The Half-Blood Princess


People have a way of changing your life. Their attitudes, positive and negative, can change your actions and attitude.

She inherited her brother’s hatred, although it wasn’t exactly undeserved.

Life is too uncertain. There are too many paths. Too many choices. Too many ‘what if’s.’

What if…he never hated her because of her brother?
Would they have meet? Would he have paid her any attention? Would he have loved her?

What if...he hadn’t pranked her that first time?
Would she have met Regulus? Would she have been sorted in the same way?

What if...she hadn’t been a Slytherin?

But eventually, there is no more time for second guessing. Eventually, your choices led you down a path from which you couldn’t return.

She’d reached the end of her path.

And as the dark, hooded creature loomed ever closer to her, as cold surrounded her, as she slowly lost every happy memory, she knew that this was her path because she’d chosen it. From that first meeting, she’d already begun her way to this very moment.

She had heard of him and his friends from the numerous, ranting letters her brother had sent her during the previous school year. It was finally her chance to get out of their home on Spinner's End and attend Hogwarts.

Adelia Snape had no idea what to expect when she got there. What she got, she never expected in her wildest dreams.

A few days before she was to start Hogwarts, her brother took her to Diagon Alley to get her school supplies. She soon lost her brother among the shelves of Flourish and Blotts and decided to get the rest of her supplies herself. She didn't want to distract her brother when he was clearly enjoying himself.

The streets of Diagon Alley were, unfortunately for Adelia, not smooth and paved. So of course she tripped over one of the uneven edges, spilling her books and quills every where.

The wizards and witches walked by the small, pale girl scurrying to pick up her books without a passing glance. And then suddenly, another pair of hands appeared, helping gather her supplies for her.

"Thank you," she said softly.

The wizard stood up and offered the girl his hand with a smile.

Adelia didn’t know it then but this was the moment that would change her life. There were two paths here.

She could take his hand or she could simply ignore it and get up by herself.
At the time it was a simple choice, but soon it would become the catalyst to darker, more complex decisions.

Shakily, she took his outstretched hand and looked into the eyes of the Good Samaritan who had helped her.

"You're welcome," he replied with that smile still firmly on his face, "I didn't catch your name." His voice was smooth and sounded almost regal, as if he spent his time conversing with kings and queens.

"Adelia." She replied quietly. "And you are?-"

"Black! Get away from my sister!" The pair turned and instantly upon seeing her brother standing before them, the charming smile on the boy's face dropped and instead turned to a sinister snarl. The boy dropped her hand and scoffed.

"If I had known that she was your sister," he sent her a look of distain, "I wouldn't have wasted my time."

Severus reached forward and pulled his sister back, away from the boy, and pushed her behind him. He stood, blocking her from view, with his wand outstretched protectively.

"Sirius!" The boy turned at the call and nodded to the three boys that were standing further up the street.

"I'll see you at school Snivellus." The boy smiled, but there was only cruelty in his eyes. He peered around Severus to look at the girl, "You too, Adelia."

Sev didn't relax his stance until the boy was out of their sight. When he was, Sev whirled around to face her.

"Don't ever talk to him. Don't look at him. Once we get to Hogwarts, stay away from him," Sev said darkly.

"Who was he?"

"Sirius Black." Her brother spit venomously.

She didn’t know it then, but Sirius Black would change her life. For better or worse, that was for her to decide when the moment came.