Status: Complete

Don't Worry About It

One Shot

Dedication to: Morgan (MidEvil_Vampire)

Morgan was sitting in front of her desktop computer, just waiting, for something to do. It
would be tomorrow night that her boyfriend, of 7 years, would be home from his demanding
job. She sighed, for what felt like the millionth time tonight, and looked at the clock again.
She was currently waiting for a call from this said boyfriend, one she knew, deep down
inside, would never come. She ran her fingers through her hair, freshly died. She kept her
normally color, brown, but added blonde streaks through her hair.

She hated wasting time, which, essentially she was doing right now. She knew she could be
doing better things than playing solitaire and glancing at the clock every five seconds. Yet,
she just kept waiting and waiting, for that damn phone to ring.

When it finally did ring, she all but lunged at the phone. “Matt?”

“Geez, girlie,” she heard Gena’s voice from the other line

“Gena, what do you want?” she sighed angrily.

“I just wanted to see if Matt was home yet,” she answered innocently.

“Gena,” she sighed “No, he’s not” Morgan decided she really didn’t want to hear anything
else, so, she hung up.

See, the thing is that Morgan’s boyfriend, Matt, and Gena’s boyfriend, Zacky, are in the same
band. They just finished an 8-month long tour, promoting their new album. Matt and Zacky
were the only two members who also had to do a radio interview tomorrow morning, before
they came home.

Morgan couldn’t get it out of her head, as to why, Zacky had enough time to come home for 6
hours and then would head out tomorrow morning, but Matt was no where to be seen or
heard from.

11:54 pm rang out in big red letters as she glanced at the clock again. Sighing to herself she
made a vow.

“If he isn’t here by midnight, I’m going to bed,” she said aloud. In the back of her mind she
knew she shouldn’t give him the satisfaction of six more minutes. Even if it was a small
amount of time, he had made her wait since 8 o’clock this morning when he called, saying
he’d be home soon.

Most girlfriends would be worried about their boyfriends, not showing up for more than 12
hours, but she had heard from everyone else that he would be home soon. Apparently he
left Brian’s house at 1 in the afternoon, then went to Jimmy’s for about 2 hours, then to
Johnny’s for about 1 hour, then, according to Gena, he left Zacky and Gena’s house at 8

He didn’t even call me, not once, well, since this morning. She looked to the clock again and
saw that five minutes have pasted. She decided for one last time she would try to call him.

The phone kept ringing and ringing, with no sign of anyone picking up. She hung up the
phone angrily when she heard his voicemail come through. She got up from the chair and
walked down stairs. Locking all of the doors and windows, she walked back up to her and
Matt’s bedroom and went straight to the bathroom.

Walking out of the bathroom connected into the dark bedroom, she saw someone or
something quickly dart into the closet. Getting the shit scared out of her, she ducked into the
corner of the room and grabbed her baseball bat.

After gaining her courage, she decided to go find, whoever this was, in her closet.

‘God, I wish Matt was here’ She said inside her head ‘He would be so much better at

She swallowed her fears, in this moment, and walked slowly over to the closet door.

She opened it quickly and ran in screaming “What are you doing here!” She swung as hard
as she could and connected her bat with this stranger “How did you get in?” Another forceful
blow hit the person in the knee.

She went to wind up again but heard a voice “Shit, whoa, babe, Morgan, it’s me, Matt”

“What” She screamed out again.

“Babe, it’s me, Matt”

“Matt?” She questioned as she gasped.

“Yes, babe, it’s me” Once Morgan heard this, she ran over to the light switch

Once the lights filled in the closed, walk in closet, she gasped “Shit Matt, what the hell?” She
exclaimed “Are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack?”

“No” he groaned, as he sat still in his position, which was sitting on the floor, against the
wall, clutching his stomach. When Morgan finally focused her full attention on her boyfriend,
she couldn’t help but feel a huge wave, a monsoon, if you will, of guilt crashing down over

She sighed, as she walked out of the bedroom all together and down to the kitchen. She
grabbed as many as ice packs as her small arms could, then marched her way back to the
bedroom. She threw the ice packs on the bed and made her way over to the closet.

“I thought you were going to leave me here,” Matt panted

“I should after what you did,” She nearly yelled. She went over to him, and held out her two
petite hands. His hands slowly left his stomach and lightly grasped onto hers. He tried not to
pull her into him, or make her loose her balance. He mainly used the wall behind him to help him, grunting and moaning as his bruised abs flexed with each move he made. “Go sit on the bed,” she mumbled and tried to pull her hands away from him, but he wasn’t having it. He just pulled her along, slowly, he was gonna try to pull her into him, but he didn’t want any more bruises. “Lift up your shirt” She said somberly as she finally freed her hands from his.

