Love Doctor


Destiny licked over her dry lips as she looked down at her brother. She couldn't believe this was happening to him; happening to the girls. They were just now getting over the death of their mother, and now this happens. She was just glad it was the summer, and she was out of work. She wouldn't dare leave her brother's side. Anna and Hannah both were sleeping in the corner, when the door opened slowly. She looked up and starred into the brilliant colored eyes of a man who she thought could only be an angel. His glowing blond hair, his beautiful face. Had she died and gone to heaven?

"Hello, I'm Dr. Cullen, You must be Kevin's family." He said, in the smoothest voice she had ever heard.

She smiled lightly, reminding herself that this man standing in front of her was no angel, but instead her brother's doctor, "Hello, I'm Destiny." She introduced herself.
"Are you the only family member here?" He ask.
"Yes, my other brother is tied up with work in Florida." She explained.

Carlisle took in a deep breath of air, even though he didn't need it, "Kevin's condition has improved since he was first brought in. But, he slipped into the coma, and I can't predict when he'll come out of it." Carlisle explained.

Destiny licked over her lips, "You have no clue when?" She ask, looking over at her nieces and then back to her brother.
"It's something that can not be determined." The beautiful doctor explained.

She sighed, "At least this time it's better." She said, running her hand over her brother's bruised arm.

Carlisle didn't understand what she meant. She looked up at him, and he saw a tear trickle down her cheek. It took everything in him not to walk over there and brush it away. He was just now noticing how intoxicating her scent was. Like a dozen roses pushed into his face. Her long flowing blond hair, her brilliant green eyes, her curvy body. This woman was one hell of a looker, he noted.

"Is there anyone to take care of the girls?" He ask, "I read that their mother is deceased."
"I'll take care of them-- they have no one else." Destiny said, "All the family my brother has left is myself and our other brother Billy, and he's so far away."
"Where do you live?" Carlisle ask.
"Salem, Oregon. It's about six hours away."
"That's a pretty good distance. . ."
"Yes, but I'm a teacher, and I have the summer off. So I'll stay in Forks with the girls." Destiny said.

He nodded his head. He didn't know why, but he was glad the blond was staying in Forks for awhile. He just wished it was under a different circumstance. He hated seeing her in pain over her brother.

"I'm very sorry about your brother." Carlisle stated.

She sighed, "It's okay. I'm just worried about the girls." She said, looking towards her beautiful nieces, "They have been through so much the past five years. I don't think they can handle losing their father." She whispered.

Carlisle felt awful for the family, but there was nothing much he could say or do. He decided to leave the room so Destiny could deal with this in her own way. His shift was about to end anyways; even though he was in no hurry of getting home. He didn't want to deal with all of the drama that was waiting for him.

Even though he didn't want to, he knew he needed to face his problem's head on. He slowly parked his car beside Emmett's jeep, and stepped out of the vehicle. He could hear Rosalie's screams from the drive way; which meant even Jasper couldn't control her. He walked through the door, and into the living room where he saw his blond daughter standing in front of his soon to be ex wife, screaming. Emmett, the strongest of his sons, was trying to pull Rosalie away.

"Rosalie, please." Carlisle said, walking into the room.

Rosalie flashed him a sympathy look, and then looked back at the woman she once loved as her mother, "If I didn't respect him and his wishes so much, I would rip your fucking head off you shameless whore." Rosalie spat, walking over to the corner and standing with Edward.

Edward was torn up by Esme's decision also. He had always loved her as a mother, but her recent thoughts of the man who he had come to love as a father turned his stomach. He couldn't believe that she could be so nasty towards a man who had saved her life.

"It'll all be over soon. She'll leave soon." Alice whispered to Jasper, hoping no one else heard her. However, everyone seemed to.

"Yes, Alice. . ." Esme hissed, "Eric will be here any moment, and then we will go on with our lives." She said, her crimson eyes shooting daggers at each of the individuals she had once considered family.
"What happened to you?" Jasper snapped, "It's like you've been brain washed!" He said, getting up and angry. Alice grabbed him arm, and pulled him back down.

Carlisle watched as Emmett opened his mouth to say something. He was glad the door bell rang. Emmett wouldn't hold back with his words. He would allow Esme to know just what he was feeling, whether it hurt her feelings or not. It pained Carlisle to watch her bounce over to the door gracefully, and open it. She smiled when her new crimson eyed partner walked through the doors.

"Are you ready my darling?" Eric, her new partner ask.
"Of course, I have my things." She said, pointing to the many suitcases lined up in the hall.

Eric flashed Carlisle a smirk that held a thousand words as he looked around the room. He was glad he had torn this family apart, left them broken.

"I'd watch what I think if I were you." Edward warned, looking at him with disgust.

Eric laughed, "Or what?" He ask, walking over and getting into Edward's face, "You don't want to mess with me, Kid. Or I'll just have to visit my dear friend Aro and explain to him how you're courting a little human girl." Eric said, winking.

He knew he held something over the Cullen's, and that was Edward's girlfriend Bella. If the Volturi knew about her, then they would come to kill, which was the last thing the Cullen's wanted.

Eric picked up one of Esme's bags, and then grinned as he looked around the room, "We'll be going now." He said, "Maybe we'll visit in the future." He said, once again winking, as he and Esme walked out of the room.

Rosalie groaned as she leaned back into the sofa, "I say we go and rip both of their heads off." She said.
"You know we can't do that." Alice said, "His family will then come after us."

Eric had a pretty large family himself. He, along with six other's traveled together. So they were now bigger than the Cullen's.
"I'm prepared for a fight." Emmett spoke up.
"There will be no fighting." Carlisle said, "It's over now, our family can return back to normal."

Edward sighed, "Normal?" He questioned, "It'll never be normal again, we'll always be living in fear."
"At least until Bella is changed." Emmett said, causing Edward to glare at him. Edward still wasn't liking the idea of Bella being changed into a vampire, even though the day of her graduation was approaching.

Carlisle sighed, "Our family will be fine." He said, walking up the stairs.

Alice opened her mouth into a "O" shape, as a vision played in front of her. Once the vision was completed, she smiled, and then laughed, "He's right, our family will be fine." She said looking over at Edward, who was smiling just as she was.
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