Sequel: Lamps and Cheeseposts

Cheese and Lamposts

Billie and school

*Bekah’s P.O.V.*
The next morning, I woke up to the smell of something burning. I walked into the kitchen to find Billie staring disappointedly at a sheet pan of bacon.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Well, I once again was attempting to make breakfast for you, but umm…” he said looking back at the bacon.
“Babe, I really appreciate you trying to make breakfast for me, but you’re just wasting food,”
“Do you want to do get something then? Maybe we can go shopping after or something,”
“Yes to the first, fuck no to the second. I am NOT going out with all those damn people,”
“Okay, I’ll go get dressed. Decide where you want to eat,”
Later that day, after we were done eating, we decided to go by Amy’s house.
“So what are we doing for New Years?” Amy asked.
“I don’t know. I don’t really want to go out though,” I said.
“Then whose house?” Amy asked.
“Mine?” Billie offered.
“Why not? Everything else is,” Amy said laughing.
“Alright. Just remind me to tell my mom,” Billie said laughing as well.
*New Years Eve*
At Billie’s house, we had the T.V. on and we were just talking and acting stupid. The guys were starting to get drunk and I think I was too. When it got closer to midnight we calmed down a bit and decided we’d watch the ball drop.
“5…4…3…2…1…” we all said as we counted down.
“Happy ne-“ I started to say but got cut off when Billie placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me.
“Happy new year Baby,” he said placing another light kiss on my lips.
“I love you,” I said softly. We pulled away and noticed Mike and Amy and Tré and Taylor had just pulled away from kisses as well.
“Well that was a great start to a new year,” Mike said.
“I agree,” Tré added.
“So are you guys staying over?” Billie asked.
“Yeah, stay here!” I said.
“Then how are we sleeping? We have three bedrooms,”
“Me and you in your room, Amy and Mike in his, and Taylor and Tré can have mine,” I said.
“Fine with me,” everyone agreed.

*Amy’s P.O.V.*
We had been back in school for a couple of weeks now and we were all starting the year off good. All of us except for Billie that is. Bekah said his grades were dropping. She thinks it’s because he’s focusing on the band right now and frankly he just doesn’t care about school. I’ve noticed he’s missed a lot of school lately too. Towards the end of January Billie started talking about dropping out.

*Billie’s P.O.V.*
“Will you sign this?”
“What is this?” my mom asked.
“The form I have to turn in to drop out,” I said.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do Billie? One hundred percent sure?”
“Yeah, you know I want to focus on the band right now,”
“I know honey,” she said as she signed her name. “There,” she said handing the form back to me that I now had to have my teachers sign.
“I guess I’ll have to actually have to go to school tomorrow,” I said walking back to my room.
The next day I went up to school and had all my teachers sign. I only had one left, my English teacher.
“Sign this please,” I said pushing the form towards her on her desk. She looked over then up at me.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“Billie…Billie Joe Armstrong. I’ve been in your class for the past three years,”
“Oh, umm… okay then. Here you go,” she said handing back the now completely filled out form. I walked to the office and handed it to the lady at the front desk.
“What is today’s date?” she asked signing the bottom. I sighed and then answered.
“Friday, February the sixteenth,” I said solemnly as tomorrow would be my eighteenth birthday.
I noticed it was close to lunch time so I went to sit at the table that we usually sat at and waited for everyone.
“Well it’s done. Where’s Mike?” I said as Bekah and Amy sat down.
“He has to make up a test that he missed and what’s done?” Amy asked.
“So you turned it in?” Bekah asked.
“Yeah. I am officially a high school drop out,” I said.
“Oh, I see,” Amy said.
“Well, I should head home. I’m meeting Tré at two to work on some songs,” I said.
“Bye, Babe,” Bekah said as we kissed and I headed to my car.

*Bekah’s P.O.V. *
“So…” I said slightly annoyed.
“You don’t like it, do you?” Amy asked.
“Like what?”
“The fact that he dropped out,”
I sighed, “No. But it’s not like I can do anything about it. Plus I know he really wants to focus on the band right now. They’re supposed to be touring this summer so they need all the practice they can get,”
“They’re touring? Why hasn’t Mike said anything to me about it?”
“Because it isn’t officially set yet. Billie was hesitant about telling me. I think they just didn’t want to get our hopes up or anything if it didn’t happen,” I explained.
“Oh, I see,”
“Yeah, well I should get to class. I’ll see you after school. Oh yeah, before I forget, we’re having a, well what’s supposed to be, a surprise party for Billie tomorrow night at the house. Ollie and I are hoping he’s been so focused on the band that he won’t think we’re up to anything. Anyways, you wanna come?”
“Yeah, of course. What time?”
“Around five thirty,”
“Kay, see you later!” Amy said as I headed to class.

