Fantastic Posing Greed


Just because you couldn’t remember, everything had to change. It doesn’t make sense.

If it wasn’t one thing, it would’ve been another.

I thought I at least would have deserved a good-bye, but I guess I’m not worthy of that either.

You left when I needed you, when the fans expected us to figuratively blow their minds with a new record, that’s when you decided that it would be best to leave.

Start making sense for once in your life. I could’ve helped you remember.

As for what you were doing...I can’t really give you an answer to that one. I don’t know what you were doing. I don’t think anyone ever knew what you were doing, but we went with it.

You wanted to make music and, as far as I know, you wanted me. That’s all you wanted. At least, that’s all you told me...there might’ve been more, but I can’t help you remember that.

Furthermore, I don’t remember giving up what we had. What a contradiction. One of us doesn’t remember having it, the other doesn’t remember giving it up.

Maybe that’s why neither of us ever knew where we stood in our relationship.

Sometimes, I think the fans knew us better than we did.

And to a certain extent, maybe they did. They might’ve seen what we couldn’t. But how we would ever know that?

I’m at a loss of words here.

Maybe the thing that made you supposedly forget things didn’t really make you forget at all. Maybe you were scared.

But, tell me, what was there to be scared of?

You didn’t want to fall in love, but you did. That’s why you ran, isn’t it?

I wouldn’t look for you if given the opportunity right now, so you don’t have to worry about that.

And don’t tell me you’re sorry if you can’t say it to my face.

Get over yourself.
♠ ♠ ♠
And the second part...

well, what did you think?