Status: Back from the dead :)

Say You Will. Stay Away.

The Tour Bus.

“Ow! Sean! Sean that ‘urts!”
“Mattoo, you know it’s your fault…” Sean was tickling me mercilessly, just because I stole his st00pid pillow last night. Gees, he was already sleeping by then, I thought he wouldn’t even notice… I definitely didn’t think he would wake up, come down to my bunk and attack me. Bitch.
“Sean! Stop! Please, Sean, that ‘urts!”
“Fine, you little thief, I’ll let you off this time. But you better not go stealing my pillow again. I will not be ‘appy if I wake up without a pillow again. I will not be ‘appy at all. Now give me a cuddle.” I grinned and reached out my arms. Yeah. Sean couldn’t stay mad at me. “When did you buy fluffy pyjamas Mattoo?”
“I bought them in Japan, where else can you buy pink fluffy pyjamas in adult man sizes?”
“I thought you’d be wearing teenage girl sizes, you're so skinny!"
"Shhh you. Don't be mean." I laid my head on his chest and breathed in his smell. He always managed to smell so nice, even when we were on tour for weeks without a shower.
"What are you doin' down there, you muppet?"
"Plotting revenge." I felt him ruffle my hair, and I tried to bite his hand but he was too quick. Aw, he always won.
"Stay here..." I mumbled, almost inaudibly.
"What was that?"
"What? Nothing, I didn't say anything..."
"You did."
"No I didn't, shh." I suppose he gave up, because he was quiet after that. And a little while later he fell asleep, and he did stay, all night. I stayed up and watched him sleep for an hour. He was so beautiful. At 3 am I decided to go to sleep too, so I shifted a little bit and put my arms tighter around him.
One of his eyes flicked open. "Snuggle in, Mattoo."
I smiled and fell asleep in a few minutes.

* * *

I woke up to someone poking me in the tummy.
"Stop it Sean..." I mumbled.
"It's not me... They got me too!" I opened my eyes to Gavin's bearded visage looming over me.
"Gavin! What you doin'?!"
"What are you two bed buddies doin'?"
"Shuttup Gavin!" yelled Sean.
"Anyway, get up you two, we're going for drinks with that band supporting us, ehm, From First to Last."
"Drinks? Support yanks? No way am I gettin' out of bed with Mattoo to watch you drink alcoholic drinks with some inferior American band."
"Oi, enough USA bashing, it's not their fault they 'ad to be born st00pid... And you can have orange juice."
"Ohhhh, fine. Come on Mattoo, Gavin says we 'ave to get up now."
"Fuck off..."

Half an hour later we were a bit awake and sitting in some bar waiting for Matt, Chris and Ricky, the members of the band who were coming.
"When are they gonna be 'ere? I swear if they're not 'ere in two minutes I'm taking Mattoo and we'll be on our way."
I grinned wryly, and cursed him inside for being such a tease.