*Billie’s P.O.V.*
“Hey, sorry I’m late. I stayed a little while longer because the girls were having lunch,”
“It’s okay. Did Bekah seem upset?” he asked.
“She didn’t seem like it but I know she was. I think she understands why I did it though. At least, I hope she does. I’m probably going to talk about it with her when she gets home today,”
“That’s probably a good idea. Now, we need to get started,” Tré said taking a seat behind his kit as I picked up blue. We had gotten through a few songs when I heard the phone ring and then my mom yell down the stairs that it was for me.
“I’ll be right back,”
“Kay, man,” Tré said continuing his drumming.
When I got up the stairs I grabbed the phone. “Hello?”
“Hey Billie, what’s up? This is Larry, you know, tour guy?”
“Oh hey! Not a lot here. Tré and I were just going over some songs. What about you man? How have you been?”
“I’m great and I've got some great news for you,”
“R-really?” I asked anxiously.
“Yup. I have a bunch of different places ready to book you if you guys are still up for the tour. The only problem is that you will have to find your own transportation for you and your equipment,”
“Yeah, of course we still want to. Let me call you back when Mike gets home and I’ll see what I can do. Thanks man. I really appreciate it,”
“No problem. I’ll talk to you later then,”
“Alright, thanks again. Bye,” I said hanging up the phone. About fifteen minutes later, Mike got home.
“Hey, did you guys get anything done?” he asked as he walked down the stairs grabbing his bass.
“Yeah, I also got a phone call earlier,” I said.
“From who?” Mike asked.
“You mean the guy that wanted to get us to tour?” Mike said excitedly.
“Yup. He said that he’s got people ready to book us as long as we’re up for it,”
“Seriously? That’s awesome! Of course we’re up for it! Right Tré?” Mike said to Tré.
“Hell yeah! When is it?”
“Well it would be over the summer. But there’s one problem,”
“What? What is it? We can take care of it,” Mike said.
“We have to get transportation for both us and our equipment,” I said.
“Easy. My dad has that old bookmobile. I’ll see if we can use it. It’s big enough for like eight people and since we only have what’s right here, it should be big enough for us and our stuff,”
“Great, talk to you dad and let me know so I can call Larry back with a definite answer,”
“I’ll go call him right now,” Tré said as he headed up the stairs to call his dad.
“So if this official, when are we going to tell the girls?” Mike asked.
“I guess we could take them out to dinner and tell them. Where should we go?”
“I’ll ask Bekah, I’ll just tell her we want to go have dinner and for them to pick something nice,”
“Good idea,” Mike said as Tré came back down the stairs.
“What did he say?” I asked.
“Yeah, he said he would even drive us!”
“Great! I’ll go call Larry right now. Mike will you call Bekah for me?”
“Yeah sure,” he said as I headed upstairs to call Larry.
“Hello?” he answered.
“Hey Larry, it’s Billie,”
“Hey Bill, what’s up?”
“Umm… I talked to the guys and everything is great. We’ve got transportation already,”
“That’s great. I’ll start calling everyone right now to get the dates set,”
“When is the tour going to start?”
“May twenty-ninth,”
“That’s perfect; school lets out on the twenty-fifth,”
“I though you dropped out?”
“I did, but Mike is still in school. Oh, one thing I was going to ask you, umm…would it be a problem if maybe Bekah came with us?”
“Not at all, just as long as there’s room in your means of transportation,”
“Great. Thanks Larry. I’ll call you later,”
“Bye Billie,”

*Mike’s P.O.V.*
“Hello?” Bekah said answering.
“Hey Bekah, it’s Mike,”
“Oh, hey Mike, what’s up?”
“Billie wanted me to call you and tell you that we want to take you girls out to eat tonight and for you, Amy, and, Taylor to decide on a nice place to go eat,”
“Oh, well, what’s the occasion?”
“We can’t take you girls out to eat just because we love you?”
“Yeah, you could but I know something’s up. Anyways, I’ll call Amy and Taylor and we’ll figure some place out okay?”
“Kay. We’ll be by to pick you up at seven, is that okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll call you at five, okay wow that’s in fifteen minutes, but I’ll call you at five to let you know where we’ve picked,”
“Kay, later Bekah,”
“Bye Mike!
“Alright, everything is set. I just called Larry and he said he’d call and book us at all the places. Oh, and Tré, with all of our equipment, how many people you think could fit in the bookmobile?” I asked.
“Umm… probably about five people. It’s just both of your amps, 2 guitars and my kit right?”
“Then yeah, around five people if you want there to be a little room,”
“Okay, cause I was going to ask you guys about something,”
“Yeah? What is it?” they asked.
“ Would you guys mind if I asked Bekah to come with us?”
“No, not at all. I think it would be good if she did, help us keep things at least a little organized but still kind of like another one of the guys,” Mike answered.
“Yeah, I agree,” Tré added.
“Alright thanks. I’ll ask Bekah about it tonight after dinner,” I said.