‹ Prequel: Perfect strangers
Status: In Progress...

Perfect Strangers: I Never Knew You.

Shaun - Ghosts

Shaun's POV.

How could I have done that in front of the whole class on the first day. I just wanted to crawl up into a little ball and die. I could feel the heat of my blushing cheeks as the cold air whipped at my face as I sprinted across the campus to the dorm rooms. I couldn't face them not now or ever again.

He really was good though, I was fighting the whole time not to look at him or touch him, or kiss him? What was I thinking, I had Rhys... but there just thoughts right they cant do anything, hurt anyone. As long as I kept them to myself, it was okay right? I mean I would never do anything to hurt Rhys, not that Christian would want me, I don't even think hes gay, just a nice guy.

Distracted by my thoughts, I ran smack into a teacher dressed in an expensive looking brown coat, I knew it was a teacher because of the brief case I sent flying from his hand, papers flew every where as the leather brief case crashed against the stone path. I immediately drooped to pick up the papers, spurting out apologize every second. Until I lifted up my hand to return and hand full of papers.

"Sorry, umm here... Oh my God, you?" I stammered haunted by the face of the man.

"You!" he said loud enough that a group of passing kids jumped and walked away faster. He paused and dusted himself off, "Ahh it must be fate that you would get into this school." He laughed still looking very pissed to see me, he raised an eyebrow to look me over once and then grinned, an oh so familiar grin that I thought I would never see again.

"But, how... I thought you... left." I stammered falling back against a building.

"I did, then I herd something..." He broke and looked away from me, his face returning to pissed. "So I came back, I'm teaching her for a while."

I didn't know what to say, how could this happen now, why was he back. Now I was going to be haunted by the old days once again. It didn't make sense, how was this possible, how was he back. I closed my eyes hopping I was imagining it, squeezing them as tight as possible but he was still there when I opened them.

"I'm not going away Shaun, I'm here... its fate that I should be able to right past wrongs, so for now I will let you go, but remember I will be around and watching you." He laughed entering the building I was leaning against.

Whoa, creepy guy, Who's that?" The okkie voice of Ellie-ray came from behind.

"Just a ghost from my past." I said grabbing my book bag and running to the pond at the far end of the campus.