She walked into the bathroom and grabbed a couple of towels “Lay on your back,” she
stated in the same monotone voice. It was safe to say that Matt was a little more than a little
scared. He had never seen his girlfriend this calm before. When Matt finally lay down,
Morgan placed two of the hand towels on his abs. He watched her intently as she grabbed
each ice pack and broke up the stuff that was inside.

Once she finally had five ice packs laid out, on his stomach, she grabbed another hand
towel and covered the ice packs. Her hands lingered there for only just one second, but Matt
was quick and he grabbed her hands and held it snuggly in his hand. “Why were you late?
Where were you? Why didn’t you call?” the questions just started to shoot out of her mouth.
“Why were you the only one who wasn’t home? Where were you?” She repeated

“I was . . . I was” Matt stuttered

“You were?”

“I was . . .” He finally gave up trying to come up with an excuse. “Don’t worry about it” he

“Don’t worry about it? Are you fucking kidding me?” She screamed in his face. She swiftly
pulled away from him and back over to the closet. “You are such a fucking bastard. I spend
all day worrying and thinking of you, and then you fucking tell me to not worry about it?” She
grabbed a spare pillow and a spare comforter. When she walked back into the bedroom,
she didn’t look at or talk to Matt. The only thing she did was walk out of the bedroom.

She didn’t even flinch, let alone stop, when she heard Matt “Morgan, where are you going?”

“Don’t fucking worry about it” Morgan screamed up the steps

Morgan couldn’t help but think of the places where he could have been. For all she knew he
was cheating on her. ‘No, no that can’t be it,’ she said inside her head. ‘He would
never do that, right?’

She signed and placed the pillow on the couch and spread out the comforter on the huge
couch. She pulled back one corner of the covers and slipped her way in. It wasn’t hard to get
comfortable on this couch.

Soon, she found herself slipping away into dream land


Morgan spent the majority of her morning downstairs. She really had no desire to see or
speak to Matt. She cleaned nearly everything downstairs, from the bathrooms to the dining
rooms, kitchen to the laundry room. When she was done, Morgan walked into the kitchen
and made herself a bowl of cereal.

Once she was done with her bowl of cereal and coffee cup, she placed both in the sink, and
decided to go change out of her pajamas.

As slowly as she could, she made her way to up to the bedroom. When she did finally get to
her bedroom, she gathered her pride and opened the door.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Matt on the bed, probably still asleep. She bolted into
the closet, quickly picking out an outfit. She didn’t even want to chance
that he would wake up, so she stayed in the closet, doors open, and changed right where
she was.

What Morgan didn’t know, was that Matt was awake and watching her with intent eyes. Matt
always did love her body, hell; it’s what attracted him to her in the first place. He could feel
himself getting aroused, as she slipped off her robe. What she had on underneath it
though, man, it nearly killed him. He saw her slowly remove her boy shorts, as she stuck her
butt out towards him. To him, it was like she knew he was watching her, which made him
even hotter. Next came her top, as she slowly untied the back, he had to fight to not touch
himself; instead he grasped a bundle of sheets in each massive hand. Morgan had always
did this to him, no one else has every done this to him, never made him this crazy when he
couldn’t touch them.

She walked to the set of drawers, which are in the center of the
room and searched through them for some underwear. When she found what she wanted, she quickly slipped on her panties.

Matt had to look away at this point, if he didn’t, he probably would have jumped her right
there. He tried so hard to think of anything that would make his erection go away, but
knowing that his girlfriend was less than ten feet away from him, naked, he couldn’t take it
anymore. He ran as quickly, and quietly, as he could in to the bathroom.

Morgan heard movement behind her, after she slipped on her jeans; she turned around and
saw that the bed was now empty. She wondered if he had been watching her, but instead of
dwelling on it too much, she went back to getting herself changed. She slipped on her
shoes, after she pulled on her top, and then walked out into the bedroom.

She saw that he was in the shower, and went over to tell him goodbye

“I’m going out for a while, I’ll be back later”

“Where are you going?” Matt asked, peeking around the shower curtain with a concerned
look on his face.

“Don’t worry about it,” She spat, she knew it was uncalled for, but she was gonna show him
how much it hurt her when he said the exact same thing. “I’ll be back later. Who knows,
maybe not until midnight, with out as much as a call” Her usually brilliant blue eyes now
mixed with a grey, to dull them out tremendously. Their eyes locked for a couple of seconds
before Matt nodded, and Morgan left.

