‹ Prequel: Perfect strangers
Status: In Progress...

Perfect Strangers: I Never Knew You.

Rhys - Something Great, Something Better

Rhys's POV.
So I had lied to Shaun, it was just a little white lie. I wasn't going to the dumb community college. Well at least not today, I had in-rolled but was planning a trip with the band to get our name out there... the problem was we were short a singer. I had left it up to the others to get together some potentials, but who could replace the voice of Shaun. The trip home was worse then I thought it would be, it fully drained me, by the time I was sitting down ready to listen to the “potentials” my eyes were heavy. I knew it wasn't’t fair but they really had to make an impression on me now. I didn't’t even get to meet them or even see them before I went into the audition room (the garage). Who knew what kind of singer they had found?

The first few were really bad, wannabes who thought they could sing, but really really couldn't’t, the last girl’s voice... it was like a cat dying, screaming for its life. Then there was Jesse’, I had never in my life herd a voice like hers. It was intense and powerful, yet so beautiful it was so emotional. She was the one for sure, the only one who could replace Shaun and make the band even better. Did it make me a bad boyfriend for thinking that, even though Shaun was great, Jesse was so much better, musically.

“You’re so amazing Jesse, your voice it’s perfect for the band.” I said hugging her. We had only just met but I couldn't’t help myself. She didn't’t mind, she even hugged back. We already had a bond which surprised me. I knew she was perfect for the job. "So, if you like the job is yours?" I said looking back to make sure the others agreed, they both nodded and smiled.

"Really, oh my god, thank you so much... its perfect. Thank you thank you, so much." She said shaking my hand and then hugging me again. I got a strange feeling in my gut, I knew this was right.

"One thing, were leaving tomorrow..." Chad said biting down on one of the drum sticks.

"Yeah we got to get out of here, before the schools start looking for us." Tara laughed messing Chads hair.

"That's not a problem with me, the sooner the better. I cant wait to get out of the place." Jesse said, excited but less surprised then I though she would be. There was defiantly something special about this girl, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Something in my gut didn't sit well but I knew it was right.
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A short chapter, I needed away to introduce the new character Jesse.