sitting?! Can't you help?!" I yelled at him with tears streaming down my face.
"Why should I help people that are gonna die already?" he said that while chuckling. WHAT THE FUCK?! What does he mean die? "Uh huh right. What did we do to make YOU want to kill us?" I said that while still trying to calm Nick down. He laughed again and slowly walked toward us. He grabbed Nick's arm harshly and got out a needle. He injected something in Nick's arm. It worked because Nick stopped shaking and was breathing normally again. The dude stepped closer to me and said, "You know your very pretty." he clicked his tongue at the y at the end of pretty. "Um uh th- thanks." I stammered. He played with my strand of hair and said, "Hmm I'll have to have some fun before I kill you. Deal?" I shook my head. He touched my cheek but I turned my face and backed away. He laughed and said, "Tsk tsk your I'm gonna do this no matter what your answer is."
He was just like Bill. "Tell me your name? My name is Carl." Carl this is the dude that called?! I was stupid enough to answer the question, "Ar- Ariana." Carl smirked and smashed his lips onto mine. Ugh he smelt like shit and looked like it. His phone rang. Thank god. He started to talk. I heard someone groan. I looked straight at Nick he was trying to get up. I ran over to his side and helped him. I kissed his cheek and he smiled. He was the old Nick the one that I loved all my life. His eyes were the warm chocolate brown that were filled with love. "Aw happy couple." Carl was off his phone and clapped. "Good Nicholas is up. Now he can see EVERYTHING!!" Carl laughed. Nick's eyes changed to a cold and full of hatred dark brown. "What are you ta-" Then 4 men walked in. 2 held Nick into a chair and held him with a firm grip around him. Nick started to scream for them to let go but the two guys were deaf or something. The other 2 held me. Carl started to take off my clothes. I screamed and squirmed but all he did was laugh.