Truth was Morgan was only going to the local grocery store to stock up on food.


Morgan walked back into the house nearly four hours later with her hands full of grocery
bags. Out of breathe from the heavy items in the bags; she set them down on the kitchen

“So, is that where you were for four hours?” Morgan jumped


“I asked is that where you were for four hours, the grocery store?”

“We were low on food, so I decided to go get food before you started to complain” She said,
as she walked back out to the car. She grabbed the last four bags in her tiny arms and went
to turn around, but ran into Matt’s broad chest. He grabbed the four bags easily and walked
towards the house. Stunned, Morgan stood there for a minute or two before she gained her
composure and shut the trunk door.

When she walked back into the house, she quietly closed the door, her eyes nearly popped
out of her head when she saw Matt putting the food away.

“Thanks” she mumbled and began to help him.

“No worries” He said looking at her.

Morgan finally had the last items in her hand. They were a box of sugar packets for her
coffee in the morning and a couple new coffee cups. She stood on her tippy toes to reach
the top shelf. Sighing, she knew she wouldn’t be able to reach it on just her toes. She set the items on the counter and climbed on the counter. She steadied herself and grabbed the
items. Just as she was about to put the last coffee cup, her left knee slipped off the counter
and started to fall.

Matt saw this happening and quickly ran over to her, catching her before she even had time
to scream.

“You okay” Matt said huskily

“Yeah,” she nodded. He pulled her off the counter and set her down on the ground “um,
thanks” she mumbled, letting her arms fall from his neck.

“No worries” he mumbled, hands still on her hips. Matt debated weather or not to kiss her,
but soon gave up and pushed his lips on hers. He pulled her to him as much as he could
and wrapped his arms around her hips.

Feeling the passion rippling through his whole body, Matt quickly picked up Morgan and
carried her through the house.

Morgan locked her ankles around his waist, and started kissing Matt’s neck. “Baby” Morgan
moaned; as Matt passed the couch, where she thought he was gonna go.

Instead Matt made his way up the steps, grunting every now and then since his knee was
still killing him. Once they were outside the bedroom door, Matt set Morgan down. She looked at him confused, but he just turned her around and returned the favor of kiss her
neck. He reached for the door handle and threw the door open, leading her in.

Reluctantly, Matt withdrew his mouth from her neck and walked around her.

Morgan’s eyes finally opened when she head a drawer open and then close. She gasped at
the sight before her. Everywhere in the room was lavender candles, brightening up the dark
room, all over the floor were purple rose petals, including the bed. The sheets on the bed
were changed from the original simple green sheets to the sexy, sultry white silk sheets.

Morgan smiled at the theme, which definitely was purple, Morgan’s favorite color. She finally
looked over to Matt, who was leaning against the wall. She walked over to him and kissed
him passionately on the lips.

“You did all of this?” She asked once they pulled away from each other. Matt just nodded, as
he grabbed her one hand and dropped something in her palm.

“Open it,” he instructed

Morgan did as she was told and opened the bag, once she saw the item in the bag, she
started to cry. “Matt,”

“I had a whole beautiful night planned, but you are way to passionate for your own good” he

“Baby, it’s beautif

“Morgan” he whispered, catching her eye “I’m sorry I was gone the whole day, I’m sorry for
keeping you waiting. I spent the whole day, driving around all of California trying to hunt
down the perfect ring” he cleared his throat. Delicately, Matt picked up the ring from his
girlfriends palm. In front of her, he got down on one knee and looked up to her. “Morgan, you
and I are different; you are the best thing to ever happen to me. You aren’t scared to give me
shit back, when I start to get an attitude”

“Like last night” Morgan mumbled

“Yes, like last night. I know that this is gonna sound cliché, but I can’t see myself with anyone else. You are crazy, passionate about everything that you are involved with and I can’t help but love you more and more everyday, for that exact reason. Will you marry me?” Matt finished, letting his dimples show as he smiled.

All Morgan could do was nod, being as she didn’t trust her voice. Matt’s smiled depended as he stood up and kissed her deeply. He pulled away for just one second and slid the ring on her ring finger.

He smiled once more, as he picked her up again and brought her over to the bed.

“Babe, didn’t you have an interview this morning?” Morgan moaned out as Matt sucked hard
on her collar bone.

Matt slowly pulled away from her and looked her in the eyes “I'm not gonna worry about it” Matt said as he smiled and pushed Morgan back on the bed.