‹ Prequel: Perfect strangers
Status: In Progress...

Perfect Strangers: I Never Knew You.

Rhys - Last Visit

Rhys's POV.

I found my self tearing away from happiness again, away from Shaun to go and see her, mum. The same familiar room was chilling, she was there in her chair at this time of night. I wasn't ment to be here not at the hour but I had to tell her, I had to make sure she knew why I wasn't going to be coming back to see her... ever again.

"I'm not going to let you haunt me any more, I wont let you plague me with your sickness. I'm happy, me... who knew, but its true mum." I said it, but it wasn't right. It still made me cry no matter how much I needed to say this how much I hated her... I loved her. "Mum listen to me." I crouched down to look into her face, blank as always.

I knew she wasn't going to listen to me, I got up and sobbed as I made my way from the room, but a faint noise came from behind me, faint at first then shouting.

"What are you doing here? they said I couldn't fly, I'll show them I will. Peas in a pod boy, blood you know? She said turning her head so she was looking at me.

"Why cant you be my mum again, not some crazy stranger?" I cried leaving the room and closing the door behind me. "Good bye mum" I whispered.

* * *

"Where have you been... oh my god, I woke up and you were gone. I... I..." Shaun sobbed as I entered to room. Everything looked different, all messy... he must have searched the room for my like he lost his keys or something. I didn't leave him a note, I hated to see him so upset. What would I do if he disappeared in the night.

"Oh babe I'm sorry, I just went to see mum."

"At this time," He said holding up his phone to check the time, 1:37 am. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Shaun, I just wanted to say goodbye so we could leave in the morning."

He didn't say anything, he just got up of the couch which he was sitting on and hugged me, I wanted to cry... I didn't notice I was already.

"Rhys, your crying? You sure your okay?"

"I'm great, I have you," I said wiping my eyes dry, "and you just made it better, you know I just noticed your still wearing pants, though the lack of shirt *growls*"

"I don't see what that has to do with any... oh." He paused and giggled, I loved it when he did that. He gave me a real shy look and bit his lip. Man I was lucky he was still mine, and yes I know using sex to avoid the topic was not cool but I really didn't want to talk about it now.

I took a run at him and 'fake' tackled him into the long couch, he giggled again as I landed on top of him. My lips pressed firmly against his, soft and warm with a sweet taste, I loved to kiss Shaun, it was by far my favorite thing to do, well top 5... and all 5 had to do with him. His hand wrapped around me and rested on my back as I nibbled along his bottom lip. I could feel him warmth as I started sucking my way down his neck. I had forgotten how tired I was now, he was so yummy I wanted to eat him up.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Dumb phone, hey wait... its not mine.

"Sorry, thats me." he hesitated on answering, then rolled onto his side and clicked 'answer'. "Hello," Shaun sat up and walked over to the other side of the room while the other person talked to him. "Okay, well we will be home soon, is everything... Okay, yeah... should be home around 3/3:30pm."

I wanted to know what was going on, but before he had hung up on the caller my body had remembered how tired I really was, I remember blinking and then... I was asleep.