‹ Prequel: Perfect strangers
Status: In Progress...

Perfect Strangers: I Never Knew You.

Christian - Hitch Hiking and Pie

Christian's POV.

"More pie sugar?" Ellie-Ray said from behind her book. She had warm red hair the framed her face and a strong okkie accent that made her sound very motherly.

"No I'm fine, just tell the cute waitress I'm waiting for her to finish her shift." I smiled, standing up from the corner booth.

"Oh Chris, its you." She laughed, "give me a sec to get my things from the back and tell Al' that I'm leaving."

"Slight problem Ellie-Ray, Car died." I said putting on a sad face, "so it looks like we have to hitch hike, hope its OK?"

I already knew what she was going to say...

"Hell yeah, we get to me a whole bunch of people that way, yeah?" she smiled and dashed out the back of the small cafe'.

* * *

Finally a car pulled up a few feet in front, I felt like we had been walking for ages. My feet were starting to kill, I'm sure Ellie-Ray was hurting to.

"Thank god, I thought we'd have to walk all the way." Ellie-Ray said leaning into to the car and speaking to the driver, he was tall from what I could see and good looking.

"Where are you headed?" The driver whispered over the sleeping passenger in the front seat. His face was covered by a thick black pair of sunglasses and his head tucked into a hood, but I could tell he was cute.

"Just down south, we both go to school down there. Ummm, whats it called Chris?" Ellie-Ray asked me.

"Willow-Wood Hill, performing arts College." I said lugging our bags into the boot of the guys car. " Ellie's first year, my second."

"No way, that's where were going." the driver said helping us with our things.

"Really?, your going to Willow-Wood to?" Ellie-Ray said taking seat behind the passengers seat. Her Strong okkie accent made me smile.

"Well not so much me, but he is," the driver said pointing at the sleeping passenger. "You should here him sing."

"You should see Chris act!" Ellie-Ray said patting me on the shoulder, "My names Ellie-Ray, Elly for short and this is Chris." she hit me again, this time a little harder.

"Christian." I corrected her.

"I'm Rhys, nice to meet the two of you." He said as we took of down the highway. "Take care of him would you, its been a... he's been through alot the last year." he said nodding at the passenger. Who moaned in his sleep, and tossed his head to his other shoulder.